How do TDD and BDD relate to each other in Rails 3? -

When it comes to TDD and BDD, I start.

I know this:

I use its built-in unit, functional and integration tests to use TDD in the railroad.

I use cucumber to use BDD in rail.

Two different techniques should not be used simultaneously?

If I use TDD, then I should not use BBD / Cucumber and vice versa?

Please highlight me on this topic.

Thank you

It's not that I'm talented but it's my humble Answer is

Cucumber is very good for outline your site's behavior, combining business solutions and code together and developing the site properly.

After this is complete, make RPC to test how you keep data in your MVC

On the conclusion, using all these to ensure that A very wide range of tests is provided before your business solutions are being completed, and secondly, your architecture can face many angles, which are tested with RSPC and factory-girl The Ia can be.


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