how to write a c program that runs on a mobile phone? -

I want to write a program that runs on a mobile phone. Just to learn the purpose I think it is possible but I do not know how to start with it and where is the library available for it.

I have also planned to write a game that runs on mobile phones.

Help me do this. Thanks in advance.

I do not know any mobile platform where its SDK is confirming again using pure C . Last time I knew that the old Palm platform was.

But you can write C / C ++ with QT because the GUI library for memos, megos, and possibly other Nokia devices. Qt object is oriented, so its not functional as you wish.

I know of 1 platform where Pure C is possible. This is the Windows Mobile version & lt; 6.5 Using Win32 api but this is not something I personally recommend because C # .net makes it easy to develop applications for that platform, I also believe that pure C / XOS / CSS With the use of WebOS PDK is possible but I can be wrong here.

If you want to write for mobile devices using your knowledge in C, then instead I recommend using languages ​​like C ++ and Objective-C, where you can type C and C can use libraries.

  Symbian - C / C + iOS - Objective-C Android - Java Windows Mobile - c.  

/C++/.NET WebOS - C / C ++


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