
Showing posts from August, 2013

How do I install Ruby on Rails? -

I have Ruby 1.8.6 installed on my machine when I tried the gem then the gem version was 0.9.2 Now I Installing tracks I tried to install the gem rail Error: while executing the gem ... (Gem :: RemoteFrenchure :: FetchError) getaddrinfo: No address is associated with hostname. (SocketError) Why is it so and after the installtion where the rail is stored and one thing is necessary to set up the net connection rail ??

.net - how to disable the save button -

I have a month's drop down and save button, I want to disable the saving button if the month was down from the drop down value In the webpage, selected as the previous month If this is the only option to select There is a regular dropdown with, Onchange-function can be shortend function checkDate () {var doc = document; Var btn = doc.getElementById ('& lt;% = btnSave.ClientID% & gt;'); Var SLC = doc.getElementById ('& lt;% = ddlMonths.ClientID% & gt;'); Btn.disabled = (slc.selectedIndex & lt; (new date ()). GetMonth ()); }

unix - How to Ctrl-Z in Perl script -

I am writing Perl script and I need to execute the Unix Ctrl-Z on the script. How do I do it in Perl Can i Thank you. You can do the process by sending a signal to processes with Pearl, which you can do with the Unix command line tool Similar is what works the same. Ctrl-Z is running equivalent kill-SIGTSTP pid You need to know what is the number of your TSTP signal on your system You can do this by running kill -l TSTP on the command line 20 => $$; Update: As mentioned by daxim, You can skip the 'kill -l' part and provide the name of the signal directly: kill 'TSTP' => $$;

.net - Why ThreadPool has 250 worker threads per processor by default? -

taken from Microsoft documentation: By default, 250 worker threads in thread pool There are available processors you can change this setting using the ThreadPool.SetMaxThreads method. This is also called because it is widely known that there is some overhead: Some levels of thread overhead, if a computer There are multiple processors and if you split processing into two threads, you will not see improvement in 100 percent performance. More from some of the experiences, D has a 1 to 4 thread per CPU, and 250 is not ! Does anyone know why 250? Is there any value that is used to give the best overall performance , or so that you give it to that pool pool in every Inspiration is not displayed. As you have mentioned, having too much thread can easily reduce performance (due to context switching, cash thrashing, content etc.). The idea behind this magical number is that the deadlock user code. A developer might cause a deadlock if he quits multiple work items for ...

cocoa - How to check current time and duration in AudioQueue -

ऑडियो क्यूयु में संगीत की कुल समय अवधि कैसे प्राप्त करें मैं NSTime इनवर्वेल AQPlayer :: getCurrentTime () {NSTimeInterval timeInterval = 0.0; ऑडियोक्वाइमलाइनरेफ़ टाइमलाइन; ओएसएसटाटस स्थिति = ऑडियोक्वायईरेकटाइमलाइन (एमक्यूयु, और टाइमलाइन); यदि (स्थिति == noErr) {ऑडियो टाइमस्टैम्प टाइमस्टैम्प; ऑडियोक्वाईगेटकेंटटाइम (म्यूक्यूयु, टाइमलाइन, और टाइमस्टैम्प, नल); समयइनरवल = टाइमस्टैम्प.एमएसएम्प्लेम्स; } वापसी समय अंतराल; } AudioQueueGetCurrentTime (mQueue, टाइमलाइन, और टाइमस्टैम्प, NULL); वर्तमान समय खेलने के लिए, यह कुछ बड़े मान देता है यह मान्य है और संगीत फ़ाइल की अवधि कैसे प्राप्त की जाती है। "post-text" itemprop = "text"> int aqplayer :: getcurrent समय () {इंट टाइम इन्टरवाल = 0; ऑडियोक्वाइमलाइनरेफ़ टाइमलाइन; ओएसएसटाटस स्थिति = ऑडियोक्वायईरेकटाइमलाइन (एमक्यूयु, और टाइमलाइन); यदि (स्थिति == noErr) {ऑडियो टाइमस्टैम्प टाइमस्टैम्प; ऑडियोक्वाईगेटकेंटटाइम (म्यूक्यूयु, टाइमलाइन, और टाइमस्टैम्प, नल); टाइम इनटरवॉल = टाइमस्टैम्प। एमएसएम्प्लेमेंट / एमडीएटीएफ़...

flash - Flex 3 Custom UIComponent Disappearing -

Very disappointed with this I have created a simple class which spreads to the UI Component. I am making an example of this class in a parent class and use the 'AddChild' method to connect parents. I have overridden the expanded UI Component's 'UpdateDisplayist' method to add your own drawing routine using the 'graphics' object. My problem occurs when I am using any of the following properties (x, y, width, height) either straight or 'trick' or 'set effect size' because uicmpoint is now displayed The object will not look right before changing any of these properties. I know that the object is still there, the 'UpdateDisplayTyList' method is still being called (as I am calling 'invalid' displaylists after every change) and it correctly reports changes. Head over this one for six hours now and it just does not mean ?! M Make sure that you implement a method of action and both Measured highs, measured widths, measr...

Zend Framework: Need help setting up Routing -

मैं रूटिंग कैसे सेट अप करता हूं इन रास्तों के साथ काम / पदों = & gt; इंडेक्स एक्शन (लिस्टिंग) / पोस्ट / देखें = & gt; कार्रवाई देखें (व्यक्तिगत पोस्ट) / पोस्ट / जोड़ = & gt; कार्य / पोस्ट जोड़ें / संपादित करें = & gt; 1 या अधिक क्वेरी स्ट्रिंग के आधार पर फ़िल्टर्ड कर सकते हैं ये क्या है? / posts , किसी भी क्रम में। जैसे। / पोस्ट / टैग / टैग 1 / पोस्ट / टैग / टैग 1 / टाइमफ्रेम / 1 वी => फ़्इआई 1W का मतलब 1 सप्ताह / पोस्ट / टाइमफ्रेम / 1 व / टैग / टैग 1 => किसी भी क्रम / पोस्ट / सॉर्टबी / डीटीपीस्टेड => अधिक विकल्प हो सकता है जोड़ा हो सकता है मैं इन्हें कैसे प्रबंधित कर सकता हूं? मैंने कोशिश की $ route = नया Zend_Controller_Router_Route ('पोस्ट / *', सरणी ('नियंत्रक' = & gt; 'पद', 'क्रिया' = & gt; 'इंडेक्स')); $ राउटर- & gt; एड-रूट ('पोस्ट इंडेक्स', $ मार्ग); लेकिन क्योंकि, सभी मार्गों को पोस्ट / * सूचक नियंत्रक को जाता है। नहीं, मुझे क्या चाहिए आप उन यूआरएल के लिए एक...

