iphone - How to Prevent Multiple UIAlertView Alerts from Popping Up at Once? -

There are three tabs in my tabbar application, each has its own shipping structure, many of my app load data via web service calls This notice registers this notification when the view app is active so that they can reload the data so that they can reload the data:

  [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver: self Selector: @selector (reloadView) Name: UIApplicationDidBecomeActiveNotification Object: No];  

When the app is activated, these ideas all attempt to reload their data; However, if there is no internet connection, the errors are captured and shown to the UILart user. The problem is that if 3 attempts to reload the data from these 3 views, 3 warning messages are popped up.

How do I stop multiple alerts by popping up from a user?

I appreciate all my thoughts, ideas and suggestions!

Thank you!

EDIT: I tried to delete it in my app, but even using this method, I get many popups.

  - (zero) displayAlertWithTitle: (NSString *) Title Message: (NSString *) Message Representative: (ID) representative {UIAlertView * alert = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle: Title Message: Message Rep: Rep? Cancel Button: @ "Cancel" Other Button Titles: @ "Retry", zero]; [Alerts show]; [Warning issued];  


currently displayed (or recently dismissed) ) There is actually no other way.

If you stick to the functionality in your app rep, you can do just something like [[MyApplication], [UIApplication sharedApplication]. Delegate displayNetworkFailureDialog] . Edit >


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