sqlite - sqlite3-ruby compilation and sqlite3 packaging for a rails app -

We are currently attempting to package sqlite3 and sqlite3-ruby with an application that is open source (Ruby / Rail based).

I would like to package sqlite3-ruby for Windows, Linux and Mac if I'm evaluating.

My thoughts were, to download sqlite3-integration, compile everything at sqlite3-ruby platform and then on each.

Here are my questions / current problems:

1) located at:


Where should I put this? In the makefile? Any hint or example would really be useful!

2) Sqlite3-ruby compilation with current sqlite3 - sqlite3-ruby sqlite.h , unfortunately seems to search for current sqlite3 only sqlite3. H ;

  1. Download integration from sqlite.org
  2. > compile a custom dior

  3. install.rb (line 11) to:

Unless the system ("ruby extconf .rb - with-sqlite-dir = / my / Custom_dir ")

Any hints or very welcome help!

Again: windows You can use windows connected to binary gems only.


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