c# - How to remove a a particular row value from a datatable based on a condition -

मेरे पास DataTable जैसा है name age ---- -------- कुमर 27 किरान 29 अनू 24 पटर 34 टॉम 26 मणु 35 साचन 37 गीता 23 अब मेरे पास एक और DataTable एक कॉलम के साथ ऐसा है: नाम कॉलम में मूल्य की तुलना करने और उसी पंक्ति को साझा करने वाली सभी पंक्तियों को निकालने की आवश्यकता है I / P> name ---- manu tom anu अब परिणाम आउटपुट इस तरह होना चाहिए: नाम आयु ------------ कुरान 27 किरण 29 पित्र 34 साचन 37 गीता 23 मैं कैसे कर सकता हूं इस परिणाम को प्राप्त करें? एसक्यूएल तालिकाओं का मतलब है और नहीं। एक दृष्टिकोण निम्नलिखित है अपने दूसरे डेटासेट को किसी शब्दकोश में कनवर्ट करें, ऐसा कुछ: // प्रक्रिया को सरल बनाने के लिए एक लुकअप तालिका बनाएं & lt; स्ट्रिंग, स्ट्रिंग & gt; Dict = (removeNames.AsEnumerable () में पंक्ति से (स्ट्रिंग) पंक्ति ["नाम"]) चुनें। कोऑयोगिडाइ (कश्मीर = & gt; कश्मीर); आपको अंत में पहले लूप चाहिए, अन्यथा आपको समस्याएं ( foreach का उपयोग नहीं कर सकते हैं, यह एक अपवाद फेंक देगा)। // लूप से ऊपर से नीचे तक (var i = पहले डीटी। आरओ। स...

django - Strange behaviour of slugify function -

This administrator works perfectly from the site. But the codes below are not working properly in some languages ​​(some characters are missing, such as Turkish "ı"). class Foo (models.model): name = models.CharField (max_length = 50, exclusive = true, dB_indicate = true) slug = model. Slufffish (max_language = 100, exclusive = true, db_indicate = tru) def save (self, * args, ** quad): if not self.slug: self. For example, suppose the name is "ışçğö" and after that slug (slug = slugify ( super (foo, self) .ave (* args, ** kwargs) "SCOGO" occurs when instead "iscgo" should be. It is defined by behavior that a slag is considered to be part of the URL. Although the URLs can support non-Latin characters, they are not supported inside the slug. Slug is a newspaper term, a slug is a small label for something, which includes only letters, numbers, underscores, or hyphens. They are commonly used in URLs. The results you...

jquery append before final element -

मेरे पास html जैसा संरचित है। & lt; div id = 'container' & gt ; & Lt; div class = 'item' & gt; ... & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div class = 'item' & gt; ... & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div class = 'item' & gt; ... & lt; / div & gt; ... & lt; div id = 'item_final' & gt; & lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "बटन" id = 'addOne' & gt; ... & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; और जो मैं करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूँ वह item_final div से पहले कंटेनर कक्षा में एक अन्य आइटम जोड़ता है। आइटम गतिशील हैं, इसलिए उनमें से संख्या अज्ञात है। $ ('# कंटेनर Div: last ')। पहले ($ (' & lt; div & gt; '));

javascript - jQuery delay: Speeding up queue? -

I have a slideshow that basically changes the src attribute of an image and it disappears in and out is. Turn function on slideshow () {if (i> = images.length) {i = 0} var path = picture [i] .path; Var Name = Picture [i] .name; I ++; Image.attr ('src', path) image.animate ({opacity: 1}, 1000) .delay (5000). Value ({opacity: 0}, 500, start: slide show); } This works I have anything that I call an image picker. Something looks like this: & lt; Ul id = "ImagePicker" & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; • & lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; • & lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; • & lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; When you click on one of the items, then the slideshow shows the corresponding image. $ ('# ImagePicker li'). Click (function () {Image.stop (True, False). Value ({Opacity: 0}, 10, Start Slide Show);}); The problem is that sometimes it has to be annoyed and I'm not sure why this happen...

c# - Synchronizing sub-thread with main thread - not so obvious problem -

Honestly, I'm a little lame when it comes to threading;) Then I'm asking a little help. Suppose we have some kind of control on which we can draw some charts. There is also a method that pulls the chart on this control. The problem is that the charting system is only for one of the areas of control and when the chart is ready, we need to refresh the control. So assume that our control looks like this: Class Charting Control: System. Windows .form. Control {public canvas canvas; Public Zero Refresh (); / * ... other fields / methods * /} where canvas is a class to attract the image (something like graphics). Charting method is used only for canvas objects (we can not change this), so it looks like this: Public stateless draw chart (Canvas) {/ * Draw This method can be called from a different thread, background worker etc ... and I have to synchronize it with the main thread and call refresh () when the chart is ready it happens. Now when the chart is re...

java - Remove the delimiter , at the end -

string prefix = ""; For (string server id: server ids) {sb.append (prefix); Prefix = ","; Sb.append (serverId); } The following code runs faster than the code above. The "," prefix object creates unnecessary objects at every frequency. The above code takes 86324 nanoseconds, whereas my only takes 68165 nanoseconds. list & lt; String & gt; L = arrays.asList ("Suresh 1", "Suresh 2", "Suresh 4", "Suresh 5"); Stringbuff l1 = new stringbuffer (); Int sz = l.size (); Int i = 0; Long T = System.nanoTime (); For (string s: l) {l1.append (s); If (i! = Sz-1) l1.append (","); I ++; }} Tall T2 = system Nano time (); System.out.println ((T2-T)); Println (L1); // Time taken for the above code is 68165 nanose seconds SURESH1, Suresh 2, Suresh 4, Suresh 5 Please tell me which ur is better in the scene. Some points: My code lets you know the number of elements Do not require -front In other wor...

c# - Calendar control -

I have an calendar control that is used to select a date and to store it in database It is also adding the time which makes it difficult to report. We do not need a date only. How can I stop the inclusion of calendar controls ... or make the same time for every date ? DateTime has the property of a date, For the 00:00:00 will return the date. Therefore, when using calendar, use the selected date, calendar. Selected date Date . It still gives a date time but with a zero time. While using a date time without time, use ToString ("dd / mm / yyyy").

