Remote image file to sqlite blob in PHP? -

I have an image file on a remote server. I only have HTTP access to the server, so I use file_get_contents (URL) I'm getting my content.

I need to store this content in the area of ​​type 'Blob' in the Local Skelete 3 database. I am using the PDO object to connect to the database, And I

  $ db-> Exec ("myTableBlob" values ​​(".file_get_contents ($ $ IN filepath)." ') ")  

To add data to the database

This is not working Apologies If I'm not really making any mistake we all have to learn some way ...

I will not implicate in the causes, this image for me There is no possibility of storing locally and keeping the database in the database. Can be stored in a blob.

You have no control in an SQL. The statement is a very bad idea, for example, image data may contain a quotation mark which will eliminate the string or backslash, which will be interpreted as the control character.

I recommend that you use a prepared statement instead:

  $ query = $ db- & gt; Prepare (include "Meritable (Mimegabalob) value (?)"); $ Query-> Binnamum (1, FOPAN ($ pathpost, "RB"), PDO :: Param_Lob); $ Query-> Executed ();  

Note that the PDO :: ParamA_LOB is passed to the absolute () you insert the data of the Blob with one stream. This is the reason I am using fopen () instead of file_get_contents ()


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