plsql - Can you use oracle table spaces like variable -

I'm new to Oracle, I have two tablespaces for God and one for living.

Is there a way that I can have a variable in the package header, which has a tablepace name, which can then be used from the processes defined in the package headers?

I need to do this because I have to query the tables in tablespaceby through the processes for tablespace (Tablespace A). Dev Tablespaceby has a separate table space name, so I was hoping that I can declare a variable in the package headers like

Tablespace temp = "TableSpaceName" <

Tableplaces are an administrative item: They are a way of logically grouping the collection without the need to worry about foldpaths or other administrators.

With your modified question it is clear that Tony is right and what do you mean by schema . There is a set of schema-owned items when the user needs to refer to an owner owned by a schema schema, owned by User A. There are two ways to do this. The first method is to name the schema to the hardcod.

  Select * from user_b.emp;  

This is usually okay, but you will not work in the description scenario, where there is a different name in different environments in other schemas (B instead of C.).

The path around this problem is to use the synonyms.

  choose * from select_my_emp *;  

Dev will have synonyms:

create not_my_emp while in production This can be

  creating synonym not_my_emp for username_myemem  

The table may also have a separate table in production, it does not matter. Synonyms work as an interface so that our objects can be saved from the dirty details of other schemas.

Note that an option does not give privileges to the underlying object. This means that the USARB has to empower the EMP in the development and the USAC will have to give the privilege in production.


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