csv - python: list index of out of range -

for line c: c1.append (row [0:13]) in line for c1: row (Float (row [13]) / 100) line .append (float (row [12]) / float (row [13]) / 100) row.append (math.log10 (float (line [12])) c c1 which contains a subset of c Only the first 14 elements I am getting the index error: row.append (float (row [13]) / at category Every list index Does anybody know what I am doing? Rows in C1 are not actually 14 elements, they contain 13. The second index in a single piece is unique when you type the line [0:13] to c1 , you add element 0 to element 13. Therefore, only 13 elements. This is the reason That you get the index error: row.append (float ( The list listed out of range at line [13]) / 100. line [13] is an attempt to use a non-existent 14th element.

iphone - How to verify if an SQLite file is a valid Core Data store, both generally and for specific app? -

I would like to verify my core data store (SQLite file) before loading so that there is no corruption, app bus crashes And will not burn Using the iPhone SDK, there is a way to verify a SQLit file (1) Generally it is not corrupt, and (2) More specifically, whether the SQLite file is possible to store data Does the app match with one of the versions? The second part is important because I have created a backup system that allows users to load back-up SQLite files in the app to replace existing data stores. TC's answer is perhaps the simplest but you can also see its metadata which will tell both of you That a) has core data metadata and b) What is the hash values ​​for its existence, which you can use to confirm that you have a model that matches those hash values. You + [NSPersistentStore MetadataForststststorstor with url: error: method. can access the metadata without loading the store.

steps to install new android application onto new htc device -

I have to install my Android application on my new Android handset in my local machine, how to do it, and I This application must be given on any HTC device that I do not have. On your device, Settings & gt; Application . Tick ​​ unknown source . Go to Development teak USB debugging . Connect your device to your PC via USB cable. If you use eclipse while running your application then you should get a dialog where you can use the device to select your phone. If Eclipse is not used, create your app in the APK file (it should not be signed) and run the adb -d terminal in the terminal or command line / path / to / myApp Send .apk .apk and send these instructions to your friend.

Question on logging errors in WCF -

I have applied a class that applies the ICRRhandle interface to log WCF errors. The only thing I want to do is log in, which identifies the user with an exception that is related to my service when it arises. All of my logging is in the HandleError () method of the IErrorHandler interface, but because HandleError () can not reference the current operation, I can not get SecurityContext. PRIMARYIdentity I have come up with the following code to capture those code which can not be available in the HandleError method, but I'm not sure that it will work in all cases. Public category MyErrorHandler: IErrorHandler {Personal Identity Identification; Public Child Handler (Exception Error) {// Do something with the return of identity; } Public Zero providerfilter (exception error, message version, ref message error) {this.identity = Operation.Current.SecurityContext.PrimaryIdentity; }} The above code is working, but is there anybody available? Thank you! For some reason, I th...

Remember me in Spring security to remember only user-name -

I am using Spring Security in my application and want to know if there is any way to ask "just" The user's username that comes on the application (remember - through the checkboxes) that I can collect from the reference document is that Spring can save the user's username and password, and next time it can log directly. is. But I want that every time the user takes back the login page, but has already been typed with his user name. If there is no way to do this in the spring, then I Itemprop = "text"> Therefore, you need to set a cookie username after authentication, and access it during the presentation of the login page. If you use Spring Protection 3.x, former AuthenticationSuccessHandler ( SavedRequestAwareAuthenticationSuccessHandler is the default implementation) and response.addCookie () By setting a cookie with , it can be done by subclassing. There is a regular cookie access ( request.getCookies () , etc.).

rails search with texticle: private method `scan' called for #<Array:0x103f03f08> -

I have a rail app that I want to search with Tendlow's textual. This works fine in the console, but in my app I get an error like this: /opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/texticle-1.0.3 / Lib /texticle.rb: 65: IN` index '/ users / vjmair / gmy / rub / 1.8 / jms / actitary corrupt -2.3.8 / liib / active_rockord / nemescope. Rb: 92: IN' call '/ user / VJMAR / .gem / ruby ​​/ 1.8 / gems / activerecord-2.3.8 / lib / active_record / name_scope.rb: 92: `named_scope '/ users / vjmair /.gem/ruby/1.8/gems/activerecord-2.3. 8 / lib in /active_record/named_scope.rb:97:in `call '/ user / VJMAR / Gem / RBI / 1.8 / GEM / ActitarCard -2.3.8 / LIB / Active_Record / Nemma_Scope. RB: 97: In 'Search' / Users / Vjmayr / softwareclick / app / controllers / categories_controller.rb: 12: `Search 'In ... def search @allproducts = (Params [: search],: conditions => [' category_id In (?) ', @category subtree_ids]) # line 12 if the consult...

.net - Binding a method that returns List<employee> to a gridview -

मेरे पास मेरे N- स्तरित अनुप्रयोग में विधि है जो सूची & lt; कर्मचारी & gt; देता है। नीचे विधि के लिए नमूना कोड है: सार्वजनिक सूची & lt; कर्मचारी & gt; GetAllemployees () {वापसी DAL.GetEmployees (); } मेरे पास एक aspx पेज में GridView है I मैं GridView के डेटा स्रोत को GetEmployees () के रूप में कैसे सेट कर सकता हूं ताकि सभी कर्मचारियों को ग्रिडव्यू में सूचीबद्ध किया जाए? myGrid.DataSource = GetAllEmployees (); myGrid.DataBind (); उल्लेख के लायक एक बात, क्या आप वास्तव में सभी कर्मचारियों को प्राप्त करने के लिए एक कर्मचारी वस्तु बनाना चाहते हैं? मैं इसे ऐसा करूँगा: सार्वजनिक स्थिर सूची & amp; कर्मचारी; & gt; GetAllEmployees () {myList वापसी; } और अपने कॉलिंग कोड में: MyGrid.DataSource = EmployeeClass.GetAllEmployees (); MyGrid.DataBind (); इस तरह आपको किसी ऑब्जेक्ट को इन्स्तांत नहीं करना है, जो ऑब्जेक्ट की एक सूची प्राप्त कर लेता है।

c++ - Determine user & system time used by a thread -

We have a qthreads-based workflow engine where workers choose bundles of thread inputs as they are placed on a queue , Then their output on another line to run the next stage for the second worker thread; And so long as all inputs have not been consumed and all the outputs have been generated. Usually, many threads are going to run the same task and others will have to run other functions at the same time. We want to demonstrate the benchmark of these threaded tasks to target optimization efforts. It is easy to get the actual (elapsed) time, which is the difference between the return value of the posics bar () function at the beginning and end of the run () process of the thread, by running a given task. Let's see. However, I can not understand how to get related users and system time. Receiving these from the struct tms which you do not work on time (), because in this structure, the system of total users and all threads runs while the thread is active in the question. ...

