
Showing posts from July, 2014

Where can I find the MySQL transaction log? -

Does MySQL keep a transaction log and if so, where can I find it? Many rows have been mysteriously removed from a table and I want to try and see how and when it happened. You can turn on - mysql can track, which contains all the amendments (to be clear For - there are some questions that have changed). But still, if you do not have an initial dump, which leads to binologue. Apart from this, I suppose that if you dumped and started the binolog - you would not ask such a question: -s

Parse error in php -

Follow us on all pages in my website, write so many or all pages on it A different modFollow.php file is created and it is included in all pages, I do not know whether this is the correct way or not, but I am receiving this error message - my index page Code - & lt; Div class = "follow" & gt; & Lt ;? Php included 'modFollow.php'; ? & Gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; modFollow.php code - & lt ;? Follow us & lt; / h2 & gt; "echo" & lt; hour width = '100%' color = 'php // follow us the module echo' & lt; h2 class = 'star' WhiteSmoke 'Align =' left '& gt; " Echo "and & lt; / a & Gt; " Akho "a href = '#' & gt; & lt; img src = 'images / facebook.png' width = '35px' height = '32px' title = 'faceback' /> & lt; / a & Gt; " ? & Gt; Error: parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_E...

c++ - Segmentation fault in equating a char pointer value to some char -

संभव डुप्लिकेट: चार * स्ट्रिंग = "एबीसीडी"; अब जब मैं इस स्ट्रिंग के कुछ चरित्र को बदलने की कोशिश करता हूं तो मुझे विभाजन त्रुटि मिलती है * string = 'p'; या स्ट्रिंग [0] = 'p'; स्ट्रिंग [0] = 52; क्या कोई मुझे कारण बताता है कि ऐसा क्यों हो रहा है। धन्यवाद Alok.Kr। यदि आप char * string = "abcd" लिखते हैं; स्ट्रिंग "abcd" स्थिर में रखता है अपनी मेमोरी का डेटा हिस्सा और आप इसे संशोधित नहीं कर सकते हैं। और यदि ओ कोड टाइप करें; स्ट्रिंग = 'पी'; लिखते हैं, यह सिर्फ गलत है सबसे पहले, आप समान नाम (स्ट्रिंग) के साथ एक वैरिएबल को घोषित करने का प्रयास करते हैं और इससे भी बदतर है, आप चार पॉइंटर वैरिएबल के लिए एक राइट मान आवंटित करने का प्रयास करते हैं। यह काम नहीं करता है एक ही बात: चार [0] = 'पी'; वास्तव में एक वाक्य रचना त्रुटि को छोड़कर आपके कंपाइलर के लिए कुछ भी नहीं है।

iphone - What is the difference between .deb and .app -

I've come across some jailbreaking applications which uses the package file in the name of the extension .deb then how it relates to the iPhone And this is different from how. AP .deb is a package management format used on Debian based Linux distribution. Ubuntu, for example, uses .deb files to manage the installation of software. .deb files, however, are not specific to Debian and can be used on any compatible * Nix platform. For Mac OS X, Feing is .deb-based, I believe So, to give a half-answer to your question, .deb files are used to install some jailbreaking applications in your jailbreak. .app files, on the other hand, the format of the applet assembled is that they are everything you need to run. The main difference is that with .app files, this is the actual application. With the .deb files, instructions have been given to install the application in it. Hope this will be helpful.

c# - Weird listview behavior? -

This issue is making me crazy .. The range exception to the index for this code messagebox Leads out: Private Wide Mentabiscilected (Object Sender, TabControl Event Eggles E) {If (MenTab. Selected Tab. Name == "Active DirectoryTib") {ADServSchat.itm [0]. Selected = true; MessageBox.Show (ADServerSelect.Items [0] .text); }} But if the message box is the result of an event, then it works fine: Private Zero MainTabs_elected (Object Sender, TabControlEventArgs e) {If (menu tab selected. Tab name == "Active DirectoryTib") {ADServerSelect.Items [0]. Selected = true; }} Private Video TestButton_click (Object Sender, EventErgus E) {Message Box. Show (adersvercomlect items. [0]. Text); } Any help would be greatly appreciated. Looks like items have been added in listview since the maintab was selected from the event. Can you see it?

Android get GTALK notification data -

I am creating an application that gives a sound notification to the user when it receives the message from gtalk. Thought that there is no direct access to gtalk, is there any way to get the latest notification title and data from the notification status bar? You probably have to dig.

