iphone - Strange crash on selecting a UITableView cell -

Text after "

I'm getting an EXC_BAD_ADDRESS crash when selecting a cell's cell on which a new view Push Navigation Controller

I have strongly suspected the new code I have added:

Here stack trace ( CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_TIMER_CALLBACK_FUNCTION _ There is always the initial data application needed in a separate thread to load, because partially init and loadView new view are being asked to come back fine. [: @selector (loadData) toTarget: NSThread detachNewThreadSelector itself withObject: zero] I am a ; Load a view in applicationDidFinishLaunching and then showing a progress indicator. loadData does a [self performSelectorOnMainThread: @selector (setupMainUI) withObject: zero waitUntilDone: NO]; When the data is ready. The UI (table and all) is loaded fine, the latest figures show great; This happens when a new view should be pushed that crashes. Switching views through tab controller works fine too.

Thoughts? . Thanks

Update :

This is what I'm doing to load the new view controller:

  NSArray * ArrayForSection = [Filtered Gobb ObjectOutIndex: IndexPath.section]; Employee * Selected Staff * [Arrayformation ObjectIndex: IndexPath.ro]; If (self employed) == zero) {employee employee * emplVC = [[Employee employee allocation] initWithEmployee: selected employees); Self.employeeVC = emplVC; } [Self. Navigation controller Push ViewController: animated employeeVC: Yes];  

You have overruled an object App is indicated, this means that something in the pool was already released and it was first distributed. To find out the problem, try Build and Analyze or NSGobies.

I do not think it is to do with your threading, as you mentioned that I feel right.


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