compiler errors - how to compile an expression blend solution in visual studio -

We have installed XSC 2010 on our computer with our Expression Mix and Silverlight 4 tool with our development environment. We have a separate build box where we compile and build the entire project. I am getting errors while going through precompile which can not find references to the expression mix namespace. I think this is due to the fact that migratory mix is ​​not installed on the build box.

What is the best practice to prevent this from occurring in the future? To present a solution, just had to place an expression mix on the build box, but I think that seems unnecessary.

I have considered making a Lib Alert inside my project / solution files and then add all assemblies there. Then to add them to the reference directory, but point to the Lib directory within the project. I did this just because it seems that it is somewhat hacked because I'm basically making duplicate DLL, so no version or control When a DLL update is made etc. which may possibly lead to problems under the road.

Any advice or suggestions will be highly appreciated.

After a little more research, I found that Microsoft offers two SDKs on the build-box You can install and do not need to install the Expression Mixer.

They are:

Microsoft Seriallight 4 SDK

P> your output desktop Depending on the App vs. Silver Light, you have the ability to install Expression Libraries that will allow you to successfully compile your solution.

I have started avoiding the construction of Lib Directory, so that you lose all the capabilities of the version of assemblies in a sensor manner.


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