Problems with jquery cycle pager function - page not showing up -

2. HTML, Using cycle 2.7xi was no problem with it, but I had to upgrade to jquery cycle 2.88 because 2.7 X does not support kleptipe nobug below code i like i have said that worked before $ ('# hero'). Cycle ({fx: 'scrollHorz', speed: 2000, timeout: 12000, next: '#next', prev: '#prev', pager: '#pager', pager anchor builder: pagerfactor}); Function PageReference (idx, slide) {var s = idx & gt; 2? 'Style =' display: none '': ''; Return '& lt; Li '+ s +' & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" '+ s +' & gt; & Lt; IMG src = "picture / nav / invisi.png" height = "16px" width = "16px" /> & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; '; }; & Lt; Ul id = "pager" & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; Anybody can provide assistance would be greatly appreciated. - Edit - I have solved the problem. It was in all styles

Generating XML from PHP -

I need to generate XML structures while flying using PHP. I saw many different methods and libraries. But I want to know who is the most efficient. In general, I have an array and will have to return its contents as XML structure. Thanks in advance. Greetings! C. Most CPU / Chakra efficient: Most likely, if you make the wire by hand most of the developer / timing / clarity will be efficient.

silverlight - How to use DataBinding through code behind? -

मेरे पास xaml में निम्नलिखित है: & lt; स्टैकपैनेल ओरिएंटेशन = "क्षैतिज" मार्जिन = "0 0 0 0" क्षैतिज एलाइमेंट = "केंद्र" वर्टिकलएलिन्मेंट = "नीचे" & gt; & Lt; पाठ बॉक्स पाठ = "लिंककॉरल" वर्टिकलएलिनेमेंट = "केंद्र" IsReadOnly = "True" / & gt; & Lt; कॉम्बो बॉक्स x: नाम = "रंगसंगीत" मिनव्यूथ = "180" मार्जिन = "5 0 0 0" चयन = बदल दिया गया है "रंगसंगीत चुनाव" बदल गया है & gt; & LT; ComboBox.ItemTemplate & gt; & LT; DataTemplate & gt; & Lt; स्टैकपैनेल ओरिएंटेशन = "क्षैतिज" & gt; & Lt; आयत भरें = "{बाध्यकारी कुंजी}" वर्टिकलएलिनेमेंट = "केंद्र" ऊंचाई = "10" चौड़ाई = "20" / & gt; & Lt; टेक्स्टब्लॉक टेक्स्ट = "{बाध्यकारी कुंजी}" मार्जिन = "5 0 0 0" वर्टिकलएलिंमेंट = "केंद्र" / & gt; & Lt; / StackPanel & gt; & Lt; / DataTemplate ...

Android - Read an XML file with HTTP GET -

I have to search for the use of web services on Android, I know that XML - for RPC web service There is no official library. But REST is for XML and I have to test it. I would like to read XML on my web page (where I have to pass the username and password) from Android to GTT OR Suppose I follow, then how do I pass the username and password? Can anyone help me on this? HTTPGreat Yuri = new HTTP gate (""); DefaultHttpClient Client = New DefaultHttpClient (); HttpResponse resp = client.execute (Yuri); StatusLine status = resp.getStatusLine (); If (status.getStatusCode ()! = 200) {Log D. (Tag, "HTTP error, invalid server status code:" + resp.getStatusLine ()); } DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance (); DocumentBuilder Builder = Factory. NE DocumentBuilder (); Document doctor = builder.parse (resp.getEntity (.) GetContent ());

the relation between popularity and competition in SEO field -

What is the relationship between popularity and competition in the SEO area? I do not mean formula I mean contraceptive connection I mean, can we tell more competition the reason for the more popularity or the cause of the world, the more popularity and the cause of competition? More competition about a topic means it is normal that many sites talk about it and that so more people use the web to find information about that topic and this is why more popularity is second On the other hand, if more people search for a specific word on the web, then that means that there is a need for that topic and due to this the site owner can talk about that subject and more on your site To attract Ukon and it causes increased competition. What is your idea? Do I feel wrong? It would be very difficult to find meaningful data, but this is how I see it and so on. I see these things from any customer. If any topic is popular then there will be more competition because it is often associate...

