FLEX F5 Refresh event handler does not work in IE8? -

I have a problem handling the F5 (refresh) option in IE8 which uses FLEX. As I am getting some code by surfing ... it is as follows

handle the public functionDownload (event: keyboardEvent): zero {display.text = " The key was pressed: "+ Event.keyCode; }]

The main purpose of the code is to handle the F5 (refresh) event. This Mozilla works fine in GoogleChrome, but not in IE8. When I execute the code in IE8, the handle handles events by Flex before handling the event. So please let me know that there is a solution for this ....

"post-text" itemprop = "text">

I'm not sure by you I will suspect that your problem is a focus issue, in Firefox (my main browser), if you choose a Flex movie. , Then I can not use Control-T to open a new tab. However, if I click on the address bar or any other "non-flex" page, the new tab opens without any problem. I believe this is because after paying attention to the flash player, key commands are not sent to the browser.

I suspect that this problem is happening with IE8. And F5 / Refresh Key I do not have a solution for you.


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