
Showing posts from March, 2014

actionscript 3 - Flex xml in tree -

निम्न xml मान php फ़ाइल से हो रहा है & lt; परिणाम & gt; & LT; सूची & gt; & LT; नोड & gt; हवा & lt; / नोड & gt; & LT; नोड & gt; फ्लेक्स & lt; / नोड & gt; & LT; नोड & gt; एंड्रॉयड & lt; / नोड & gt; & Lt; / सूची & gt; & Lt; / परिणाम & gt; मैं इस xml को httpservice का उपयोग कर कॉल कर रहा हूं & lt; mx: HTTPService id = "project" url = "http: // localhost / eshpm / AIR /newproject.php "method =" POST "परिणाम =" onResult_projectname (ईवेंट) "परिणामस्वरूप =" e4x "& gt; & Lt; mx: अनुरोध xmlns = "" & gt; & LT; नाम & gt; हाँ & lt; / नाम & gt; & Lt; / mx: अनुरोध & gt; & Lt; / mx: HTTPService & gt; फ़ंक्शन का उपयोग करके परिणाम प्राप्त किया जाता है परन्तु निजी कार्य पर ResultEprojectname (evt: ResultEvent): शून्य {xmldata = new XML (evt.result); XmlList_user = नया XMLListCollection (xmldata.list)...

c# - How do I stop the browser storing form data which user entered in text fields -

I do not know whether this is a simple task, but I tried to search in Google but found nothing. I have an form and records some data in the text box given by the user. Whenever the user submits the form, the browser saves that form data. I do not want to save this form data in the browser. How can I restrict the browser that saves this form data without touching the browser settings? The application has been developed using ASP.NET and here the general text box is used. I'm guessing that you want to stop remembering the browser entries, Is the autocomplete? & lt; Input type = "text" name = "text1" autocomplete = "off" & gt; Or it will work in FF and IE, but this is not the XHTML standard: & lt; Form name = "form1" id = "form1" auto-complete = "off" /> Note that Autocomplete is defined only in HTML 5 standards, so it will break any validity that you run against HTML 4 . If...

How can I combine two android project -

I am using eclipse, and I have two Android projects that have different topics i and I want to join these projects. I am I mean, I want to run an Android project from the other. I tried to refer to one project to another, and then run but this does not work. Apart from this I have seen the related questions and answers but it also does not work. Thank you According to Beniskaggan, I edit my content: Sample code is like starting an activity to call different projects Is: intended intent = new intent (this, FBFeedActivity.class); StartActivityForResult (intent, MESSAGEPUBLISHED); and XML code: & lt; Activity Android: name = "com ... fbconnect.FBFeedActivity" /> I have created 3 test projects to look at this code. Two of them are Android projects and one of them is Java Project. This works when I use this code with the Android project and the Java project. However, when I try with two Android projects, I get these errors: It says that the class can...

Visual studio 2010 Switch statement generation by enum -

Is there a way to create switch statements by enum? For example if I have Enum and I have the method with the parameter enum, then I need the code switch statement for each case, but there is a way to generate enum this switch statement is? If I have many other enumues, if my energy is wide range and if I have 10-100 ways that make those cases switch coding with different criteria, hell Maybe it's a good idea to make a T4 template, yet I'm happy to hear some suggestions about ang switch generation. Without additional software such as view To complete that snippet the studio already does, type the switch, tab, type the name of the anonymity, and you will get the case statement auto-granulated.

iphone - timer issue at displaying view -

Hi I'm new to iphone What I will do is display 20 images as a grid and by selecting the image It is displayed on the image view after 4 seconds, it will come back to the main screen, because I am using the timer. It works fine but there is a small problem in selecting the image. The timer is constantly running. If I'm selecting the button at the end of 2 seconds Then it will come back in the next 2 seconds, how can I help this PLS timer continuously Instead of running, only start if the user selects an image, thus you will get full 4 seconds. Also, make sure you do not set it to repeat.

objective c - how to add the splitview in the tab bar application in ipad -

I want to add a split view into a tab bar item. I have said that but when I click on that tab bar object, tabbar disappears. So I want to know the correct way to add the Spitview to the tab bar. I'm doing a little longer, but since I refuse this question, with someone else It may also be ... UISplitViewController class is designed to run as the top view controller and either UITabBarController or UINavigationControler does not support child. If you need nested split footage, take a look at

Javascript/jQuery legend widget -

Is a JS / jQuery widget that allows me to display a simple legend, in which a small color for example Rectens and one of the next text labels? Legend in this specific case will show the meaning behind the different color codes in an inline jQuery UI Tracker widget, which the user customized to enable multiple selections and show different colors. For specific days In fact, what I want to do is look like a list of SO sites on the footer of this page (but ideally is listed next to the picker). So if there is no solution, then I think I will try the source of this page. You have to hand it over to the stack overflow crew, their method is very clever to build legends. Basically, they use character ■ (ASCII 254) in place of any image or div, they include it in a period, which is styled with font size and color property, there is a style anchor tag in front of it. rinse and repeat. It's particularly cunning about this that it fits in all an inline in the and lines on the ...

PHP won't echo out or execute JavaScript -

I need PHP to open a new window with a text of the variable. Here's what I tried. echo " $ myWin = ('', '$ myWin', 'menu bar, scrollbar, left = 30px, top = 40px, height = 800px , Width = 800px '); $ myWin.document.write (". $ Logtext."); & Lt; / script & gt; But it does not work. Any better ideas or suggestions? Thanks! First of all, $ myWin can be just in JS: my_window = ('', 'mywindowname', 'position = 1, width = 350, height = 150'); My_window.document.write ('"$ myphpstring ..' ');

c++ - Pointer array and sizeof confusion -

निम्नलिखित कोड आउटपुट 4 क्यों करता है? char ** संकेतक = नया चार * [1]; Std :: cout & lt; & lt; आकारफ (सूचक) & lt; & lt; "\ N"; मेरे पास एक सरणी है, लेकिन इसकी लंबाई 1 होनी चाहिए, क्या नहीं? सूचक एक सूचक है यह एक सूचक का आकार है, जो आपके सिस्टम पर 4 बाइट्स है। * सूचक भी एक सूचक है sizeof (* pointer) 4 भी हो जाएगा। ** सूचक एक कक्ष है। sizeof (** सूचक) हो जाएगा 1. नोट करें कि ** सूचक एक वर्ण है क्योंकि इसे char ** के रूप में परिभाषित किया गया है। सरणी के आकार में नए प्रवेशकों ने प्रवेश किया। ध्यान दें कि sizeof एक कंपाइलर ऑपरेटर है। यह संकलन समय पर एक स्थिरता के लिए प्रदान किया जाता है। कुछ भी जो रनटाइम पर बदल सकता है (जैसे कि एक नया ऐरे के आकार का) sizeof का उपयोग करके निर्धारित नहीं किया जा सकता है। नोट 2: यदि आपने इसे परिभाषित किया है: चार * सरणी [1]; Char ** pointer = array; अब सूचक पहले से ही समान मान है, लेकिन अब आप कह सकते हैं: int arraySize = sizeof (array ); // सरणी int सरणी के कुल स्थान का आकार = लेंस = ...

