Function overriding with argument inheritance -

I have a general item list class, to create a more specific list that uses it as a base class, Some ..

  Referee class item-badge {} referee class item one: itembase {} Ref Class Maddist summary {public: Add virtual zero (item box ^ P); } Ref class item list A: Madlist (public: Add virtual zeros (alcoholia ^ P) override; // This does not work :(}  

I want to control adding.

accepted pattern base class method protected < / Code> Creating:

  Ref Class Item Box {ref} Category Item: Item: Item Buzz {} Ref Slash Item Element Essentials {Protected: Virtual Zero addInternal (Item Box ^ P);} Ref Class Item List A: Radial {Public: Virtual Zero Addition (Item A ^ P) {addInternal (p);}}  < / Pre> 

Here's a better solution for using generic. Note that how do we force the normal parameter T to ItemBase , implement it For that this collection should only be used with ItemBase or its subclasses.

  Referred The class item item {}; Ref class item: public itembase {}; generic & lt; Class T & gt; Where T: itembash ref class itemlist summary {public: add virtual zeros (tp) {}}; Ref Class item item: list: item list & lieutenant; Item A ^> {// no add here to override Ed}; // use int main (array  args) {item list a ^ list = gcnu mandista (); List-> Add (GCNE alcoholicum); }  


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