java - Proxy for test automation and eventual regression testing, or other ideas -
I was thinking that anyone can recommend some existing software to work around a common mainframe, which is tested Being added to the development environment Recently I am reapplying some webpages which are dependent on this server, and I'm living with a major delay due to the creation of the same questions. Ideally I want to plug a solution between the server on test mainframe and development system For the record, I have been told that this test is a type of tree tree and has no relation to the performance of production systems.
My initial thoughts will use a caching proxy to generate automated feedback for the commonly used paths. Ideally, if done right, then accessing both sets of data could ultimately lead to a regression suit.
I think that I am hoping for existing solutions with these lines or may have missed alternative ideas. I personally am going to try as a solution first and because it will be limited to a dev environment, therefore there should be space for flexibility.
The current development environment becomes a machine of Java and windows, but Linux machines are available and with a clean solution, the technology behind it should not make any difference to it.
: tldr I'm wondering what the easiest way to set up a caching proxy to limit repeat interaction with a slow server, ideally after accessing cached results for regression testing With the means of
Distribution of available cash software in the market, e.g. Oracle Cohyrences or TIBO ActiveSpace are usually used with RDBMS, but you can also connect them with same-time mainframe adapters and integration servers.
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