.net photo select 'wand' functionality -

Can I simulate wand functionality in my normal photo editor? To wit. The user clicks on a piece of photo and the app automatically selects the surrounding X pixels based on a given factor (usually tolerance threshold). How can I do this? Any thoughts on .NET? Thank you You have to manipulate the basic pixels to accomplish this, I start by storing the color of that pixel Which I clicked, then the induction of a 2D array which is the same dimension as the image. Change the int associated with the pixel that was clicked on 1. At that point, you only have to use a pseudo-mapping algorithm so that it can be exploded outside, by changing the mailing pixels from "1" in their array, and non-matching pixels "1". After all, you will have a maniper-esque escad 2d array with the heart of 1s and the edges of -1, and then the uncontrolled area will still be at 0. 1S becomes the selected area

java - Client HTTP Post to external sites -

Is there any web language that makes the client self-made HTTP post on external sites. I know that Javascript does with XMLHttpRequest, but it does not allow cross-domain posting, as long as the recipient does not allow a domain sending domain. I want to post data to an external site (which I can not control) and request that the client's browser already has (cookies, etc.). Is this possible? I tried curl but it seems that a server is not HTTP post, a client HTTP post. Edit: One more information about what I'm trying to do: I use Jason's user session I'm trying to post to the website (I told the cookies, but I believe they are PHP sessions, which I think I still accept as cookies). Does not check website referrals (bad security # 1). I can execute javascript and HTML on a webpage using my personal homepage (bad security # 2) even if the JSON code will still work There is a content-type form (poor security # 3) There is absolutely no security check, ju...

android - Simulate Wireless Network in Emulator -

मैं एम्यूलेटर का उपयोग कर एक वाईफाई नेटवर्क कैसे अनुकरण करूं? सरल उत्तर: आप नहीं कर सकते इसके अलावा, यह (और हां, यह अभी भी मान्य है)।

c# - Software to receive printjobs and forward them to printers in a LAN -

I want to create a software that Windows will recognize it as an established printer driver and that software "device and printer " Just like ImagePrinter , you can access it through the following link When this image printer is installed on a computer , Then Windows lists it under the printers and devices, so we can do it on our network Can share by clicking OK in a LAN users can add it as a remote printer and send print jobs, which will be converted into the format image to print jobs (JPG, etc.) and in a specified directory Will save What do I want to get those print jobs from other PACs on the LAN such as Image Printers and send them to the actual printers shared in the LAN so they can send it from their machine. (Like computers are running computers while sending their print job) so that they can be printed. To do this, I need to get two things. 1- In a way to build software in windows, it's a printer (so it can be easily shared and get a print job 2- ...

android - Get a repetition count of an animation -

Is there any other way of doing our own counter to learn that the animation has been repeated? (To produce different effects on the basis of repeated and repeated.) If you Animation in yourAnim.setRepeatMode (animation. RESTART); (RESTART-mode) Then you can set a repeat counter on the animation or animation set. yourAnim setRepeatCount (Animation.INFINITE); YourView.startAnimation (yourAnim); When you set your repeat count, you can control the number of repeats in the animation. After this we have set the repeating counter for indefinitely.

regex - Netbeans Multi-line Regular Expression Search -

I am trying to search all HTML input tags with 'text' within Netbeans 6.9. Does Netbeans assist in looking for a string using regular expressions with different search criteria spread across different lines or does it work only in one line? This regular expression > . & Lt ;. Input * type = [']] text [']] * /> then works when the entire tag and its attributes are written in a row like this But because I avoid writing long lines of code and breaking them like this The same regular expression does not work. Is there any way that can be achieved? By default, code>. Metacharcher does not match Newline "single-line" or "dopple" or a similar alternative, which gives the dot match to every character or you start the regex You can add (? S) to and get the same effect for the same résx. But would be better to replace * with [^ . In dotl mode, . * will attempt to complete the entire document, which will r...

dvcs - In Mercurial (Hg), what is a good way to list all files modified by me since revision 4822? -

I can do development work for 2 weeks before pushing one or two attributes to all production servers This is one Ruby on rail projects, many files can be modified. Then using Mercury as source control is a good method for me to list (or add) all the filenames, current versions and revisions 4822? (I do the first hg push , I'm going to hg out and see which changes are 4823, so I will be different with 4822) (Update: This is to list only the files I modify, as opposed to the other 38 files modified by my teammates) Better yet , hg vdiff is a good way to call automatically, so when it is brought to check The list of filenames modified by Peter (or me) from 4822 will be this will be hg vdiff -r 4822 [...] 4822 Maybe use hg log and some good one- Liner? hg log - user peter - verbose | Grep files | Sed -e's / files: // '| Tr '' '\ n' | Sort | Use the - rev to limit the revision area will give all the files you modified since...

java - The magic behind the executable jar? -

Jar is a convenient way to use Java, because each class can be included in a jar. I use the NLL as follows, and it uses the Jar -jar option. Java-square $ ANTLRDIR / ANTLER-3.2.JANTLR_KODG And, this is the command that calls the closure. Instead of calling Clojure.jar, use the -jar option - this is in CP, and calls some 'function'. java-cp $ CLOJURE_JAR: $ CLASSPATH Closer.lang script CLOJURE_CODE.clj question What is the magic behind this method? What is 'clojure.lang.Script'? Can Entry be called in the same way? If so, what is the name that should be used (like some clojure.lang.Script)? About the jar file with other languages: Closer / Scala? How should I know the name that should be called? What is the difference between two methods? Pros and Cons? • What is the magic behind this method? What is 'clojure.lang.Script'? clojure.lang.Script is the class with the main method that is running jar executable. • Can Entry be called w...

version control - Change the author and committer name and e-mail of multiple commits in Git -