iphone - Get remote file size via HTTP without downloading said file -

Any way to get the size of any (remote, http) file without actually downloading? All other similar questions seem to revolve around grabbing expected contact log in the NSURLResponse object didReiveiveResponse: But I do not want to download the file, I want to know how big this is. Try to make head requests, it only returns headers with content-length headers. ~ $ curl-I HTTP/ 1.1 301 Permanently Moved Location: Content-Length: 21 9 ...

c# - .NET - Project Won't Build -

I have a WPF / ASP.NET project on which I have not worked for a while (ResourceBlender.NET - ). The project has a datelarer and a core layer, both of which are used in the solution by WPF application and ASP.NET project. If the WPF project is set up as a startup project and I'm getting the application, I can not find the "type or name space name 'whatever' (you use the director or Do not you remember the assembly reference?) ". When I try to build a build, run or debug, but going to error double click and show no real error in the editor and everything is highlighted in general. ASP.NET project fixes I'm completely oblivious to this because there are no obvious errors to decide - can it be a metadata somewhere? Check that all assembly 3.5 / 4.0 clients do not target profiles (this is probably a WPF application Which is the culprit). This lets you actually describe the error message.

olap - How can I use an MDX Level property in the slicer? -

Suppose I have a [sale] cube that has a level of [store] and there is a "type" property in a store. What query should I use to show the sum of sales for all stores of "supermarkets" type? (Like you have sold 6m dollars in all stores of "supermarket" type) If you are a member of To use the properties, you can use the .properties ("propertyname") You have to create a custom set that was filtered before and after that [store ] All members of the level were collected. The value of the property corresponds to "supermarket". My MDX skills are a bit rusty ... with [store] . [SupermarketSweep] AS 'Composite ([Filter] [Store]. [Store] .Mombers, [Store]. Current Members. Properties ("Type") = "Supermarket"))' Selection {[Store]. ROES on [SupermarketSweep], {[remedy]. [Anyone]} from the column [Sales]

c# - Popup with a gridview when a link is clicked -

When a link is clicked, help me get a popup with gridview (with 2 columns) May I need some help badly, no one can please me how to start and process the process please I would be grateful Gridviewview contains 2 checkboxes and text in the column. It should be populated from the database and after modifying it. It should save in database !! I appreciate all your help !! Thanks! If you do not have the time, and you want things to work "magically"; download; Drop a link in your markup that will open the grid; Name MyLink Define two columns inside 'Ed GridView. & lt; Asp: panel runat = "server" id = "pnlGrid" & gt; ASP: Gridview ... & gt; & Lt; / Asp: Panel & gt; Drop ModalPopupExtender Control with Ajax Control Toolkit in your markup. Markup of ModalPopupExtender & lt; Task: Add the ID of the panel to ModalPopupExtender ID = "MyModalPopupExtender1" runat = "server" MyLink ...

regex - using python, Remove HTML tags/formatting from a string -

I have a string that contains links, bold text, such as html markup. I want to strip all tags so that I have raw text. What is the best way to do this? Regex? If you are going to use regex: import Re-def strips (data): p = re.compile (r '& lt;. *? & Gt;') Return p.sub ('', data) & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Stripele ('

What are good tactics to do function extraction in Objective-C to create clean code? -

In the book, the author has advised to break big tasks into small functions, which do a specific thing in languages ​​like Java It translates beautiful, readable code. public static string renderpage (page data pageadata) {included header (page data); IncludeContent (pageData); IncludeFooter (pageData); Return page Data.getHtml (); } In the Objective-C, as far as I know that the only way to implement such actions is to create personal methods and send them the message self - (NSString *) renderPageWithData: (Page_Data *) pageata {(manually included: page data); [Insert yourself: pageadata]; [Self contained footer: pagedata]; Return [pdata html]; } I feel like a message self Operation means that the object is doing itself; the C function is not really an option because Do not fall within the class. Which means that I can not access any instance variable or class object extra parallel and add complexity. I'm looking for a good way to create a clean code in relat...

How can I prevent line breaks between words and punctuation in Flex UITextField? -

I am providing html in a flex 3.x UITextField. The problem I am facing now is that when the punctuation is at the end of a word, sometimes it can be wrapped in the next line For example: Who makes me stronger does not kill me, so I became a developer. This sounds like a bug in my algorithm, is there a problem? I am trying to reproduce your problem, but in my case In any case, you have tried a new line character with the text \ n to compel the line to break where you want, or your text to the window Need to flow with size?

How to create a F# based Visual Studio Add-In? -

With F # installed, Visual Studio 2008 (and possibly 2010) provides add-in project templates for C #, VB.NET and C ++. How to create an F # based add-in? I have tried to create an F # Class library project with a new class, which is to set correct references (EnvDTE, Extensibility, ...), C # Add-In (Mainly A command line for debugging) by copying some project attributes and more. Addin manifests the file with hand, but there is no success. When VS Launched, my add-in is not listed in the Available. What are the missing steps? Any kind of COM registration somewhere? I have not tried this exact scenario, but with the general strategy I is the best luck: Start with the C # template, rename .fsproj to .csproj and & lt; Import & gt; Change s to F # and & lt; Compile & gt; / Code> F # code with F # code, and exit from there. Templates often have many important logic for creation / deployment, so start with a working template for C # and press it for F #. ...

css - IE 8 duplicates first element when printing -

I am looking at the following behavior when I use IE 8 to print the page from the webpad. / P> element n is an HTML element, the page is styled using the media = print sheet. In ASCII: + ----------- ------ + + element 1 + element 2 + + page- Brake * + element 3 + element 4 + ----------------- + / / code> print + ----------------- + element 1 + element 2 + - ---------------- + + ---- ------------- + element 3 + element 4 + ----- Safari, Chrome and Firefox ------------ + . IE print: + ----------------- + element 1 + ------- ---------- + + ----- ------------ + + Element 1 + element 2 + ------------ ----- + --------- -------- + element 3 + element 4 + ----------------- + Duplication element 1 is a img or h1 tag, as long as element 1 is done. I do not know that it works in further situations. Nothing of the note did not appear. Is this something like that before? If not, I can post my code to a location. Unfortunately, my work does a great job...

api - How to implement an file storage service in PHP (compatible with S3 or similar) -

Is there a way to create a server-side similar to S3, ID, Dropbox etc. in strict PHP? In other words, I really do not want to write that at the end the goal will allow users to map a drive or folder on our server using an app that already exists. Applying the client to the OS side rather than some standard (or popular) API so that our servers are compatible with the current app. If there is a standard API interface, it would be great - as long as some client applications are available for it. I tried to search but nothing was found. The closest thing is that However, FTP is an unsafe and dated protocol. , While supporting the proprietary expansion of the protocol, WebDave is difficult to support on Windows.

debugging - How do I use the bitmap debug visualizer in Visual Studio 2010? -

I am trying to use the Bitmap visualizer in Visual Studio 2010, but when I bring the Quick Clock window, do not see me magnified described as glazing. I set the app to full trust under the Security tab of the project settings but it does not help. Has anyone successfully used the bitmap debug visualizer? Oh no I do not know why I thought this was included in Visual Studio 2010 but there is a third party version .

