jquery - FullCalendar dayClick function conflict with select function -

I have seen that when I'm trying to implement dayClick: and the selected functions take a collision somewhere.

Here are some narrow codes I

  // When you have selected multi-day: function (start, end, all) {var title = prompt (' New selection date: '); If (title) {calendar.fullCalendar ('renderEvent', {title: title, start: start, end: end, allDay: allDay}, true); Calendar.fullCalendar ('deselect'); Warning ("End of Selection"); }}, // Click to add a new event day: Function (Date) {Warning ("The day (" + + + + + "" was clicked);},  
< P> The problem occurs when I "click" one day, it warns me which is ok, but then it brings quickness to the SELECT functionality.

Then it is an ALERT and Then runs a prompt window. I'm not sure why this is doing this, I'm not able to reduce the logic, maybe what And also has a similar issue?

Please tell me whether you are in any fix or the same issue. Cheers.

I found that you do not need SELECT + DAYCLICK to create a new event, it works even when it is 1 day or more, so when I clicked one day , The two would get the signal. Bah, minor issues, but at least I thought it.

I did not mention it in this document. Only see if he was there, hopefully it can help someone else.



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