Text after " I was writing a simple script in the school computer, and the change in Git (in a repo that was in my pen drive) By doing, cloning from my computer at home) After many commitments I realized that I was committed to the stuff as the root user. Is there any way to change my name to author of these commitments? Changing the author (or committee) has to rewrite all history if you are ok with that If you think that it is worth it, then you should check out. The main page includes several examples to get you started. Also keep in mind that you can use environment variables to change the name of author, commutator, dates etc. - See the "Environment Variables" section. Specifically, you can correct all the wrong authors with the name and email all the branches and tags for this command (source :): # / bin / sh git filter arm --env filter 'OLD_EMAIL = "your" CORRECT_NAME = "your correct name" CORRECT_EMAI...

c# - Extracting class when TDD'ing. How to test the new extracted class? -

So I had some ways in my main class that used the matrix to turn pixels on or off. I had to run all of my current tests and I decided that the time to remove certain arguments related to the matrix is ​​already there and matrix is ​​class. My question is, there are currently exams for my SQ class (I am just in the beginning, so I am currently only one class, main part of the SU), should I make unit test for this? If so, how do you do it? I mean, should I tell all my code properly, because it's okay, once in one test, test one by one, as long as I see that I want all the functionality in it and only there Do I Reflect Your Code? I am just making the matrix class straight and just make sure that old tests are still going and it is all right? Thanks Actually the latter. There is no need to take any class only exams because it is defined as a specific category. If you are restructuring without adding any functionality or otherwise changing the behavior, the only reason to ...

terminology - What is the differences between the term 'object' and 'instance' in a programming language? -

I can not separate two words How about you? each object is a type of example When describing Member Components (i.e., stable vs example ), the example is used instead of the word object . Object is usually used instead of example , referring to the goal of reference (e.g., a variable or area).

html - Playing sound with JavaScript -

No matter what I do, I can not find it to play sound in Firefox or IE or Chrome for that matter. & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; Function play () {var embed = document.createElement ('object'); Embed.setAttribute ('src', 'c: \\ test.wav'); Embed.setAttribute ('hidden', true); Embed.setAttribute ('autostart', is true); Embed.setAttribute ('enable javascript' is true); Document.childNodes [0] .appendChild (embedded); } // -> & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body onload = "play ();" & Gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt; Try to use this modified version of the function play () function play () {var embed = document.createElement ('object'); Embed.setAttribute ('type', 'audio / wav'); Embed.setAttribute ('data', 'c: \ test.wav');

Acoustic echo cancellation in Java -

I am implementing a VoIP application that uses Pure Java, a resonance problem occurs when users ( Built-in microphone mostly on laptops). Do not use the headset when it is not Currently is crazy and the bolts of the VoIP application are just plain deaths of Java Media Framework Essentials By the way, I want to perform some digital signal processing on the audio data about the speaker before I output it for it. Public synchronize zero addAudioData (byte [] ayAudioData) {m_oBuffer.enqueue (ayAudioData); This.notify (); } As you can see that audio data comes in and buffer is pressed into it. This is to meet cyclic connections and allow different packet sizes. It also means that before I run the audio data in the speaker line, I have access to the audio data as much as I need any fancy DSP operation. I have done an echo canceller job, but this works requires a lot of interactive user input and I want to cancel an automatic echo. Manually cancel resonance remove pub...

iphone - Apple Push notifications server - Feedback always returns zero tuples -

I'm developing an iPhone app that uses apple push notifications, everything is fine on the iPhone side, the server side But I have a problem. Notifications are sent correctly, but when I try to query the feedback service to get the list of devices from which the app is uninstalled, I always get zero results. I know that I should get a result because the app has been uninstalled from some of my testing tools. Any idea after 24 hours I still have no results from the response service. Does anyone know how long it takes for the Feedback service that my app has been uninstalled from my test device? Can this be the reason for the sandbox environment? I have only one problem: int bytes resized = 0; Byte [] Feedback Packet = New Byte [38]; // Each feedback should always be 38 bytes long byte release = stream. Read (Feedback Packet, 0, Feedback Packet. Lang); While (bytes reacited & gt; 0) {process feedback (feedback packet); Array (playback packet, 0, feedback packet. Lan...

.net - Eager loading child lists in LINQ to SQL -

I am trying to customize SQL request from a LINQ so that it results in a single SQL statement. At the moment I have something like this: edit : "Where" filter was removed for clarity - this is also the "ID" primary key Database types for types of objects Hotel = (DB. Please provide rooms from H = Hotel in the RBB hotel room where r.HotelId == HID select new HotelRoom {ID = R.Id, code = r.Code, category = r.Category}) Select new hotel {id = h. id, name =, room = room.Tolic ()})FirstOver Default (); Where Hotel Business Level Class is defined: Public Class Hotel {Public Ent ID}; Set; } Public string name {get; Set; } Public listing & lt; HotelRoom & gt; Room {find; Set; }} Where query query is executed, dots are using starters to create business objects when flying from data enforcement organizations. The problem is that .toList () causes the hotel on the collection of rooms. The collection can be spaced through a second quest...

Rails not showing validation error messages -

Hi guys, I'm new to rail and just making my first registration form. I have some assumptions that I have to check the rail, but for some reason this error message does not show. I have this on my / user / signup.html.erb & lt; H1 & gt; Sign up now! & Lt; / H1> & Lt;% form_for: user, @U,: url = & gt; {: Action = & gt; "Signup"}. F | & Gt%; & Lt;% = f.error_messages: header_message = & gt; "Please try again!" ,: Message => "We have your registration"% & gt; & Lt;% = f.label (: first, "first name")% & gt; & Lt;% = f.text_field (: first)%> & Lt; Br / & gt; & Lt;% = f.label (: last, "last name")%> & Lt;% = f.text_field (: last)%> & Lt; Br / & gt; & Lt;% = f.label (: Username, "Username")% & gt; & Lt;% = f.text_field (: username)% & gt; & Lt; Br / & gt; & Lt;% = f.label (: password, "password"...

php - problem in directory mapping/config -

मेरी अनुक्रमणिका फ़ाइल है- शामिल करें ("application.php"); $ DOC_TITLE = "माइममार्केट होम"; ( "; Templatedir / header.php $ CFG- & gt") शामिल हैं; ? & Gt; // html पृष्ठ कोड & lt ;? ( "; Templatedir / footer.php $ CFG- & gt") शामिल हैं; ? & Gt; application.php कोड - त्रुटि_रेपोर्टिंग (15); / * एक सामान्य ऑब्जेक्ट परिभाषित * / वर्ग ऑब्जेक्ट {}; $ CFG = नया ऑब्जेक्ट; / * डेटाबेस विन्यास * / $ CFG- & gt; dbhost = "localhost"; $ सीएफ़जी- & gt; डीबीएनएम = "मायमार्क"; $ सीएफ़जी- & gt; डीबीयूजर = "रूट"; $ सीएफ़जी- & gt; डीबीपीएस = ""; $ CFG- & gt; wwwroot = "http: // स्थानीयहोस्ट / मायमार्क"; $ सीएफ़जी- & gt; डायरूट = डायनेम (__ फाइल ___); $ सीएफ़जी- & gt; टेम्पलएटेडिर = "$ सीएफजी- & gt; डायरूट / टेम्पलेट्स"; $ सीएफ़जी- & gt; लिबडीर = "$ सीएफ़जी- & gt; डायरूट / लीब"; $ सीएफ़जी- & gt; आईमैजिडर = "$ सीएफ़...