Free resources to learn computer (electrical?) engineering? -

First of all, I just came back from DEFCON 18 and is fully motivated to know more about the hardware. For example, how do I add an id to the badge? () How can I read a schematic and understand what I can do with it? I checked some computer engineering books on Amazon, but these are all very expensive. I also realize that whatever they want they can not be too. How are some free resources to modify the hardware? In addition, as a side note, I am quite well aware of the software. I have built a computer and have played some with the hardware at higher level, but I want to immerse myself in a deeper sense. Thank you! There are many classes in MIT; it's really an amazing resource (with Professor Walter Levin's physics art Work).

java - Is Grails a viable option for large scale enterprise web apps? -

A J2EE god is coming from the background, I like the idea of ​​Grails .... The use of enterprise java (spring) To do all the benefits, hibernate, etc.), but with the simplicity of the railways (scaffolding, conference on configuration, Groovy script, etc.). My company is considering rolling out a new enterprise scale web application built on top of Grails I have heard that there was some problem with stability and defects in the first release of the platform. However, I do not think many complaints since becoming a part of Springsource I'm curious if anyone has any feedback or experience in using Grails for a massive web application is? Reliable? Any gotchas I should look out for? Any other observation? Thanks! For some previous discussion on this topic (late 2008) (from 2010)

artificial intelligence - Inference logic rule selection problem -

Tommy, Jill and Traveler belong to the SC club. Every member of the club club, either a surfer or a motorcycle rider or both. No bike rider likes the rainy day and all the surfers love a sunny day. Whatever Tommy likes and loves what he likes. Tommy likes a rainy day and a sunny day. Before the above information, please argue in this kind of argument that I can represent the question "Who is a member of the SC club who is a motorcycle rider but not a surfer?" As a definition logic expression. I should choose the first order estimation rule - forward chaining, backward chaining, or resolution rebuttal. Before this question it seems as if it is being asked directly from the book. If this is the case, So it can help you reference the book in your question. If you are really trying to work it out, then ask yourself ... How each conclusion works, and this first order works towards finding solutions in logic problems. is? You will not understand it, but you will hav...

android - BluetoothChat doesn't work -

I can not connect to Motorola Dorod and Nexus One using Bluetooth chat, it always returns "unable to connect" Socket is always closed But when I try to connect Motorola Droid and Nokia N7 7, they always connect. How can I connect Motorola Doyond and Nexus One? where is the problem? You want to take a look at this, because it seems to have some features on Nexus One Bluetooth.

javascript - this error is getting when i am trying to load light box in my page? -

हाय, अपवादित अपवाद: [अपवाद ... "घटक विफलता कोड लौटाया गया: 0x80040111 (एनएस_एरआरओआर_ओएनए_एवीएएएनएलएलई) ) [NsIXMLHttpRequest.statusText] "nsresult:" 0x80040111 (NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE) "स्थान:" जेएस फ्रेम :: :: अनाम :: रेखा 156 "डेटा: नहीं] कृपया मदद .... धन्यवाद एक चेतावनी (self.xmlhttp.statusText) डालने की कोशिश करें; यह देखने के लिए कि यह क्या हो रहा है। मुझे नहीं पता कि statusText है या वह कहां से आ रहा है, जैसा कि आपने हमें कुछ कोड नहीं दिया है। ईमानदारी से, हालांकि, यह कुछ नहीं है ( इस समय) CakePHP के साथ क्या करने के लिए, त्रुटि एक सिस्टम कॉन्फ़िग त्रुटि की तरह दिखती है (जैसे आप शायद किसी पुस्तकालय को लोड नहीं कर रहे हैं), और आपको वास्तव में उस तरह के जावास्क्रिप्ट लिखने की कोशिश करनी चाहिए ताकि आप समझ सकें कि क्या हो रहा है ।

python - need to selectively escape html entities (&) -

मैं एक html पृष्ठ स्क्रैप कर रहा हूँ, फिर xml.dom.minidom.parseString () का प्रयोग करके एक dom ऑब्जेक्ट बनाने के लिए। हालांकि, एचटीएमएल पृष्ठ में एक '& amp;' है मैं इसे & amp; amp; में परिवर्तित करने के लिए cgi.escape का उपयोग कर सकता हूं, लेकिन यह मेरे सारे html & lt;> tags को & amp; amp; lt; & amp; gt; में परिवर्तित करता है जो बनाता है ParseString () नाखुश। मैं इस बारे में कैसे जाना है? मैं न सिर्फ इसे हैक कर दूंगा और सीधे "& amp; s धन्यवाद की जगह स्क्रैपिंग के लिए, ऐसी लाइब्रेरी का उपयोग करने की कोशिश करें जो ऐसे एचटीएमएल "टैग सूप" को संभाल सकें, जैसे एलएक्सएमएल, जिसमें एक (साथ ही एक समर्पित एचटीएमएल पैकेज), या (आप यह भी पाएंगे कि इन पुस्तकालयों में अन्य सामान जो स्क्रैपिंग / एचटीएमएल के साथ काम करना आसान बनाते हैं, एक तरफ बीमार बनाने वाले दस्तावेज़ों को संभालने में सक्षम होने से: सीएसएस चयनकर्ताओं का उपयोग करते हुए फ़ॉर्म से बाहर जानकारी प्राप्त करना, हायपरलिंक्स पूर्ण करना, ...)

UML drawing tools based on the script -

Can you suggest some UML diagram drawing tools based on scripts, which only help in sequence drawing drawing . A complete list of these types of literal UML devices can be found here: My best two recommendations will be: yUML and PlantUML If you need to integrate with something more complex and eclipse, then TextUML

internet explorer 7 - ie7 + jquery. Switching image and detecting size -

Is there a way to detect the actual width of an image in IE 7? At present, the image that changes (we currently do not know the dimensions) can be zoomed by the user (its # $ ('# img') by changing the height ()). In IE8 and Firefox, we can call the image to be removed at a height to reset it to its natural size and then calculate based on it. The ether does not work in IE 7 removal () and hides the image completely. Therefore, finding the height works well for the first time, but once zooming comes in play, modify the height and width, so the next image uses these. I completely want to remove the IMG tag and repeat one without height tags, but is there any other way to get it? P> Update: Sorry, it was not very clear. The problem is not with storing weighted height, but when the src tag is updated to change the image, then the height set in HTML / CSS is remembered - it does not use the actual image height There is a need to be able to detect the true image he...

