db2400 - How can we View the DB2 Procedure and How can we execute the
DB2 Procedure and just see the output of the procedure using DB2 -
How can we see the DB2 process (I mean the argument they have written) and how we can execute the DB2 process and how to do it.
DC2 system stores system table under Sysat schema is. Therefore a query on syscat.routines will give you the stored procedure content.
A typical example: If you get a stored procedure by name named update_employee
, then the following query works:
syscat.routines Choose the text from where routinename = 'update_employee'
Using the DB2 description command, you can see the table schema and determine which column you want to see.
The process has already answered "in" and you can mention it. ( Example: mystoredProc (parm1, parm2,?);
I recommend reading the DB2 stored procedure details from the IBM website.