Internet Explorer 6/7 displays Operation Abort message but not always -

I am working on an osCommerce website and displays some of my page's "Operation Abort" message. I have already gone through the solutions given by Google and SO users, but using solutions like "defer" in the script tag, by putting a script tag at the bottom of the page, is not working, the page in which this The message that is displayed is not included in it is usually the main reason for this problem, which is any node creation .... The dilemma is that I do not face this error every time, sometimes It is displayed and sometimes it does not happen. I am looking for solution for the last two months, but my site's traffic is being reduced rather than solving. Please help me, what should I do in this case now ..? I know this is an old one, but I thought I'd throw something. Are you using a script that target IE 6/7? SuperSoite / Like any PNG solution? Are you using JavaScript Libraries? If you are using anything like them, then make sure...

How do I remove an object from an array with JavaScript? -

मेरे पास इस तरह जावास्क्रिप्ट ऑब्जेक्ट है: id = "1"; नाम = "सर्डर"; और मेरे पास एक सरणी है जिसमें उपरोक्त कई ऑब्जेक्ट शामिल हैं मैं उस ऑरेंज से ऑब्जेक्ट को कैसे निकाल सकता हूँ जैसे कि: obj [1] .remove (); अच्छा स्क्वायर काम करता है: var arr = [{id: 1, नाम: 'serdar'}]; arr.splice (0,1); var removeByAttr = फ़ंक्शन (arr, attr, value) {var i = arr.length; जबकि (आई -) (यदि (एआरई [आई] & amp; एआरएआर [आई]। हासओपेपर्टीटी (एट्रि) और amp; (आरजीएं। लैंग & gt; 2 एण्ड एआरआर [आई] [एट्रि] == = मान)) {arr.splice (i, 1); }} वापसी arr; बस नीचे एक उदाहरण। var arr = [{id: 1, नाम: 'serdar'}, {id: 2, नाम: 'अल्फाल्फा'} {आईडी: 3, नाम: 'जो'}]; हटाएबेट्र (एआरआर, 'आईडी', 1); // [{id: 2, नाम: 'अल्फाल्फा'}, {id: 3, नाम: 'जो'}] निकालेंबैट्रे (arr, 'name', 'joe'); // [{id: 2, नाम: 'अल्फाल्फा'}]

scala - Why lift triggers method? -

The Lift framework contains a simple form and a render method that handles the form: DF render (xhtml: nodesec) = {var name = "" rear rue = "" human criteria "DEF register = {person = new person. Name = name person.roll = role = if (human == "yes") "true" and "false" model. Create (individual) S.redirectTo ("/ index")} bind ("user", xhtml, ("name" -> smt ("Human" -> SHML text (human, human = _), ("roles" -> SHML.Text (role, role = _), ("roles" - (name, _ =)), ( "Submit" -> smtm.submit ("register", register))} When I run this example, like I am using the URL that is used in this form , I get the following error: Message: java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String can not be entered in java.lang.Number .. .. ... epsilon.sjbs.CrudModel $ class.create (Sjbs.scala: 14) epsilon.sjbs.PersonM Odel.create (Sjbs.scala: 7) ...

c# - how to enumerate the response set from FQL -

var प्रतिक्रिया = _facebookAPI.Fql.Query (स्ट्रिंग.फ़ॉर्मेट ("सेलेक्ट यूआईड इवेंट_मेल जहां WHERE eid = {0 } ", Myevent)); मैं सूची & lt; लंबा & gt; यह मान लें कि लौटा स्ट्रिंग XMLDocument है: var प्रतिक्रिया = _facebookAPI.Fql.Query (String.Format ("सेलेक्ट uid से event_member WHERE eid = {0}", myevent)); XmlDocument दस्तावेज़ = नया XmlDocument (); doc.LoadXml (प्रतिक्रिया); XmlNodeList uids = डॉक्टर.गेटएलेमेंटबिटागनाम ("यूआईडी"); Var uids = नई सूची & lt; लंबा & gt; (); विदेशी (एक्सएमएल में नोड) (लंबी आईडी; अगर (लम्बा। ट्राईपर्स (नोड। इनरटेक्स्ट, आउट आईडी)) {यूड्स। जोड़ें (आईडी); }}