.net - Swap input character to WPF TextBox before it is added to the Text -

I have a text box that I am using to handle numbers. So I accept only [0- 9.,]. However, "." There is only a valid decimal separator, so I want this only in my text, but I want to accept "," too, and want to swap it with "". "As the displayed character is a legitimate one. So - how do I swap an input character? I'm assuming that I can bring it and swap it in some input event? Or do I text Change it after putting it in the box? I tried to swap it in the OnPreviewKeyDown and OnPreviewTextInput events, but the properties containing the input characters are only for reading. I want to do something like this : protected over Zyde Zero OnPrivacyDown (System.Windows.Epoot.quaEventArguesE) {if (EkeE == key.omcoma) {EK = key OmParod;} Base.OnPreviewKeyDown (e);} You can use Text Change Event and change the text property every time. / P> Private Zero Text boxboxext (Object Sender, TextChangedEventArgs E) {Text box box = (Text box) Sende...

website - Looking for a non-trivial 3 layered example -

I see an example of an website (with source), has been implemented with layer 3 architecture And some complications like user authentication and user permissions, etc. Does anyone know such an example? If you favor ASP.NET MVC (and I can suggest that you should be) Then () is one of the best examples of structuring an application. Personally I think that instead of focusing on n-tier / 3-tier architecture, you focus your efforts on designing web applications responsibly by using principles like SLAID. needed.

c# - fluent nhibernate ... mapping 'lookup' value to DataGrid -

To simplify it, as much as I can think, if I have classes: order, order Type, where there are 1 to 1 relationships with an order type in an order, how can I bind into a datagrid, and see the desired column / field from the order type? When I have a datagrid, in order. Order type 'field', I get the name of the order type class with just one guide. I should be able to say something like 'use the' code 'field from the order type class. This is not really a nineteen question, because this problem can come with any object, Even though how does it last? I think you are asking that you want to make a list of orders in the grid, and you want to bind the property of another property which is a class. & asp: Gridview id = "gv1" runat = "server" & gt; & Lt; Columns & gt; & Lt ;! - Regular property - & gt; & Lt; ASP: BoundfieldDefined = "ID" header text = "ID" /> & Lt; ASP: Boundfield dat...

continuous integration - Where should unit tests live? -

I'm relatively new to the unit testing, and I've found that many sources say that you should write unit tests, Where can some of them put you in your project. Whatever suggestions I have seen, they are asked to produce them with a production code or to create a directory structure that mirrors your output code. With the first problem, I see that when you make the system complete, it will be difficult to remove those tests; For the second, what kind of performance will you test that will only appear at the package level? Is a good way to organize unit tests so that you can easily automate the process of construction and still need all edit: For those thinking about a specific language, I am mostly working in Java, however, I want to find a solution which is relatively language-an agnostic, so I will be able to apply it on the platform Only I can apply With the first issue I see that when you make the system complete It will be difficult to remove those tests. ...

c++ - Constructor with reference arguments in g++ compiler -

कोड के निम्नलिखित भाग पर एक नज़र डालें हैडर फ़ाइल: वर्ग CxUser {सार्वजनिक: CxUser (स्ट्रिंग और गुड) {}}; मेरे पास एक सी ++ फाइल है जो CxUser (स्ट्रिंग ("xxx-xxx-x-xxxx")) का उपयोग करके वर्ग को तत्काल प्रदान करती है । लेकिन यह कथन सी + + CxUser :: CxUser (std :: string) को कॉल करने के लिए कोई मेल नहीं खाती त्रुटि के साथ जी ++ में संकलित करने में विफल रहता है "जबकि यह वीसी ++ में संकलित है हैरानी की बात है, वर्ग के कामों को प्रारंभ करने के लिए कोड का निम्न भाग। स्ट्रिंग गाइड ("xxx-x-xxxx-xxx-xx"); CxUser उपयोगकर्ता (GUID); किसी भी मदद की सराहना की जाएगी .... आप की आवश्यकता: वर्ग CxUser {सार्वजनिक: CxUser (const स्ट्रिंग और गुड) {}} जब आप कहते हैं: सीएक्सयूएसर सी ("फूबार"); // या जो कुछ भी एक अस्थायी स्ट्रिंग ऑब्जेक्ट को ट्रांसवर एरे से बनाया गया है। सी ++ में आप अस्थायी के लिए गैर-कॉन्स्ट संदर्भों को बाध्य नहीं कर सकते।

Finding free non-intersecting rectangle shaped areas between rectangles in C# -

I have the following problem: A large rectangle contains small non-intersecting rectangles (black rectangles in the picture below) and me To fill the remaining free area, there is a need to find an algorithm, which is with no piercing rectangles (red color in the picture below). There is no problem with speed algorithm. Also if I have an example source code for an algorithm, then I really appreciate it. Edit Small explanations I need to get the coordinates of red rectangles do not attract them. I am not working with point data too. Most bin-packing problems like this for me as a NP-hard problem Looks 2, with rectangles, there are 8! (= 40320) Possible arrangements you need to consider. Three rectangles produce 12! Possibilities, 480 million cool. You will need to make an estimate to make this calculable. In favor of the outer edges of the rectangles near the boundary rectangular, I do not like the results you will need hard requirements on the resulting rectangles, many ...

methodology - How do the Agile, Lean and Kanban methodologies relate? -

I am basically familiar with the flickering system and the herd. But what is "Lean Software Development" and "Kanbon"? Is it safe to say that slum, lean and Kanban are the implementation of the playful method? Are there different ways to tilt and curb? What is lean and Kanbn provide a skeleton / guidelines leave XP and Scrum As playful) and implementation of the nearby behaviors ( In fact, neither playful nor an exact definition is in both cases, instead of a set of principles and practices - in the former case, on the basis, While later becoming a software / IT industry friendly Is based. I would say that two flavors of the same movement in both lean and playful software industries - focusing on the effective distribution of the products actually needed to customers (this is a huge generalization). The difference is in the way of achieving this goal. With agile, focusing on establishing a well-organized process, which allows continuous distributi...

uitabbarcontroller - How to changed the selected tab items in the Tabbar in iphone? -

I created tab bar program in view controller In my application, the tabbar was initially displayed and in its view There are five tab bar items. Using tab bar, the first tab item is selected in the beginning. Now I want to change the chosen items like the fourth item has been selected at the beginning. (See image) How do I get it? Here is my code, TBR = [[UITBbar Controller Elok] Init]; First = [[first light] initWithNibName: @ "first" bundle: zero]; UINavigationController * navFirst = [[[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController: First] Autorlage]; Second = [[Second Alok] initWithNibName: @ "Second" bundle: zero]; UINavigationController * navsecond = [[[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController: II] Autorlage]; Third = [[third alloc] initWithNibName: @ "third" bundle: zero]; UINavigationController * navthird = [[[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController: third] AutoCare]; Fourth = [[fourth alloc] ini...

windows 7 - Preview Handlers (Office 2007, Vista & Win7) - issue w/ reisize -

Greetings, I'm working on a preview handler for Office 2007, Vista and Windows 7 Am I am following the following code. "Dare" is done because it was very straight forward. I'm testing in Windows 7 (64-bit) Explorer One thing I have seen is that the preview handler appears to "lock" the Explorer window and does not allow it to resize. My handler has passed from FileBasedPreviewHandler , with Control FileBasedPreviewHandlerControl . # Loads override buses: MyViewer viewer = new MyViewer (); the audience. Doc = DocStyle. fill; Viewer .SetFile (File. FULName); Control. Add (viewer); I've tried a few things, many times set to set in design time, AutoSize and AutoSizeMode True and GrowAndShrink Now, funny thing, I swear it once worked, now I work it at all can not do. If someone has any input, it would be great if I think I have posted all relevant information, but if I miss something important, then tell me I meditate on this q...

