c# - How to change the backcolor of a listview subitem using its own value -
How can I change the program behind the color of a single cell using my values in listview?
The value in the color palp column comes from the database .
Here's my code:
foreach (DataRow dr in _dataTbl.Rows) {_markow = dr ["mark"]. ToString (); _stock = DR ["stock"]. Toasting (); _SteelSectio = dr ["steelsection"]. ToString (); _colo = (Int32) dr ["color"]; ListViewItem _lvi = New ListViewItem (_markow); _lvi.SubItems.AddRange (new string [] {_ steelcacheto, _stock, _colo.ToString ()}); _myListView.Items.Add (_lvi); }
Here is the code that I have tried to replace backcolor cells:
for (int _i = 0; _i & lt; _owLV Item. Calculation; _i ++) {_myListView.Items [_i] .UseItemStyleForSubItems = false; _myListView.Items [_i] .SubItems [3]. Outstanding color = color FROMArgb (_colo); }
Thanks in advance
As far as I tell I think the code looks ok, I threw a quick Windows Form application together and threw a list view on the form in detail in two columns in detail. The following code works fine.
var item1 = New ListViewItem ("Item 1"); Item1.SubItems.Add ("Color"); Item1.SubItems [1]. Back collar = color. FormArgb (-16711 936); Item1.UseItemStyleForSubItems = false; List View 1. item. Add (item 1);
I try to set the backender before adding the item. It seems that you are setting all the objects in one color, which you probably do not want.
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