CSS scroll effect: overflow and position troubles -

I am trying to create a scrolling effect in pure CSS, where "pages" emerge / slides on each other and The screen is usually out of the way. My intention was to be an original element which is a comparative and overflow scroll of the situation. Inside it is a "window" in which "page" is included. Overflow is hidden in windows, and the pages are completely located at the top of the parent, and they are the same size. If it will work as expected, you will be able to see only one page when its window is in view. In fact, I look at all the pages at the same time, ignoring my parents' overflow hidden property, while they are out of bounds. I 'once seen this effect in the wild, but I do not remember where and how anyone knows how it is done? html: & lt ;! DOCTYPE html & gt; & Lt; Html lang = "en" & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; Newspaper Scroll Test & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; Me...

c# - How to deep clone objects containing an IList property using AutoMapper -

I am trying to clone the following squares with the automaker: public class main data {public key data () {description = new list & lt; Expansion & gt; (); } Public Entity ID {Receipt; Private set; } Public Date Time Last Update {Receive; Private set; } Public IList & lt; Expansion & gt; Details {Receive; Private set; } Public Entprop 1 {Get; Set; } Public int prop2 {get; Set; } Public Zero AddDetail (Detail Details) {Details. Add (details); } Public Zonal Offices (Details in detail) {Details. Remove (extension); } Public Main Data Clone () {Mapper.Reset (); Mapper.CreatMap & lt; Menadata, menadata & gt; (). For Member (D => D.D., O = & gt; O. Anvoir ()); // mapper Createmap & lt; Expansion, expansion & gt; (). ForMember (d => DID, O = & gt; O. unknown ()); // New newData = new main data (deleted); Mapper Map (this, new medida); NewMainData.Details = this.Details.Select (item => item.clone ()). ToList (); // added the new MyDATA b...

javascript - Mobile Web App | Over Zoomed on Rotation + Hiding URL Bar -

ये मेरी मेटा हैं & lt; मेटा नाम = "व्यूपोर्ट" सामग्री = "चौड़ाई = 320; प्रारंभिक-पैमाने = 1.0; अधिकतम-पैमाने = 1.0; उपयोगकर्ता-स्केलेबल = नहीं; " / & Gt; & Lt; मेटा नाम = "हैंडल्ड फ्रेन्डेली" सामग्री = "सच" /> और यह मेरा जावास्क्रीप्ट है जो माना जाता है कि यूआरएल बार छिपा रहा है (जो quirky है) window.onload = function () {setTimeout (function () { Window.scrollTo (0, 1);}, 100); सम्मिलित (); } जब क्षैतिज स्थिति में बने पाठ बहुत बड़ा है, और ऊर्ध्वाधर संस्करण में परिपूर्ण है कोई विचार कि ऐसा क्यों है? कुछ पन्नों पर यूआरएल बार पूरी तरह से छिपा हुआ है, दूसरों पर यह केवल आंशिक रूप से छुपा हुआ है विचार: स्केलिंग अक्षम करने के लिए इस मेटा टैग का उपयोग करने का प्रयास करें: & lt; मेटा नाम = "व्यूपोर्ट" सामग्री = "चौड़ाई = 320; प्रारंभिक-पैमाने = 1.0; अधिकतम-पैमाने = 1.0; न्यूनतम-पैमाने = 1.0; उपयोगकर्ता-स्केलेबल = नहीं;" / & gt;

IPC solutions for Python processes on POSIX compliant system -

I have two Python processes that need to communicate with each other on the POSIX complaint system, an IPC As I thought the nominated pipe would be the easiest solution, since ever since I am new to Python, I suspect there are more options available. John I would advise you to paste designated pipes , if the system POS IX is being compliant saying that there are so many options, you can open a TCP socket and send spicy data, but the display will not be able to beat the shared memory / named pipes, and if already well Define working solution? You can also see, using shared memory, I have not tried to do this, but it looks like an option.

mysql - Adding extra field to sql query -

I have written a query for a private messaging system but I would like to add a novel field to the query but to make sure Not to do this how to do it. At the moment it receives the sender's username, but not the receiver, but it receives both the sender / receiver ID. How do I name the user name to add an additional field to my query? I have thought about a nested selection. This is my current query SELECT p *, U. Username, in the form of sender, as a DATE_FORMAT (u.signup_date, '% b% Y') from Jyotet, M.Veter from PrivateMaseGrak P Inner User User Usage on U PseenderID = U.Arderid Inner Jean Amus M On M Usurid = U. USRead WHERE p.messageid = '1' LIMIT 1 And there are table structures If not present on table, make (Default) 'default' ',' avatar 'varchar (100), not default' ',' default '', 'avatar' ('f'), 'default' 'Signature' is not a text, 'Alert' NAM ('Y', ... - Operator '=' is not defined for types 'Integer' and 'IQueryable(Of Integer)' -

