What is an appropriate list of HTML elements that one should style in an site's CSS? -

When designing the base styles for a site, all of them need to address all the different HTML elements Should try that can come in use. This is especially true when developing a skin for a CMS, where the WYSIWYG editor of the administration can start the elements that you did not employ on (strong, them, strikes ... etc).

Anyone should know the stylesheet in the list of HTML elements?

I'm thinking that this is in a situation where you can not rely on browser defaults or using reset style sheets

answer I see I am either an existing resource or article where someone seems to solve it. Or, a CMS theme that does a particularly good job of handling different elements.

I think we can make a definitive list here if these resources are not present or incompatible.


1) It may join the community wiki, and I will move it there if it is a consensus though, I believe this is a solid answer There is a specific problem with

2) Almost it had to be taken to the docotype, but I do not think it is a design question. This is a development question.

3) It is not that when and why you should use one element but be prepared to handle the elements.

Always use semantic HTML, use the CSS option of all the deprecated elements

See this article <


I found this editor useful. This editor can be styled for all available HTML elemnts


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