objective c - iOS4 breaks HTTP requests (POST/GET) -

I've got a working version to work on our codebase 3.1.3 and 3.2, and recently we have a significant focus Drop in the traffic for the given URL, this request is hitting. After investigation, I noticed that there is no traffic to the URL, followed by an application to completely break the

This will exact code will execute a thread properly and return data. We are absolutely stumped on this.

I've got is that this is a section of code:

  {NSString * post = @ "data = {\" * \ ": \" Dls \ "}"; NSDTA * PostData = [Post Data Usage Encoding: NASCitit Encoding]; // permission licensed conversion: yes]; NSString * postLength = [NSString stringWithFormat: @ "% d", [Postdeta length]]; NSString * url = @ "urlremoved"; UrlDownloaderOperation * op = [UrlDownloaderOperation urlDownloaderWithUrlString: URL representative: self didFinishSelector: @selector (requestDVDsDidFinishWithData :) didFailSelector: @selector (requestDVDsDidFailWithError :)]; [Op setmondi: @ "post"]; [Op set content type: @ "app / x-www-form-urxed"]; [Op set content long: post langgha]; [Opsetbody: postdata]; [Queue add operation: op]; }  

and UrlDownloaderOperation op

  - (void) begin {[self willChangeValueForKey: @ "isExecuting"]; _isExecuting = yes; [Self-deductive Euphoria: @ "Expreting"]; NSMutableURLRequest * Request = [NSMutableURL request url with url: _url]; [Request timeoutigner: 20.0F]; If (criteria! = Zero & amp; amp; amp; amp; [parameter count]> gt; {NSMutableString * params = [@ "?" MutableCopy]; For (NSString * important [parameters allKeys]) {parameter = [NSString stringWithFormat: @ "% @% @ =% @ & amp;", the ultimate key, [parameters objectForKey: key]]; } NSRange Range; Range. Location = [parameter length] - 1; Range.length = 1; Parameters = [NSMutableString stringWithFormat: [Parameter stringBeerPlacePlacingCache: String with category: @ ""]]; NSString * escapedParams = [stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding parameter: NSASCIIStringEncoding]; NSDTA * Paramoddata = [NSData DatvyThite: [Escape Parameters UTF 8 String] Length: [Param length]]; Request = [NSMutableURL request request withURL: _url]; [Set http system: @ "post"]; [Set HTTPPB: Paramoddata]; } If (header! = Zero) {{request set AllHTTPHeaderFields: header]; } If (method! = Zero) [set http method: [self method]]; If (contentLength! = Void) [request value set: [self content length] forHTTPHeaderField: @ "content-length"]; If (contentType! = Zero) [Request Set Value: [Self Content Type] forHTTPHeaderField: @ "Content-Type"]; If (body! = Void) [request set httpbb: body]; _connection = [[NSUK connection alloc] InitvuthRequest: Request Rep: Auto]; If (_connection == zero) [self finishes]; }  

Once I go to this point, the thread disappears, and the rest of the app continues. Where should I start trying to debug it?


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