Facebook Connect Graph API - Why Can't I Retrieve All User's Details? -
I think every other question I ask about is related to Facebook Connect - which is a lot about their API Says. Anyway, this is politics, I interrupt ..
I am trying to pull back user details from the graph API for use in my application (which is an FBML external website - for authentication Javascript sdk).
This works, and allows me to post to the user's wall, and gets my email from the graph API.
But when I make an HTTP GET request to the following URL:
(where UID = User ID of the user is trying to get details I am, and oat = oath token).
All the JSONs come back in. This is the User ID (which is already there, since the IM was put into the URL), and the e-mail.
Why can not I get things like name, last name, locale?
Am I using the wrong URL? Is my out token wrong?
I am getting the token from here:
It seems that this problem is my othe token.
Because when I go to Docs:
and use a sample OAuth token for it
Does anyone know what's in my auto token call? That's wrong?
Therefore, I was using the wrong url for the OAuth exchange. It must be:
The URL I was using was according to Doku, there is no one to work up.
I'm talking with the FBC that now no one cares about how it works, so be grateful that he does it too. And goes further. Edit:
Besides, I was wondering if the Graph API call will work "Close" for no reason without any reason.
Answer: I need to compare the session key used to get OAuth token, currently with the session key in cookies. If they are different, then I need to get a new OAuth Token.
The session key used for any OAuth token is part of the actual OAuth token:
aaa | Bbbb | CCCC
Where BBBB is a session key, I compare it before calling any graph API.
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