applescript - Reading lyrics from itune to make a file -

I get the signal to come up with the following code: <

  • I use "TextEdit" Do not need to "store" a file, is there a better way to simply store the information to file?
  •  telling the application "iTunes" the player is playing the state and some If set to the current track in the form of selection, then do not sel {} then the selection is set to the end of the sel, Then set the noSong "set (songs2.txt" set FF (Path for Desktop as Unicode Text) and set summary for file "Allow to write with this_track to repeat access file with summary file for sel Set the_rerics to the_rerics set {art, nom} {artist of this_track, name of this_track} if the_lyrics is not "" then tell the application "TextEdit" to set myVar for Art & nom and the_lyrics EOF end Let's start off telling FF to myVar about the second beep end if the end repeated end You were just a few things from the scope of the opening and ending of the opening of the text file from iTunes; 
    Should not go and texedit is not needed

      (summary of the path of the Unicode text desktop) & summaryFile set; "Songs2.txt") try accessing close access file summaryFile with the application "iTunes", allowing close access (try the summaryFile as the nickname) - close the file, then try to open your open alreayd end FF If the player does not have any other list as the current track is playing, then the player is playing the sel set then the set is not selected {} set to select sel if set to noSong "" {The artist of this_track, Set this_track to name this_track} {art For the song of nom, sel set the_rerics in this_track with this_track if the_rerics is not "", tell me that mywart is art and amp; Name & amp;  


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