iphone - Custom iPad keyboard that looks like the system keyboards -

I'm looking for a non-hash solution for this, so basically -input view The part I'm not sure about is to show it as a regular keyboard, from the background to the keys. I realized that I can do Photoshop with an apple keyboard, but it seems that it is a little laugh, especially when Apple (probably not, but still possible) decides to change his keyboard, I know that Numbers have done an outstanding job of creating additional keyboards that look like standard systems, and I want to do them like them (although obviously they have the same resources.

I used the following Done:


  - (IBAction) pressed: (UIButton *) Sender {[Repressed Press: sender.tag]; }  

where the representative is defined as an ID representative;

Then in the representative I do ...

  - (zero) pressed: (NSInteger) key {NSString * bufferString = model.string; If (key == -1) {// delete model.string = [bufferstring authoringwindrange: nsmkrange (0, [buffer string length] -1]; } Else {// to the button tag model. String = [Base value based on buffer string string: @ "% i", key] will need to change the following to see key values; } [Self update]; // Updates updated}  

I'm from the keyboard button artwork:


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