jquery - What does this do: ($(":not(script)", destination).length == 0) -

Resolved: line destination.block (...) is one which causes errors. I have emptied the empty ones to avoid this. I think if the (empty) statement is just picking between two different ways of displaying a busy message. I'm new to jQuery and an ASP.NET MVC 2 project from a former colleague I am struggling to understand what the following line of code is doing: var empty = ($ (": no (script)", destination). Length == 0); This row has causes and errors in IE, but not in Firefox. To look honest on the given below function, I do not think it is required, but as my colleague did not believe in commenting on his code. I have to understand the effect of changing the code. The reference to the above is the following Javascript function: PRISMbase.LoadPartialEx = function (URL, data, destination, success callback, loading message, appendo overwrite) {var Empty = ($ (": (no script)", destination). Length == 0); Var message = loading message == empty? "...

x86 - What does ORG Assembly Instruction do? -

Can someone give me a comprehensive description of ORG instructions? When and why is the application used in the written assembly? Use Nasm on x86 or AMD64. ORG is used to set up embballation location counter The link can be in a load address or at time. It can be used to define the full address, e.g. When defining something like vectors that are required to be at a certain address, or can be used to present padding or to generate specific alignment for the following code.

jquery - How do I get the scroll position of a document? -

एक दस्तावेज़ के स्क्रॉल स्थिति मान कैसे प्राप्त करें? $ (दस्तावेज़)। हल्का () // विंडो ऊँचाई $ (दस्तावेज़) लौटाता है। ScrollTop () // दस्तावेज़ के ऊपर से स्क्रॉल की स्थिति देता है

iphone - UIDatePickerModeDateAndTime leaks -

After some time searching and commenting on my code, I have found that UIDatePickerModeDateAndTime While the leak is not UIDatePickerModeDate - However, I should be able to set the date and time through a picker so that I need it ... DateAndTime What is odd is that I have any other problem I have faced it, I have spoken it and I usually get reference to the problem, in which I was doing wrong, but I do not mention any of this - which makes me wonder. While the same code creates zero leaks with UIDatePickerModeDate , UIDatePickerModeDateAndTime leaks 640 bytes when the picker appears on the first screen and every time a date Beers changed 256 bytes. In addition, when a property is also encountered, only using UIDatePickerModeDateAndTime , it appears that another 128 bytes are leaked. Actually, with my app, if used properly, it can be rare that 5k bytes will also leak from this screen. Is there something that I should be worried about in the context of t...

applescript - Reading lyrics from itune to make a file -

I get the signal to come up with the following code: I use "TextEdit" Do not need to "store" a file, is there a better way to simply store the information to file? telling the application "iTunes" the player is playing the state and some If set to the current track in the form of selection, then do not sel {} then the selection is set to the end of the sel, Then set the noSong "set (songs2.txt" set FF (Path for Desktop as Unicode Text) and set summary for file "Allow to write with this_track to repeat access file with summary file for sel Set the_rerics to the_rerics set {art, nom} {artist of this_track, name of this_track} if the_lyrics is not "" then tell the application "TextEdit" to set myVar for Art & nom and the_lyrics EOF end Let's start off telling FF to myVar about the second beep end if the end repeated end You were just a few things from the scope of the opening and ending of the opening of the...

Wordpress Custom Field/ Meta Box for a specific Post/Page -

I know that you can easily add custom meta boxes per post, but I add a custom meta box / custom For example, when I go to the page - edit 'Home' as a welcome box as 'Home', then the field for a specific page. If I edit the 'About' page, then that box is not visible. Any thoughts? If you want to decide on the editing page whether to add a meta box or not, then Add_meta_boxes or add_meta_boxes_page in the page post type) actions are called, so you can choose to add via one.

What are good C# Problems to solve for practice? -

I'm still learning a lot. And want to improve my skills for future interviews. What are some simple C # to solve the problems? In the last interview I had a very simple problem, how do I struggle, I do not want to do it again. I know that it was 2 months ago, so you probably now have become C # Master. ) But I like problems very well. They are all math problems, and these languages ​​are not specific. They will not help you from C #P, but they will help wrap their mind in different ways to solve the problems. As an example, the first question is: If we list all the natural numbers below 10 which are multiples of 3 or 5 So we get 3, 5, 6 and 9. The sum of these multiples is 23. Sum of all 1000 plus multiples of 3 or 5 I will not answer, but if you think about it, it is very easy to figure out with the code. I hope it is helpful and good luck. -jb

php - Authenticating if a Facebook account exists - don't want to go through FB login -

I would like to remove a method of authenticating a Facebook account, without any Facebook login, anyway, my question, anyway To check, I was thinking of markup with Reggae, where I could see if there is a number of Facebook, and if it does something like that. Thanks for the suggestions. You can use graph API to check if a user asked for an object exists Is (e.g.,). From: Alternatively, users with a username and a page ID can be obtained using their username. Since "platform" is the username for the above page, you will return what you expect. All responses are JSON objects. ... though I'm not sure exactly that the username is & lt; -> How ID is set up. The preferred access is through ID: Hope it helps

web applications - Architecture Question: Web Service - Multiple client types -

I'm thinking about a certain application. There should be a database-driven back-end and clients can: WebServer service through the SOAP requests (via HTTP / S and XHTML / JS), applications (Windows, Mac, mobile device). I thought about designing back end in layers. The initial layer will be of the database, of course. Above this, the web service server, able to talk to SOAP-enabled customers, to read and write data in a database. For those customers, the application will reference the customer and SOAP will be used only when it is necessary to read or write data from the application backend. I was thinking about the browser presentation layer should it use the level of web services? Or just use the database directly to fulfill the requests made by web browser clients? Use a normal API Web service is a cover around the web front-end so that He could also use this API. Try to keep as much code as possible within the shared API. Try to avoid multiple code paths that do...

c# - web service getting started -

I have to implement a web service in my work, the problem is that I do not have any web service. Can you give me some context to start, and to understand that people are asking me? Maybe some good book too ... Thank you. Get started with the basics about a web service Read more about creating web services that you want to use WCF or if you want to use legacy web services, read NAT is a simple WCF service application with code Which you can understand further.

