database - Is DDD fit for our scenario? -
We are trying to come up with an API and provide data-intensive services for potential users.
Our scenario: We are a low-data vendor where we store large amounts of data in the normalized database and use the query to retrieve them for display in data-driven web applications. . Now, we want to create an API that clients can use to create their own frontend.
Looking at the scenario, does DDD help here?
From all the readings, DDD helps you with complex event logic, but here we are keeping things together from the database and serving them.
Or, would you say that we can not make the API based on our database structure, but on our own domain model?
Any kind of help is appreciated.
Thank you.
If the application is needed only think about DDD .. and please see < / P>
Why does UDI clearly explain why we should not use the domain model to query
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