c# - How Can I Customize Date Format -
One of my table columns looks like the "SetDate" typetime type:
2010 -08-02 02: 55: 58.420
The date format for the application appears in the form:
The problem is:
I am passing the DB through a SQL query application. The query contains the WHERE clause that compares the date to the SetDate application.
The Setdet column has this format: 2010-08-02 02: 55: 58.420
This format is done with the application: 3/12/2010
I need to compare two dates without time 2010-08-02
and 3/12/2010
. Since they are in different formats, I do not get any records back from the database.
I am using C # and T-SQL.
Any thoughts?
Try something like this:
select * your Tables WHERE RTRIM (Convert (Cher (19), Setdate, 101)) = '3/12/2010'
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