java - Problem arise while integrate hibernate with restful web service? -

I am using hibernate for a while now, now without any major problems, I am now working with Project Jersey for Silk Websites I am trying to work.

It seems that the Hibernate dependent on ASM framework (asm.jar, asm-attrs.jar) and jersey depends on ASM (asm v3 asm-3.1.jar AS.1) There are problems with ASM implementation versions.

When using asm.jar, then any method is missing in jersey org.objectweb.asm.ClassVisitor. When using asm-3.1.jar as jersey distribution, class complains about net.sf.cglib.proxy.Enhancer which is provided in cglib-2.1.3.jar.

Both the libraries are using cglib.jar Thanks and regards the asteroid

I Resolved "Dependency Problem" by switching from cglib to javassist in hibernate

Use the.


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