iphone - How to add label and textfiled to each row in the UITableview -
How to add labels and textfiles to each line in the UITable view I can add it through the interface builder or in the code
Thank you, Sam.
You can either create a custom table view cell class, or you use one of these can do. For example, the Applet's "Settings" panel uses UITableViewCellStyleValue1
Then you can set detailTextLabel for the text, and add a sub view (your text field) to the content view in your cell.
Fixed NSString * CellID = @ "cell"; UITableViewCell * cell = [Tableview DeWewer Re-Eligible CellWithIdentifier: cellID]; If (cell == blue) {cell = [[[UTableViewsell Alok] initWithStyle: UITableViewCellStyleValue1 re-User: cellID] AutoWrecks]; } Cell.detailTextLabel.text = @ "One Title"; [Add Cell.contentView SUBview: xyz]; // xyz = your text field
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