How do I condense multiple jQuery functions into one? -
I'm still new to jQuery and trying to get ways to help optimize my code . I am currently working on an application in which I call some calculation methods when a person leaves the field (.blur). I only want to call these methods when some criteria are met (like value! = 0). I have 9 fields where I am calculating and currently checking.
$ (document) .ready (function () {var currentValue = {}; $ ("# txtValue1"). Function () {currentValue = $ (this) .val (); }) .blur (function () {$ ("# txtValue1"). Valid (); if (currentValue! = $ ("#TxtValue1"). Val () and & amp; $ ("#txtValue1"). Val ()! = "") {CallCalculations ();}}) $ ("#txtValue2") Focus (function () {currentValue = $ (this) .val ();}) .blur (function () {$ ("# txtValue2"). Valid (); if (currentview! = $ ("#TxtValue2") Val () & $ ("#TxtValue2"). Val ()! = "") {CallCalculations ();}})}}; Function call calculation () {// Do Stuff};
I know that these functions are possible to do one more normal one below (selecting the CSS class as a selector instead of an ID), but I can not find it. Still new to jQuery / Javascript, any help would be welcomed. Thanks!
First of all, you do not need to cache the value and blur the focus. You can use change ()
If you want to assign all your text boxes as a square, then you want to check ... like:
& lt; Input type = "text" class = "calculate on change" />
Then you can use a class jQuery selector:
$ ('calculate on-change'). Change (function () {if ($ (this) .val ()! = '') {Call collation (this);}});
Or more generally, you can apply to each text box in the document with the following:
$ (': input [type = text] '). Change (/ * ... etc * / /));
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