symfony1 - Write variable PHP with TCPDF -

I have to generate a PDF with TCPDF, my information comes from my database, so I have to type the PHP variable. I know how to do it. But I want to write CSS + XHTML (as an example I have seen TCPDF site): $ html = & lt; & Lt; & Lt; EOF & lt; Style & gt; & Lt ;! - My CSS - & gt; & Lt; / Style & gt; & Lt ;! - My xHTML - & gt; EOF; $ Pdf- & gt; Write HTML ('$ html', ''); I have errors while trying to open PDFs. I have read that I have to save '$' from '\'. After this, I have no errors, but the content of my variable does not appear in my PDF. Edit: @Sarfraz: I don do I do this so how can I do this, does not it work? $ html = & lt; & Lt; & Lt; EOF & lt; Style & gt; & Lt ;! - My CSS - & gt; & Lt; / Style & gt; & Lt ;! - My xHTML - & gt; & Lt; Span & gt; & Lt ;? Php echo $ myVar; ? & Gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; EOF; $ Pdf- & g...

seo - Intermediate linkthrough pages, good or bad? -

For a very complex website, we are considering that without comprehending the arguments for calculating the URL, we How to create the best internal link between pages For example if we want to link to So we are thinking about putting an intermediate link-page between the two, something like which will only calculate the correct URL path and Somewhere carry forward the URL. This protects us from the need to calculate all translations and slugs on the page which is being provided that saves us a lot of resources and problems. Is there any drawback to this technique that we should be aware of? From both views of technical and SEO? The resource should not be deep enough to calculate some slugs in fact. If so, you can think about how your questions and code work and see whether you can re-process them in some way. But even if you have some additional questions, then it can not slow down your load load t...

Extract snippet out of HTML with Ruby? -

I need to show the first 100 characters of an HTML text, which means I must first choose 100 characters No tag and then leave any HTML open and close the balanced tag. Is there any such library that can do it? Or is there any insignificant way to do this that I am missing? The text is basically written in textile which keeps the HTML and can be in it, so I thought that I am better than converting it completely to HTML and then processing, but if something is to wear it At the level, I am also happy. This is how I get the first 100 chars of text. You may need to modify according to your needs Required 'nocagri' def get_first_100_chars doc = Nokogiri :: Slop (open 'html_file.html') text = doc.html.body Text return text [0..9 9] and Not sure about the balance of HTML. If I come to know then will post

python - urllib.urlopen to open page on same port just hangs -

I use urllib.urlopen to open the web page running on the same host I'm trying to load it as the port I'm loading and it's just hanging. For example, I have a page: "" and I have the following code in it: data = urllib.urlopen ("" ) When I try and load the page it is just hanging, though if I move the testpage.html script to a different port on the same host then it's okay Works. For example data = urllib.urlopen ("") Does anyone know That is why it might happen and how can I solve this problem? Maybe a firewall? Wget / curl (assuming you are on Linux) or try to open a page from the command line on the browser, along with both ports on the settings, you can try packet sniffers to know what's going on And where the connection is stuck. Also, if testpage.html is produced dynamically, see if this has been hit, then check the webserver lo...

javascript - Determine original name of variable after its passed to a function -

I think this may not be possible, but I would like to define the original variable name of a variable Has been passed in a ceremony. I do not know how to explain any better than this, so let's see that this example is understandable. function getVariableName (unknownVariable) {return unknownVariable.originalName; } GetVariableName (foo); // return string "foo"; GetVariableName (bar); // Return string "bar"; This is for jquery plugin I'm working on, and I want to be able to display the name of the variable which has been passed in a "debug" function. You are right, in any sensible way this is very impossible, because only the function is in the function is .

java - What's the right test case to find which method call is faster between execute and getElementsByTagName? -

XPathExpression.execute ("child :: ") और Element.getElementsByTagName (" ") ? डोम खोज के माध्यम से: नोड लिस्ट nl = ((एलिमेंट) this.currentNode) .getElementsByTagName ("*"); या XPath के माध्यम से: सार्वजनिक स्थिर अंतिम & lt; T & gt; टी xpath (QName qType, नोड एन, स्ट्रिंग एप) {try {XPathExpression expr = xpath.compile (exp); टी परिणाम = (टी) expr.evaluate (n, qType); वापसी परिणाम; } पकड़ (XPathExpressionException ई) {e.printStackTrace (); } वापसी नल; } पीएस मैंने यह पूछने के लिए भी कोड डाल दिया है कि मैं क्या XPath संकलन को बढ़ाने के लिए चुन सकता हूं, उदाहरण के लिए XPathExpression expr विधि संदर्भ के बाहर और एक्सपैशन उदाहरणों को समान एक्सपेथ अभिव्यक्तियों के साथ? सही परीक्षा का मामला आपके आवेदन के दो संस्करणों का निर्माण करना है, इनमें से एक प्रत्येक विकल्प का उपयोग करता है, लेकिन जो अन्यथा समान है, और उन विशिष्ट स्थितियों में प्रोफ़ाइल आप प्रदर्शन में सुधार करने का प्रयास कर रहे हैं। / P> कोई भी अन्य परीक्षण संभ...

c++ - loop QHash by insert order -

Is it possible to make a coup to loop by the inclusion order? The method below seems to havehish with some other factors: QHashIterator & lt; QString, QString & gt; I (hash); While (i.hasNext ()) { (); QDebug () & lt; & Lt; I.key () & lt; & Lt; ":" & Lt; & Lt; I value(); } Edit: I thought it was impossible with QUTS, but what should I use instead? By documentation, QHash is unordered, so The order of an iterator can not be considered as expected . If the command is required by the key, then use , so it is not possible . If you want an order based on keys, then QMap instead .. Hope it helps .. Edit: If you need no key and value logical mapping and just their value, You can QList The first value can be obtained by QString firstValue = (0). first; Similarly for the second value in QPair, the second line = (0) .second; and you can iterate on QList to retrieve the e...