uninstall - Does uninstalling Xcode with the --all option remove everything? -

दस्तावेज़ीकरण कहता है: बूट वॉल्यूम पर एक्सकोड डेवलपर टूल को अनइंस्टॉल करने के लिए निर्देशिका, एक टर्मिनल विंडो प्रकार से: $ sudo & lt; Xcode & gt; / पुस्तकालय / अनइंस्टॉल- devtools --mode = all अंतर्निहित डेवलपर सामग्री को हटाने के लिए बूट वॉल्यूम, लेकिन टर्मिनल विंडो प्रकार से, निर्देशिका और सहायक फाइलों को छोड़ दें: $ sudo & lt; Xcode & gt; / पुस्तकालय / अनइंस्टॉल- devtools --mode = systemsupport मेरा भ्रम इसलिए है क्योंकि पहला विकल्प "अंतर्निहित डेवलपर सामग्री" को हटाने के बारे में कुछ भी उल्लेख नहीं करता है। क्या दूसरा विकल्प सबसे पहले का एक सबसेट है? या मुझे अपने सिस्टम से Xcode के सभी निशान पूरी तरह से हटाने के लिए दोनों को चलाने की आवश्यकता है? क्या यह "अंतर्निहित डेवलपर सामग्री Xcode निर्देशिका में संग्रहीत है या कुछ जगह? अगर यह किसी अन्य जगह में है, तो यह लगता है जैसे कि आपके पास एक्सकोड स्थापित करने के दो संस्करण हैं, तो इसे दूर करना कठिन होगा। हाँ दूसरा विकल्प लगता है पहले का एक सबसेट होना चाहिए। मैं कोई विशेषज्ञ नहीं...

activerecord - Rails relational issue - Find user's next outing -

I have an outgoing table, which basically has some information about an 'outgoing'. In the form of just a note, there are many employees outside, therefore the outward_ID of the employees table Now, I need the user's Next Find out, like in the first outing where outing.start_time & gt; time. Now I have found in my user.rb model: is_im: crew_users_maya: crews ,: through = & gt; : Crew_users have_many: outings ,: through = & gt; : Crews And when I try to do this: & gt; & Gt; Users.find (1) .outings I get this error: ActiveRecord :: Statement invalid: Mysql :: error: unknown column 'crews. Where in 'user_id': 'selection' outing. * Out of 'Outgoing' INNER, `` Outgoing `` `` `` `` crews```_outing_id. ((`Crews`.user_id = 1)) Any ideas? Like I said, my goal is to get the user's next out of the present time, so it can be very good to know about it! If you are doing a double : through , then you ...

facebook - How can I implement a like button in Flash? -

How do I implement a like button in the flash? The official document only supports / describes the JavaScript solution. The new preference button is not possible in Flash (we used to try). However, a solution with Facebook Connect is possible. How to do this and how the new button is not possible but writes us.

objective c - Trouble with JSON parsing in iPhone App -

I am trying to do this work for a while, but I think that to see me I need to get out of my app, in my app, I'm getting JSON values ​​from a web server, and it is parsing it in my table view. responseData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL: [NSURL URLWithString: @ "http: // MyServer / json"]]; NSString * responseString = [[NSString alloc] initWithData: response data encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding]; NSDictionary * dict = [responseString JSONValue]; TheData = [Dial objectForKey: @ "Data"]; My only problem now is that 'data' is apparently an NSString, as far as I can see. When I call '[Data Count]' with my Visual Controller, the following error comes from GDB. - [NSCF string count]: 0x6eb5380 sent to unknown selector for example {"code ": 100," data ": [{** some object * /}]} You can check that it has an NSString with: [thedata isKindOfClass: [NSString class]] You can also use NSString instead Why are y...

sql - Foxpro: Check whether table exists via vfpoledb -

I have the data in .dbf files via System.Data.OleDb (vfpoledb.dll) I use How can I find that the table exists through the SQL command? Something similar to the following on the SQL server: if (for information from Symmettable Tabletable = 'The Telebill' by XISTS) BEGIN - Do Stuff End If you have a DBC file then you can ask whether the table exists or not. string dbc = "northwind.dbc"; (Using OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection (connectionString)) {DataTable dt = New DataTable (); String sql = string.format (@ "SELECT * FROM {0} where alltreme = 'table' and upper (alltreme (objectname)) = '{1}'", DBC, tablename. Toopper ()); OleDbDataAdapter da = New OleDbDataAdapter (sql, conn); Da.Fill (DT); Bool tableExists = dt! = Null & amp; Amp; Dt.Rows.Count == 1; } But in reality you do not need a SQL command or a DBC file to get that information. You can get it directly from OleDbConnection using the GetSchema method. ...

android - Changing Activities within Tab -

OK, so I have an application in which there is a tabbed interface What would I want to know is that I am currently active in tabs How can I change it, and then when I am done with that activity, then go back to the original activity, as it was. Can I be able to use something like this for a ViewFlipper? Or maybe not? I have only one problem but it has been fully explained, check the following link The solution for this is to hope that it will help you

winapi - Best way to handle dialog population? -

In my application, I have a large set of objects and children, I am preparing a set of property sheets, Which you can open to inspect a particular object (and this is a base class) so that you can modify them directly. What is the best strategy to popularize these dialogues? To test the existing object on the current design dialog, and intent the desired property sheet for those items that you want to inspect. In WM_INITDIALOG of each property sheet, there is a specific code to get / set each member variable. The potential problem I have seen here is that everything is difficult in a single source file that could potentially be quite large. I am thinking of offloading the communication population in each individual object, but I am surprised that typing the UI code in our back-end object code is a wise idea. Future maintenance is required to travel instead of a source file rather than a number of different objects in a different source files. Any one of the best practices I c...

ruby - increment value in a hash -

I have several posts that have category tags. I am trying to figure out how many times each category has been used. I am using rails with mosaics, but I do not think that I am getting the categories of categories from DB, so the Mongo part should not make any difference. This is what I have done so far @recent_posts = current_user.recent_posts # 10 Returns the most recent posts @categories_hash = {'tech' => 0, 'World' => 0, 'entertainment' => 0, 'game' => 0} @recent_posts | Cat | Do Cat.categories.each | AddCat | @Category_ass.Incert (adkat) # Obviously this is where I am ending the problems The structure of the post {"_ id": ObjectId ("idnumber" ), "Created_at": "Tuesday August 03 ...", "Categories": ["world", "game"], "message": "text of post", "poster_id": object id ("idOfUserPoster") , "Voter": []} I'...

string - How do I convert month names to int? -

I have a month name in a stored procedure, which gives me a reference in the month of the string name (e.g. January, February , March etc.) I would like to convert it to an integer. Is it possible without using many selected case statements? I want to do this in .NET 3.5 You can use .Parse and then can get the month property of the date: string mathnnam = "jan"; Date time.ppers (string.format ("{0} 1, 2000", month name)). Month

.net - Managing WinWord document content for badges printing application. Best practice -

I want to generate a jadever document for the badge printing app. The basic scenario is as follows: The user selects staff from the list, click on "print badge", the desired user appears to allow to make some versions before printing. The badge should be presented in the form of a table with a few columns. Each table cell's image background (badge), some text (company, year), user name & amp; Badge background User photo It is also necessary that the Badge template is editable for user through configuration. I am not very fond of the MS Word Automation COM interface because they are very slow, they hang up. Maybe I should play with Winword XML document content via XML DOM. Maybe there is a good free library that wrapped up some of the library provided with the W.W. DOM or Studio 2010 from the box? what would you suggest? Thanks in advance! I want to go for this one. You can do this (it means "Search SEO" - I have made it right now) for this the...