This is giving me a headache I have this link query that holds an ID Moderate mclassID = x to db.SchoolClasses where x.VisitDateID = _visitdateID select x.ClassID and then later I have this liner query ViewData ("Staff") = T to DB. Staffs where choose t.ClassID = mclassID Any help would be greatly appreciated I have tried a lot, but I have not used any kind of casting, converting, ops Tried End etc. The problem is that myClassID is an unknown IQueryable . You need to force it in any other type ( list my favorite), and then drag it out of that way So if you select it in the list (of integer), then you can remove before () , because it will be only one, you can try something like this: / P> Due to myClassIDList list (of integer) = new list (of integer) (_ to x db.SchoolClasses in where x.VisitDateID = _visitdateID select x.ClassID) as dim myClassID Integer = myClassIDList.First ()

repository pattern - Updating a Model in mvc -

Our project manager has asked us to refact an app that was using the repository pattern (for example Nerddinner was used) NOW use one now my problem is that I am not sure how to update the model because UpdateModel method is supposed to be used in controller ... Repository with service level A mod using patterns What is the recommended approach to update ?? Please help I would suggest that you want to hide your current repository pattern within your service repository . Data access codes should not be visible to service customers. You can apply the collection of DTO which will be returned from service level or accepted as a parameter. Those items can be POCOs only to keep data in database-anecdotal way. DTO usually deals with the adapter for your data access classes (which represent tables) / for translation. This approach allows you to change the database schema without changing the service level interface. You can consider those DTOs as models in MVC, if your project i...

NHibernate. Map 1-many Relationship to Dictionary -

Hi, I am trying to map a single parent relationship to a NHibernate using XML mapping I am If sufficient parents class examples store the collection of children in the list, but I want to use a dictionary In other words, I want my parent class to look like this the public class parents P> & nbsp; & Nbsp; & Nbsp; IDictionary & lt; String, hair & gt; children; // should be the key. Child.Name } This database has a standard primary key-foreign key connection. In the hair table, there is a name column that should be mapped on the dictionary key. Thanks Child.Name can not be both a property and a dictionary key.

visual studio 2010 - Issues with RESX files on VS2010 targeting 3.5 framework -

Here is a story that I recently went and possible answer (?) I wanted to share this information because I It is not yet searching on Stakeoverflow. I upgraded my solution to VS 2008, WinXP, 32bit to VS2010, Win7, 64bit. When I am modifying WinForms which generate new RESX files, or update RESX files, I am running into problems. Debug build with VS2010 was not a problem. Although for release mode I have to use a delay-signing process, now errors in the process new RESX files that are generated with VS2010. (Again note that the old rx file does not display this behavior) (Corrasonz target) Search.resx (176,5): error RG0000: could not load file or assembly xxx . Control, version = 1.5 0, culture = neutral, public key token = 7 CFFC 7 abass 048 'or a strong name validation of its dependency failed. (HRESULT: 0x8013141a A) Line 176, position 5. Here is some information found on the web I was wondering if the other PayPal escaped in this and what kind of work he follo...

How can I call a non-static method from another class in Java? -

OK, this is a bit messy: I am using netbeans, and I have A main parameter called UI is a GUI (this is a GUI) There are some sliders on the GUI of this class, and since it's private, I have a method called getBounds (). I do not want to mess up my GUI, and in order to calculate the stuff, essentially all important methods are called structures, in another class, then the parameter is called a method in UI structure, which calls for some other ways inside of it. , And get one of these calls. The problem is that getBounds can not be stable, but I can not call it if it is not. In the parameter UI Category: public int [] getBounds () {int [] border = new int [2]; Limits [0] = jSlider2.getMinimum (); Range [1] = jSlider2.getMaximum (); Return limit; } Structure.class in : Private static zero myMethod (Graphics G, Double [] Planet, Long Mass) {int [] bounds = ParameterUI .getBounds (); // & lt; - does not work} MyMethod does not help to make the non-static I am af...

