ios - Detect Tap on CalloutBubble in MKAnnotationView -
I'm working with Mkemapwu and MK Annoteshn view.
I have an annotation in the map. When the user taps on it, the callout bubble is displayed. When annotations are tapped again (and Colopt appears bubble) I need to change in the second scene.
How can I find another tap, or tap into a bubble?
You can add a signal identifier when you start MKAnnotationView
Here is the code inside dequeueReusableNnotationViewWithIdentifier:
UITapGestureRecognizer * tapGesture = [[UITapGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTarget: self action: @selector (calloutTapped :)]; [See ANNotation viewstationline: tap gesture]; [Tap Jestra Release];
The method for gesture identifier:
- (minus) Colauttap: (ID) to the sender {// code to display it next required // To get an annotation associated with callout that caused this event: // id & lt; MK Annnotation & gt; Annotations = ((Mkeanoteshnwu *) Preshkkdrishy) Knoteshn; }
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