javascript - How to get full path of a file with FileUpload Control? -

I am using FileUpload control in my application to upload user information. When I use javascript to load the file, give it control only the name of the file in Mozilla, whereas in IE the whole path is given with this file name. And I want the file name with the full name. Mozilla results - user.doc IE results - /usr/local/user.doc (which I want) & lt; Input type = "file" id = "mime" /> & Lt; Input type = "button" onclick = "getFile ();" / & Gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; Function getFile () {var fileInput = document.getElementById ("myFile"). Values; Warning (fileInput); } & Lt; / Script & gt; Modern browsers do not give this information because it is considered unsafe HTML and Javascript There is no coherent way in it.

email - Why mail() PHP function does not work with WAMP default installation? -

I have the default installation of WAMP Server 2.0. I am trying to send an email using this simple script: Alert: Mail () [function.mail]: Failed to join the mail server on the "Localhost" port 25, your "SMTP" and "smtp_port" settings To verify in php.ini or use ini_set () in C: \ My_Path \ send_email.php on line 3 why ?? What could be the reason for this? I was expecting to be an extremely easy task to send me an e-mail ...: ( You need an outgoing email server (MTA) to be able to send emails. Most Linux systems exist by default on one, and sending mail to send PHP mails, one The Linux app will be used to send a / aka mail whatever MTA you have installed. In Windows M It is not included by default. In Windows, to be able to send mail from PHP, you should get access to some outgoing email server and tell PHP address and port.It is SMTP and By using the smtp_port settings, it is done in php.ini by default on localhost port 25 ...

iphone - How to show status bar on top of custom camera overlay? -

I have a custom issue to show the top sitemap on the custom character overlay which is currently impossible for me The same question was posted on the Apple Dev Forum but there was no response for some time. In my application, I have a custom overlay view set as UIImagePickerController overlay. At the bottom of the custom overlay view (this is a UIViewController), I have placed a toolbar that enables the user to click on the toolbar item. Since the top statusbar is not shown when the camera opens, the whole screen moves upwards and creates a narrow white ditch between the tool bar at the bottom and bottom of the screen. I do not know how to solve this, but I think that if we can show the top status bar at the top of the camera, it will be sorted automatically. Thanks for any answers. Some time ago there was such a problem and what I did was changed the shape of my thoughts. Why not do this and see that it works. If it is not working, show status bar [[UIApplication shar...

PHP's strtotime in Objective C/iPhone -

What is an equivalent (or obscurely similar) in PHP stratom in C / iPhone? Stratomim can understand the following time expression (from PHP documentation) for example: Stratomime ("now"), "\ n"; Repeat strtotime ("+ 1 week"), "(" + 1 day ")," ("+ 1 day"), "\ n"; "," \ N "; " squat time "(" + 1 week 2 day 4 hours 2 seconds ")," \ n "; " This is some code for the first and second questions: Stroketime ("> Echo of Scott Time ("September 10, 2000" ), "\ N"; NSDateFormatter * format = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init]; [format setDateFormat: @ "Dd MMM yyyy"]; NSDT * now = [[NSDT alloc] init]; NSString * dateString = [format stringFormat: now]; NSLog (@ "time:% @", datostring); NSDate * parsed = [format DateFromString: @ "10 Sep 2000"]; NSLog (@ "Time:% @", [Format StringFormat: ...

How to determine which button pressed on android -

I should know, how to identify, which button is pressed, like I have two buttons, button 1 and button 2, and both work in the same way, the method () says, which button is pressed, how is it fixed? Regards Follow the most favorable pattern: Click Public Zero (see V) {Switch (v.getId ()) {Case // Handle button one click; break; Case // Click the handle button B; break; Default: throwing new runtime expansions ("Uncountain Button ID"); } In this way it is very easy to debug and ensures that you are unable to handle any click.

sql - mysql three joins -

मुझे mysql के साथ एक समस्या है मेरे पास 3 टेबल हैं: जमा + ------------------- + ------------- + ------ + ----- + | फील्ड | प्रकार | नल | कुंजी | + ------------------- + ------------- + ------ + ----- + | आईडी | बिल्टीन्ट (20) | नहीं | पीआरआई | | स्थिति | इंट (2) | नहीं | | | जमा राशि | दिन-समय | नहीं | मुल | | रिवर्स पेमेंट_आईडी | बिल्टीन्ट (20) | हां | संयुक्त राष्ट्र | | Claim_id | इंट (2) | नहीं | संयुक्त राष्ट्र | | भुगतान_आईडी | बिल्टीन्ट (20) | हां | संयुक्त राष्ट्र | + ------------------- + ------------- + ------ + ----- + भुगतान + -------------------------- + - ------------- + ------ + ----- + | फील्ड | प्रकार | नल | कुंजी | + -------------------------- + --------------- + ------ + ----- + | आईडी | इंट (10) | नहीं | पीआरआई | | भुगतान दिनांक | टाइमस्टैम्प | नहीं | मुल | | पिन | इंट (10) | नहीं | मुल | | बैलेंस बदलें | दशमलव (15, 2) | हां | | दावा + ------------------------ + - ------------ + ------ + ----- + | फील्ड | प्रकार | नल | कुंजी | + ----------------... - How can I disable all buttons and links on my page, but still let the postback occur? -

I am trying to stop the user from clicking on more than one postback-generating element on the page. In other words, if they click on the 'continue' submit button, they should not have another postback before the original request is returned. I had to go with two versions of jQuery code. Neither is exactly what I want: This version will disable all postback elements, but in doing so, it prevents clicked elements from firing, for the record, I do not think that .removeAttr ('onclick') is really required, but does not seem to change the behavior except $ (function () {$ ('a, : Button, submit '). (Function () {var element = $ (' a,: button, submit '); Elements.attr (' disabled ',' disabled '). Remove' Onclic ');});}); This version disables all Other postback elements, but it allows me to reuse the same element that was clicked - Do not want to click the button (function () {var othherelements = $ ('a: not (#'...

How to get the CPU usage of iPhone/iPad? -

I looked in the A + monitor, it could show CPU passive, CPU usage, CPU system. Which API should be used to get these information? I have searched and I use the getloadavg function, but it can only return the CPU usage. Also, this is not correct because it will always be more than 90%. Thank you! Recover it from most of these appropriate sysctl () selectors Could.

jquery - on anchors ( <a> tags ) error/bug? -

html & lt; ul & gt; & Lt; li & gt; & lt; a href = "#" & gt; लिंक & lt; / a & gt; & LT; ul & gt; & Lt; li & gt; & lt; a href = "#" & gt; लिंक & lt; / a & gt; & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; li & gt; & lt; a href = "#" & gt; लिंक & lt; / a & gt; & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; / ul & gt; & Lt; / li & gt; & Lt; / ul & gt; jQuery $ (फ़ंक्शन () {$ ('ul')। क्लिक करें (फ़ंक्शन (ईवेंट) {चेतावनी (; वापस लौटा;});}); क्या कोई मुझे सिर पर रख सकता है और मुझे क्यों पृथ्वी पर मुझे url जब मैं एंकर पर क्लिक करता हूं? मुझे यह उम्मीद है कि मुझे [वस्तु HTMLAElement] देना चाहिए जैसे [ऑब्जेक्ट HTMLLIElement] जैसा आप li तत्व पर क्लिक करते हैं । मैंने यह पढ़ा है, लेकिन मेरे प्रश्न का उत्तर नहीं लगता। सब कुछ ठीक है! यह किसी भी लिंक का प्रतिनिधित्व है। आप अभी भी या यहां तक ​​कि event...

