jquery - struts2 not publishing topics -

I am trying to create a form that lets users connect 3 schools. If they first choose a state, then the list of colleges will be based on the state-based population. States are loaded in preparation of the method. I struts 2.1.8 and struts-jquery 2.3.1.

  & lt; For label = "state1" & gt; State: & lt; / Label & gt; I am using. & Lt; S: Select id = "state1" name = "state1" list = "stateMap" headerkey = "- 1" header = value = "please select state" onchange = "getColleges ();" / & Gt; & Lt; Br / & gt; & Lt; Label = "college1" & gt; College 1: & lt; / Label & gt; & Lt; List = "key" list = "value" list = "value" = "value1" list = "state1_change" reloadTopics = "state1_change" headerKey = "list1 = list1 =" college1 "list =" college1 "list =" college list " "- 1" header value = "Please select a college" /> & Lt; Br / & gt;  


  & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; Function getColleges () {warning ('Loading ... school'); $ .publish ('state1_change'); } & Lt; / Script & gt;  

This works as a drop down menu but I want to auto-complete it. How can I achieve that? The following does not work.

  & lt; Sj: autocompleter href = "loader", "id =" "college 1" name = "college 1" list = "college list" list = key = "key" list = value = value "listenTopics =" state1_change "reloadtix =" state 1_change 

You can enter your href URL How do I define? I do not have any code in your code: url tag?

  <: url id = "collegesurl" action = "loadCollegesByState" namespace = "/" /> 
"list ="% {collegesurl} "id =" college 1 "name =" college 1 "list =" key "list of" college list "list Value = "value" listenTopics = "state1_change" reloadTopics = "state1_change" headerKey = "-1" Hedarwali = "Please select a college" />

You can specify your XHR Network traffic can be seen with firebug that your Jason action is successfully called.


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