sql - What type of Transaction IsolationLevel should be used to ignore inserts but lock the selected row? -

I have a process that starts a transaction, inserts a record in Table 1, and then a Long moving web service (up to 30 seconds) If the web service call fails then the merger is brought back (which we want). Here is an example of the inclusion (this is actually several entries in multiple tables, but I am making it simple for this question): INSERT in table 1 (User ID, Statistic) values (@UserId, 1) I have another process that asks Table 1 in the first step: SELECT TOP 1 * to Table 1 Where position type = 2 and then updates that line for that user. When the process 1 is running, the table 1 gets locked, the process 2 will not complete until the process 1 ends, which is a problem because a long delay is introduced, while the process 1 will be your web service Ends the call. Process 1 Enter a StatusTypeId of only 1 and it is only an operation that is included in Table1 process 2 will inquire only on StatusTypeId = 2. I want to tell Process 2 to ignore any insertion in Tab...

FLEX F5 Refresh event handler does not work in IE8? -

I have a problem handling the F5 (refresh) option in IE8 which uses FLEX. As I am getting some code by surfing ... it is as follows handle the public functionDownload (event: keyboardEvent): zero {display.text = " The key was pressed: "+ Event.keyCode; }] The main purpose of the code is to handle the F5 (refresh) event. This Mozilla works fine in GoogleChrome, but not in IE8. When I execute the code in IE8, the handle handles events by Flex before handling the event. So please let me know that there is a solution for this .... "post-text" itemprop = "text"> I'm not sure by you I will suspect that your problem is a focus issue, in Firefox (my main browser), if you choose a Flex movie. , Then I can not use Control-T to open a new tab. However, if I click on the address bar or any other "non-flex" page, the new tab opens without any problem. I believe this is because after paying attention to the flash player, key commands ...

php - Convert Object to String -

I have an object that gets a string I want to compare it to string and I do not know how to To do. My source is something like this: $ field = $ this-> Form- & gt; GetFieldset ('profile'); $ Website = "web site"; If ($ Field-> Label == $ website) {Echo "Good"; } Else {"bad" echo; } This problem is not really understood, but you can call it a You can convert the array to get_object_vars . Is it assuming that $ field-> label is actually a property rather than an object? $ field = $ this-> Form & gt; GetFieldset ('Profile'); $ Website = "web site"; $ Array = get_object_vars ($ field); If ($ array ['label'] == $ website) {echo 'hoorah!'; }

sql - MySQL stored procedure for duplicating records from 4 inter-related tables -

After I have 3 tables, networks, nodes, networknodes, networkconnections. networknodes 3 areas have network_node_id, Network_id, and node_id are Fanian key references to the previous two networks, and a network can contain several copies of the same node field networkconnection_id , start_network_node_id, end_network_node_id now I want (but with different network_node_id) networkconnections create a network entry duplicates, including a copy of the record in network connections and network connections, a new network Table records become The money is included. How can this be done with MySQL stored procedures? Is it possible to use arrays and loop in a single query? drop process if 'duplicate network'; Create process 'duplicate network' (Network_key four (50)) Disclaimer Newnetink Binier (16); // Use a unique function Generate NewKey () newNetworkId; // Network (NETWORK_ID, labels, AppBackgroundColorKey, DateAdded, LastModified) Select newNetworkId, labe...

java - How to remove duplicate entries in an ArrayList -

I have an ArrayList & lt; Integer & gt; that pulls from my database wants to know how it is possible to loop through them, so I can remove the duplicate. Thanks in advance, Dean If there is no duplicate then Use set instead of the list . You set either where you are currently using your list , or you set to remove duplicate elements . set & lt; Integer & gt; Year = new hashset & lt; Integer & gt; (MyOldArrayList); Or you can change from one store to another, I'm not sure what the effect of the display is: ArrayList & lt; Integer & gt; Year = // dominated by years of database = new Arrives & Lt; Integer & gt; (New hashaseet and lt; integer & gt; (years));

compare - PHP Output Words Not In String -

मेरे पास दो स्ट्रिंग हैं: $ string = shell_exec ('reg.bat' $ आर्ग); // रिटर्न शब्द \ 0word \ 0word $ stringA = "$ string"; $ StringB = "शब्द, अन्य, शब्द 2, अन्य 2"; $ Array1 = विस्फोट ('\ 0', $ stringA); $ Array2 = विस्फोट (',', $ stringB); $ परिणाम = array_diff ($ array1, $ array2); मैं अंतर को खोजने के लिए array_diff का उपयोग कर सकता हूं, लेकिन पिछले शब्द को दोनों स्ट्रिंग में नहीं दिखाया गया है भले ही यह \ 0 सीमांकक के कारण हो। कोशिश करें: $ stringA = "शब्द, अन्य, word2, अन्य"; $ StringB = "शब्द, अन्य, शब्द 2, अन्य 2"; $ Array1 = विस्फोट (',', $ stringA); $ Array2 = विस्फोट (',', $ stringB); $ परिणाम = array_diff ($ array2, $ array1); गूंज '& lt; पूर्व & gt;'; print_r ($ परिणाम); परिणाम: अर्रे ([3] = & gt; अन्य 2) अधिक जानकारी:

c# - How do I create a text file on server or memory? -

How do I create a text file and write string content in it? I'm planning on later in the context of the text file, it can be on the server (root folder) or anywhere, where I can refer to it. Below is the string content foreach (stringlists search in string s) {if (result. Inserts) results = result. Replay (S, StringToplay); You can use the method: String result = "FU bar"; File. Type all text (@ "c: \ foo.txt", the result);

python - Parsing Snort Logs with PyParsing -

There is a problem parsing the snort log using the pipering module. The problem is with the separation of Snort, (which contains multiline entries, is different than a blank line) and expecting to work with each row to work with each row, To get pipering to parse each entry in the form of a whole section (obviously, it is not.) I want to convert each section to a temporary string Has tried to take out new lines in each section, but it does not refuse to process correctly I can be completely on the wrong track, but I do not think so (syslog- Type works perfectly for logs, but they are one-line entries and therefore lend themselves in their original file iterator / line processing) A sample of log and I have so far Of the ID: [**] [1: 486: 4] Unfair communication with ICMP destination destination host is prohibited from administration [**] [Classification: Miscellaneous activity] [Priority: 3] 08 / 03-07: 30: 02.233350 - & gt; ICMP TTL: 61 TOS: 0xC...