Drupal Captcha showing on TOP and not at bottom? -

I have never had this problem when I enable "Admin Link", then "Location Captcha" here always Appears in the lower part of one type of content, but for some reason this title appears above the field. How do I get it down again? Solution: just install the latest version of CAPTCHA

Updateprogress not working with PostBackTrigger-ASP.NET -

नमस्ते ASP.NET में "Updateprogress" के साथ मुझे एक समस्या है अगर मैं पोस्टबैकट्र्रिगर सेट करता हूं तो प्रगति लोडिंग छवि प्रदर्शित नहीं की जाती है, लेकिन अगर मैं पोस्टबैकट्रिगर को काम कर रहा हूं, कोड निम्नानुसार है: & lt; body & gt; & Lt; form id = "form1" runat = "server" & gt; & Lt; div & gt; & Lt; asp: ScriptManager आईडी = "ScriptManager1" runat = "server" & gt; & Lt; / एएसपी: ScriptManager & gt; & Lt; asp: UpdatePanel आईडी = "अपडेट पैनेल 1" रनैट = "सर्वर" & gt; & LT; ट्रिगर & gt; & Lt; asp: PostBackTrigger ControlID = "सबमिट करें" / & gt; & Lt; / ट्रिगर & gt; & LT; ContentTemplate & gt; & Lt; asp: FileUpload runat = "server" आईडी = "ऊपर" & gt; & lt; / asp: FileUpload & gt; & Lt; एएसपी: बटन रनैट = "सर्वर" टेक्स्ट = "अपलोड" आईडी = "जमा करें" OnClick = ...

What is the best method for memory cleanup in PHP? (5.2) -

I have two simple questions: what is better / useful for memory cleaning? $ var = null; or unset ($ var); I have a function with a circle. I'm getting (after a few minutes) Fatal error: 419430400 bytes of tired memory size has expired I set the blank and unset The object (at the end of the cycle) but still without any success: (I do not understand what the memory is consuming. And what is the circle about the function call? All the allocation will be released in the function? PHP itself confuses both concepts Normally, there is no variable set for zero. Similar to a variable that does not exist: & lt ;? php $ foo = 'one'; $ bar = 'two'; $ foo = zero; unset ($ bar); var_dump ($ Foo); // NULL var_dump ($ bar); // Notice: Undefined variables: bar var_dump (get_defined_vars ()); // only shows foo: ["foo"] => NULL? & Gt;

SQL Server - trying to convert column to XML fails -

I am in the process of importing data from a legacy MySQL database into SQL Server 2005. I have especially a table that could hurt me using a linked imported from MySQL server and MySQL ODBC driver, and I end up with this: col name Datatype MaxLen OrderItem_ID BigInt 8 PDM_Structure_ID integer 4 LastModifiedDate dated 8 LastModifiedUser varchar 20 CreationDate dated 8 CreationUser varchar 20 XMLData text -1 OrderHeader_ID bigint 8 Contract_Action varchar 10 ContractItem int 4 My main focus is on the XMLData column - I need to clean it Make and make it so that I can convert it into XML datatype. Based on this I can use execution. So I table base set "big data line" 1: EXEC sp_tableoption 'OrderItem', '' large value types out of line, 1 And then I go ahead and change XMLData for VARCHAR (MAX) and clean some of the XML stored in that area, all right So far But when I try to change the column datatype that is now XML. ALTER TABLE dbo...

gcc - How to determine a good value for --load-average using gnu Make? -

exists in this flag: -l [load], --load- The average [= load] specifies that any other jobs (commands) should not be started, if the other tasks are running and the load average is less than the load (a floating-point number) with no logic , Removes the previous load limit. Is there a good strategy for the value that you use for the load limit? It seems that there is a lot of different between my machines. I -l option. In theory, -l looks better than -j . -j says, they start many jobs, -l says, make sure that many jobs are running. Often, this is almost the same thing, but when you have I / O bound work, there is another strange thing, then -l should be better. He said, the concept of load is a bit suspicious, it is necessary that the sample of what is going on on the system. So if you run make -j -l N (some N ) and you have a well-written mess file, then immediately start a large number of tasks Before and after the system load, the sample can also be m...

How to make RabbitMQ queues failover? -

RabbitMQ supports clustering by default, but the queue can not be repeated and bound to the node on which they Have been created. Now I am looking for ways to find those cartons which are more available than the DRBD solution, because it seems like a waste of resources to reserve an entire server, do not wait to go below the active server Has been doing. / P> I'm thinking of a setup that has two queues when a message is published, then I want to send the message to one of the two rows of the RabbitMQ cluster, whichever is one . I know that the publisher will get an error if he tries to publish it in the lower row and the publisher can try again with the other queue, but I am thinking that it should be done automatically at the cluster level Could it be done so that I don? T have to write client code to handle it? recently added RabbitMQ Active / Active Native Support. mvc generic controller -

I am thinking of implementing a generic controller in ASP.NET MVC. Platform Object Controller & lt; T & gt; Where T is a (generated) platform object. Is this possible? What are the experiences / documents? For example, a related question is how the resulting URL Yes It is, you can not use it directly, but you can get it and use the child Here is the one I use: Public class croद्रer & lt; TNTTI, TINPT & gt; : Controller where TInput: new () where Tementi: new () {protected readable IRPO & lt; TENTity & gt; Repo; Private Readonly Eyebrider & lt; TNTTI, TINPT & gt; Builder; Public Crusher (IRPO & Lt; TNTTA; Repo, IBilder & lt; TNTTI, TINPT & gt; Builder) {this.repo = repo; This.builder = Builder; } Public Virtual Action Rational Index (Ant Page) {View Return (repo.get pageable (pages 1, 5)); } Create Public Functionality () {Return View (Builder.Bild Input (New Tentity)); } [HTTP post] Create public action result (TINput ...

java - How to get Spring to autowire integration test class using multiple contexts? -

One of my integration tests uses multiple spring reference files. It appears that spring is only auto-borne in the beans from the first reference and not the second. Anyone I know how wrong I am doing or how to solve the problem @RunWith (SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class) @ContextConfiguration (locations = {? "Classpath: / META-INF / spring / applicationContext.xml "," classpath: /META-INF/spring/applicationContext-security.xml "}) @Configurable public square UserDetailsServiceImplIntegrationTest {@Autowired UserDataOnDemand DOD; // @ etoWire does not work with this application for this bean. Tag-security.exml User Development Users; @ Before public idle setup () {dod.init (); // Optional solution for Autovalan problem userDetailsService = (UserDetailsService) ctx.getBean ("userDetailsService"); } @Test Public Zero Test Leader Up () {UserDetails ud = userDetailsService.loadUserByUsername (""); Assert.assertEquals ("da...