Setting Up an ODBC Data Source for Oracle using vbscript -
I made DSN as when I am trying to connect to the database from Excel It is working fine I manually I am now VSB I want to create a DSN program using Please help me I'm new to vbscripting.
Here is some sample code:
dim objConn set objConn = CreateObject ( "ADODB.Connection") dim connString connString = "on your Oracle connection STRING!" ObjConn.Open connString Dim objRS Dim strSQL strSQL = "select * Set your deferred to objRS = objConn.Execute (strSQL) If the objRS.EOF then" did not return Rikordes' Do what you want with your output objRS.MoveNext loop happens with the end .EOF to objRS if end objRS. set off objRS = nothing objConn.Close set objConn = nothing
use the page to find your connection string in. this allows you to VBScript is, VB have to make some changes, such as to define your variable types Are spun.
dim strSQL As String