java - Why use @PostConstruct? -

एक प्रबंधित बीन में, @PostConstruct को नियमित जावा ऑब्जेक्ट कन्स्ट्रक्टर के बाद कहा जाता है। मैं नियमित रूप से कन्स्ट्रक्टर के बजाय, बीन द्वारा आरम्भ करने के लिए @PostConstruct का उपयोग क्यों करूंगा? क्योंकि जब कन्स्ट्रक्टर को कहा जाता है, बीन अभी तक आरंभीकृत नहीं है - यानी कोई निर्भरता इंजेक्शन नहीं है। @PostConstruct विधि में सेम पूरी तरह से आरंभ किया गया है और आप निर्भरता का उपयोग कर सकते हैं। क्योंकि यह अनुबंध है जो इस विधि की गारंटी देता है बीन जीवनचक्र में केवल एक बार उपयोग किया जाता है ऐसा हो सकता है (हालांकि संभव नहीं है) कि कंटेनर द्वारा अपने आंतरिक कार्य में एक बीन को कई बार इन्स्तांत किया जाता है, लेकिन यह गारंटी देता है कि @PostConstruct केवल एक बार लागू हो जाएगा।

c# - How to specify a parameter of an OperationContract as required -

I wonder how can I specify the parameters of the operation contract method in WCF so that xsd generated minOccurs = "1 Example: [communication of service (namespace = "")] Public Interface IMyWebService {[Operation Contract] string DoSomething (string Absolute 1, string paragraph 2, string paragraph 3); } Generates the XSD: & Lt; Xs: element minimum orchars = "0" name = "absolute 2" nilibble = "true" type = "x: string" /> & Lt; Xs: element min octaurus = "0" name = "absolute 3" nilele = "true" type = "x: string" /> & Lt; / XS: sequence & gt; & Lt; / XS: complexType & gt; But I want to define minOccurs = "1" in the code without needing to manually fix it in the xsd file. You may need to wrap your parameters in the class, then you DataMember attribute and specify IsRequired = true : [communication of service (...

mysql - parameters in odbc -

I order a page 3 datacontrols (amount, datalist-> grid-> List View, select the feed in the next one) Works locally completely, using the dot-net connector for mysql. My webhost uses ODBC, and I had to remove [] with the selected statements in my code and put the table name. I [] and removed my page, and showed my 1 / fatalist control, but does not populate my grid control "selected value" My Datawadi. I imagine theres handles a certain standards with the way ODBC is The original for my grid. & lt; ASP: SQLDataSource id = "recipegrid" runat = "server" ConnectionString = "& LT;% $ ConnectionStrings: exoticingConnectionString% & gt;" Provider Name = "& lt;% $ Connection Transiting: Exotic Connection String.Prand Name% & gt;" SelectCommand = Select "[id], [name], [time], [Pro], [Fat], [Carb], [fiber], [T], [sod] where [tblrecipes] ([filenameid] = @ File name) order by [name] "& gt; & Lt... mvc - MVC2 - Design pages at runtime -

We are in the process of implementing an MVC 2 web application, and the ability for the administrator of the site is required "design "The screen is the idea that the admin user will select from the list of predefined areas and manipulate their order display order (page from top to bottom). Once the page is designed and saved, the user of the site can navigate to the page and view the form designed. What is the best way to implement it? We are kicking around some of the options: 1) The admin screen continues its design pages as an actual .aspx file. I think we can create links to the page created by working with a routing engine. This approach will take advantage of JIT caching (right?), And looks and behaves like a regular MVC application. With this approach I have the issue that in order to modify pages it seems a little hack. I worry that the page can be a stale version of the compiled and running page, after which the page has been modified by the administrator....

C# Console - set cursor position to the last visible line -

I would like to set the cursor position to the last view line. How can I do this? Cheers, Pete Last Line means, you can use a mix of Console.CursorTop , and Console.WindowHyight and Console.WindowTop . Sample code: using the system; Class test {static wide menu (console); light ("hello"); WriteOnBottomLine ("Below!"); Console "Line" ("there"); } Fixed Zero WriteOnBottomLine (string text) {int x = console Cursor left; Int y = the console Cursor tone; Console.cursor hat = console Windows Top + Console. Windows High - 1; Console.Write (text); // Restore the previous position console .Set Croser Position (X, Y); }} Note that to find out where it is inside the buffer, take the account of Console.WindowTop ...

Flash Projector fullscreen on video -

मैं प्रोजेक्टर फ्लैश में एक पूर्ण स्क्रीन का उपयोग कर रहा हूँ: stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN; अगला मैं एक वीडियो (एक swf प्लेयर के साथ flv लोड) और मैं एक "कंटेनर" मूवीक्लिप में "खिड़की सेम" नामक कॉल में जोड़: loader = नया लोडर (); Loader.load (नया URLRequest (path_to_swf)); windowSmall.addChild (गैलरी); मैं खिड़की के वीडियो को जोड़ने के बाद, विंडो में प्रदर्शित होने के बजाय वीडियो को फुल स्क्रीन पर ले जाया जाता है फिर मुझे वीडियो के पूर्ण स्क्रीन मोड से बाहर निकलने के लिए ईएससी को प्रेस करना होगा (और प्रोजेक्टर अपने फ़ुलस्क्रीन को भी खो देंगे)। कोई भी जानता है कि लोड किए गए वीडियो फ़ुलस्क्रीन में क्यों खोले और इसे कैसे से बचने के लिए? मैं चाहता हूं कि प्रोजेक्टर पूर्ण स्क्रीन हो, लेकिन लोड किए गए वीडियो को कंटेनर के अंदर बस उसके मूल आयामों के समान होगा। मुझे समाधान मिल गया है: आपको istanceNameOfFLVPlayback.fullScreenTakeOver = false जोड़ना होगा; एसएलएफ के भीतर जो एफएलवी और एफएलवी प्लेबैक है

sql server - Migrating data from MSSQL to MySQL -

I have some tables in SQL Server Express that contain high character data - eg: Hagen-Days I have exported SQL and I run it in MySQL, fails on these letters. I do not have DTS in SQL Express, so I can not change the ODBC conversion. I have used the functionality of the external table of the filemaker pro but the characters are shown as odd letters. Formerly: Any suggestion would be appreciated. got a fix