java - Installing SunJCE on Android? -
The company I work for is wary of Android app development because the default cryptography library, bouncy castle, FIPS- 140 is not certified. I can not do anything to change their minds or policies.
I'm wondering what options I have (or at least bundling) to set up SunJCE with my app?
For one, I do not know that I will download the latest version of this jar. I tried to grab JS jar from my desktop and install it as an internal jar in my Android project and if it gave an ominous message, then it got entertaining:
One Core class (Java. * Or javax. *) Something other than an original library is likely to happen that you have tried to include a core library (or part of it) from a desktop virtual machine. This will not do the most reliable work. At a minimum, it puts your app's compatibility at risk with future versions of the platform. It is also often of suspicious validity.
If you really intend to create Core Library - which is only appropriate as part of creating a complete virtual machine distribution, as opposed to compiling an application - then use it The "--core-library" option to suppress this error message.
If you go ahead and use "cowl-library", but are actually building an application, be careful that your application still fails to build or run, At some point Please be prepared for those angry customers, who are looking for, for example, after updating your operating system your application function is on. You are the culprit for this problem.
If you are using some code that is in the main package, then you have the easiest option to rename the code. That is, the sections in question in their own package namespace Move it means that they will never be in conflict with the core system classes. If you think that you can not do this, then it is an indication that the path you are on will eventually become the cause of pain, pain, sorrow and sorrow.
I want to know the proper way to go about this work, if it is pain, anguish, sorrow or sorrow, provided it is something that I should try at all.
You may be able to import java. *
or javax. *
class due to compiler error. You should work after following their instructions, but changing the package for some JCE size can be important, and I do not know that the result will still be eligible as FIPS-140. , If JCE has been implemented in pure Java, then it is slow on Android And until JCE is related to the Java version of Java, or any other open source implementation, the licensing issue indicates an error message.
Other FIPS-140 encryption libraries are available, such as K As a form, Java is binding, and for others you might write Java binding. It is possible that you can get one of the people working with NDK to run on Android. .
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