jquery - Check ID of a clicked item? -

मेरे पास एक प्रतिनिधि है: $ ('# panel')। प्रतिनिधि ( 'ली', 'क्लिक', फ़ंक्शन (इवेंट) {var target = $ (; // हम 'लक्ष्य' की आईडी कैसे प्राप्त करते हैं? Var id = target.getId (?);}); हाँ, मुझे यकीन नहीं है कि 'लक्ष्य की आईडी कैसे प्राप्त करें, क्योंकि मुझे यह देखना है कि क्या यह बाद में कुछ कार्रवाई करने के लिए एक विशेष तत्व है। धन्यवाद इसे पसंद करें: $ ('# panel') .delegate ('li', 'click', फ़ंक्शन (इवेंट) {var id =;});

css - jQuery offset issue: not changing the position of a SWF -

I have a SWF overlay on top of a HTML button I get offset by jQuery to get the coordinates and to transfer to SWF I use the function. Unfortunately, it seems that SWF is not transferred. var offset = $ ("#button"). Offset (); $ ("# SWF") Offset $ ("# SWF") CSS ({'left': offset.left, 'top':}); $ ("# SWF") Offset ({Top: 10, left: 30}); I have tried those 3 lines, and the offset has never changed, I do not know why. I hope someone can help me. Edit: I realized that: $ ("# SWF"). CSS ({'left': offset.left, 'top': offset top}); is working, but in fact I was using Domwindo, I had to change the situation and Zee-index. I still have a problem, SWF is not directly above the button, is it right down to anyone please know why? Thank you very much, Rudy on SWF Set up wmode for "transparent", and make sure that the z-index button of SWF is higher than the z-index. ... - anonymous access to aspx page fails -

I have a web site that uses form authentication For the most part, do my web site do anything Authentication requires my privacy statement page to be an exception and should be accessible to anonymous users. The page is in the folder, and I have set the location path information in web.config as follows: & Lt; / Authorization & gt; & Lt; /system.web> & Lt; / Location & gt; & Lt; Permission to placeoverride = "true" & gt; & Lt; System.web & gt; & Lt; Authentication mode = "form" & gt; & Lt; Forms name = "FDAuth" cookieless = "UseCookies" security = "all" loginUrl = "login.aspx" requireSSL = "false" sliding aspiration = "fake" & gt; & Lt; / Forms & gt; & Lt; / Authentication & gt; & Lt; Authority & gt; & Lt; Deny users = "?" / & Gt; & Lt; / Authorization & gt; & Lt; /system.web> & Lt; / ...

App Engine: create object inside a transaction -

I am writing a site on GAE-Java + Objectify that makes users create their own pages with unique URLs . I have not understood a clear way to ensure that when two users try to claim the same URL at the same time, then only one user gets it. This is what I am trying to do. User 1 does a check - Available to User 2 checks - Available to Meanwhile, the user creates 1 page and store it. User 2 creates a page and overrides user 1. Any ideas on how to fix it on GAE? Why not just run your code? I do not think where this problem is, do you have a sample of something that you have tried to do and have problems with it?

Can TextMate show tab vs space characters? -

Using TextMate on the Mac, it can be displayed using "invisibles" View - & gt; Show Invisibles But location vs tab characters are not shown, and no entry seems to be made to change preferences. Is there any way to show them? The reason for this is that in some old passwords, tabs or spaces can be mixed together, so what looks good in the editor can actually be done incorrectly. (Editor shows tabs as 2 places) tab characters are shown, but no spaces Are there. What is probably happening is that you have soft tabs on, tabs are automatically converted into empty spaces. In this picture, there is a tab character, new line, tab character, new line, soft tab, new line Why is the location not shown. Here's where you can change the soft / real tab

iphone - Springboard-like scrolling/view switching with snapping on iOS -

Is there a way in Cocoa Touch to implement visual switching behavior in the IOA's springboard? I mean horizontal scrolling with 'snap to animation' animation (the scene switches after reaching some 'scrolling thresholds') Check it out.

iphone - Setting "Home Screen" icon name for mobile Safari -

By default, when a website is "bookmarked" as an icon ( add to home screen from the "+" menu of Safari), the name of the icon can be found on the page & lt; Title & gt; The default for , which is shorter in 12 characters. In the same way, appletch icon lets you represent the page's own representation, for its webpage its & lt; Title & gt; Besides there is a way to specify a default icon name. ? In iOS 6 it is resolved with a meta tag: & lt; Meta name = "apple-mobile-web-app-title" content = "abbreviation" & gt; Correctly commented: Now there are official documents: All the information for setting a meta tag is here:

c# - How can I specify a default property to bind to in Silverlight / WPF? -

Is there a way to specify the default property referred to by path with data binding in XAML? I am looking to be able to do something like archive when using ViewSource binding. When you bond with a CollectionViewSource inside XAM, it is automatically hooking the path to View Properties. Example: {binding source = {static resource cvs}}, {binding path = view, source = {static resource cvs}} is similar. Is it possible to do this in a Custom Dependency object or POCO? Set your property as DataContext Assume that you have this class: public class person {public string name {get; Set; } Public Person (String Name) {this.Name = name; }} You can set it in a data window, in a window like this: this.DataContext = new person ( "Carlo"); And in the window you have a label, you do this: & lt; Label content = "{binding name}" /> The label will show "Carlo". Now, if you want to use only as a name binding, you can do this in the w...

testing - How do you setup a proxy for Jmeter's proxy server? -

I want to use a Jmter proxy server to fetch data in the thread group. The problem is, I am currently behind a proxy and to reach my target page, let me tell jmeter proxy server to forward all the requests at the prompt! Is it possible to jmeter? Documentation or UI does not mention anything about it! Yes, this is possible. See the Getting Started Manual: And here's a tutorial:

css - How to create a 4-columned, liquid footer? -

The content of the website is fine-tuned and the left and the minimum width and the left fluid I think is below But now I'm having trouble creating a liquid, 4-columnged footer to go downstairs. The way I have it, columns move like a ladder. In order to line it correctly with the same amount of space between the window spreading, all of them need the columns themselves to be of different width. Edit I realized that the mistakes I made, the columns had to take action, so now I can move forward to learn about space. Equally in the footer. I have CSS: #footer .col1, #footer .col2, #footer .col3, #footer .col4 {float: left; Padding: 10 px 0; } #footer .col1 {width: 75px; } #footer .col2 {width: 375px; } #footer .col3 {width: 325px; } #footer .col4 {width: 100px; } I used to get breadth in the form of percentage, but it did not even get the place as I thought it would be. Thanks for all your help! The following will do the following for you: HTML & lt; Di...

iPhone SDK - CoreAnimation ViewController Transition, Flip From right EDGE -

I'm in the middle of creating an app that requires a lot of nifty infections; My [current current model Vij controller estimated: ah]; And, instead of being CrossDissolve, Generic Flip, or CoverVertical, I want to work to force CoreAnimation to flip right from the side. Notice how the normal flip uses Central Axis? Okay, I would like to take it from the center to the right edge, which will have more "Your Face" effect than the Zune HD UI similar flip. - (id) initWithNibName: (nssting *) Nominee ornell bundle: (NSBindle *) Negotiate Online {if (Self = [Super Init Vastnibnam: Nibnem Ornell Bundle: Negotiated Online]) {self.wantsFullScreenLayout = Yes; // We want to overlap the status bar // When presented, we want to disrupt ourselves using a cross. Modern transition style = UIModalTransitionStyleCrossDissolve; } Healthy return; } How am I currently receiving ViewController's transition set? If possible, then I have to set the Core Animation Right Edge Flip ...

freebsd - most efficient way to get current time/date/day in C -

What is the most effective way to get current time / date / day / year in C language? As I have performed it many times, I need a real efficient way. I am on free BSD. Thanks in advance. Standard C provides only one way to get time - time () - which can be changed in a time / date / year with local time () or gmtime () . It is trivial, this will be the most effective way. Any other methods are operating systems specific, and you have not told us what operating system you are using.

database connection - Zend Server CE - ZF : cant connect to remote Oracle DB -

Strange Problem: Running the latest version of Zend Server CE, the local installation of Oracle XE and SQL Developer SQLDeveloper Connect with remote / local DB is correct. Connecting to Zend Server CE with the PHP / Zend Framework for Local Oracle XE works fine. But connecting with the remote Oracle DB from the server gives me an error like "Host Not Found." I "Tnsnames.ora" should be correct, because SQLDeveloper is working fine with these entries. Any thoughts? wrong system variable in the path of tnsnames.ora

c# - Disable Customize Notification for an application in systray -

I have a C # application which gives an icon in the window system. Therefore, once the application is reduced, it can be retrieved by double clicking on the systray icon The problem is that, if the user has 'Customize item items' Strong> sets the property of the 'hide' icon, which can be selected by right-clicking on the taskbar, it will not be able to see the application again. Is there a workaround, The user did not find my app icon in the customization area or even if the icon is available, that 'hide' Should not be able to set the property. Fortunately, developers do not have to make this decision. This is a user-configured option that you should not try to work around because it will increase your users. This is very similar to "FAQ", the user should decide which applications are capable of pinning and which notification icon he does not want to see.

