c# - Generating wcf proxy vs ChannelFactory -

Which of the two methods of using WCF service is better?

  • <; IMyContract & gt; Factory = new channel factory & lt; IMyContract & gt; (); IMI Contractual Proxy 1 = Factory. Crelet Channel (); Proxy1.MyMethod ();

    This is a bit boring to call wcf service

      IMyContract proxy1 = null; Try {Proxy1 = factory.CreateChannel (); Proxy1.MyMethod (); (ICommunicationObject) proxy1) .close (); } Hold {(IommunicationObject) Proxy 1) .bort (); }  

    Should this snippet be repeated for every proxy call? Or is there a general way to create a wrapper class to close and cancel the proxy?

    In this way, serviceExecution.Execute (proxy => proxy .maymathim ()) is typing; which creates a proxy, and is a good way to turn it off or turn it off?

    An MSDN post is that it is not recommended to use the generated proxy in .Net 3 Because it makes the channel processor every time. Net 3.5 channel feature is cached.

    But personally I like to use the channelfifiers, generated code always hurts after pain come out

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