winapi - Call StrFormatByteSize64 function from within C# -

How do I call the StrFormatByteSize64 function from Win API from Win API? I'm trying the following code, but without success:

  [DllImport ("shlwapi.dll")] static extern zero StrFormatByteSize64 (Ulong qdw, four [pszBuf], uint cchBuf) ; Four [] temp = new cell [128]; Ulhone Size = 2000; StrFormatByteSize64 (size, temp, 128); Console.WriteLine (Temporary);  

The documents of the function can be found here:


This works, however this may not be the safest way:

 Using the  system; Using System.Runtime.InteropServices; Using System.Text; Public Class Test {[DllImport ("shlwapi.dll")) Static Externis Zero StormTormat Files 64 (Ulleung QW, StringBuilder Builder, UIT CCTF); Static zero main () {ulong size = 2000; Stringbuilder builder = new stingbuilder (128); StrFormatByteSize64 (size, builder, builder. Capability); Console.WriteLine (Builder); }}  

I am afraid that I do not know much about the interop - it may be that you do not have to specify the initial capacity of StringBuilder , for example. I'm not sure :( Anyway, you should provide a starting point for further investigation.


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