geolocation - Android - scripting telnet session for sending GPS tracks -
I am aware of the ability of fake GPS information through the use of emulator Geographical look late height
command is connected through the emulator.
What I want to do, is probably running a simulation on a different computer that should send latitude, long, height to the fake emulator on the Android device to think that it has got a GPS update.
I get different solutions; It seems that the best solution is in pseudocode:
is correct, if the status update was generated / received the open sub process and "echo" geographical right low loop height '| NC Localhost 5554 "Code> It looks like a big hack, though it works on Mac (not on Windows). Is this a better way to do this? (I'm ahead of time Can not generate the tracks and feed them as a route, the Android system is part of a real-time simulation, but as it is running on an emulator, there is no status update.
Edit: The alternative method, perhaps more clean, is to use the Dragon's Telnetblub library.
import telnetlib tn = telnetlib. Telnet ("localhost", 5554) While true: if the status update was generated / received tn.write ("geo-fixed latitude height \ r \ n")
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