c# - How to disallow var keyword under .net 2.0 target? -

I have created a new project in Visual Studio 2.0 in Visual Studio. But even if I have left the var keyword anywhere, then Visual Studio successfully compile the project. Is this the correct behavior that is the var 3.0 feature? Is there any setting to prevent code from being compiled to var ? var one C # 3.0 feature But it is not required Architecture Features In other words, it is perfectly ok to use within a project targeting. NET 2.0. It is also true about many other characteristics - anonymous type, automatic properties, lambda quote etc. See me for more information. (I need to update it for C # 4 at some points ...) If you want to to limit to C # 2.0, In the build tab of the "Advanced" project properties, IIRC (this is definitely somewhere else, but I just have a cup of coffee in comparison to the correct location.)

flex - How to prevent the other looking to your SWC library? -

Thank you for your interest in my question. I hope I will not waste my time. I am going to sell my Adobe Flex Library in commercial, but I do not need anyone to open my SWC file and study the code there. . I know that the Adobe Flex Library can prevent this activity. How can I do this also? Security in every practical case (not just this one), compared to dealing with the safety of SWCs More obstacles on the way, there is no exception. Encryption of SWF (among other things) is allowed, but I suspect that there is absolutely no doubt for any fixed hacker. Other companies, such as Jeff Houser Flexstross take a different approach, do not protect the source, but increasing the value through other means (and now I have given the name, the animal is definitely called Goes)

objective c - count elements inside id<NSFastEnumeration> -

A I id & lt; NSFastEnumeration & gt; is the object I want to count the elements inside the object. How can this be achieved? The only way NSFastEnumeration tools: - (NSUInteger) countByEnumeratingWithState: (NSFastEnumerationState *) state objects: (id *) stackbuf count: (Ansuintegr) LAN I see this method count, but as I really do not want to disclose the things which I think, how can I pass safely as a logic. Would it be okay to just go through zero, zero, 0? If not, what should I do? Background: I want to make an NSArray the return values ​​of the function I, which I want to call each element given my collection. I want an array of results to calculate the collection of a function id & lt; NSFastEnumeration & gt; Calculative = some objects; NSMutableArray * result = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: (# # Fill count on #)]; For (NJ object Anyumretebl) {[results addObject: callFunctionOnObject (object)]; } As you can see, I need to count to cust... - how can i create a video player like this website? -

I do not know how to create a video player like this website. I can develop .NET and Flex applications but can not flash where should I start? If I develop it with Flex, can I use it in the website? I know that I can use it with php sites but is not sure about Thanks a lot for your thoughts. Best regards This site is: LongTel has several skins with free players: or if you like to have a look here Do:

Loading... message on jquery autocomplete -

How do I create "Loading ..." in the dropdown when it is loading? Plugins are loading, while adding a class "ac_loading" to input. The default stylesheet defines the background image (indicator.gif) for that class. You can keep your text or image dynamic here ... Edit: MM I see you using jQueryUI autocomplete . But I think you can do it in the same way simply defining the object as autocomplete: simply creates the text in the class as an autocomplete plugin .

php - can there be a advertisement container swf? -

This is my problem my customers can advertise on my webpage before it was just image, a redirected URL, a Title. Upon clicking on the ad, I count the number of clicks and redirected to the given URL. Now I want to upload images and SVF files in the form of advertisements. I did not know that you can not catch the click event on the SDF because u can be on the image. Ideally, I travel like a solution that will work marginally for both image and SVF file and I will Do not know anything about So the question is? Is an advertisement container SDF that can load image and other SDF files and takes it in a parameter that takes the URL and clicks on it? Any suggestions for this problem are welcome. If you are using jQuery, then you add all ads (.advert) to a normal category You can force the event to use and click on the event in that category. This method still causes the incident to be & lt; Object & gt; With the element of .advert square also if you lazy load it ...

java - Tomcat5 "Null component" and "HTTP Status 404 - Servlet jsp is not available" -

I have to take my application from tomcat6 to tomcat5. The application is deployed, but I can not access it with the web browser and now step by step:. 1) The folders are free from files related to "Work / Catalina / Local Host /", "conf / Catalina / Local Host /" and "webapps" / My project. 2) Using the Badge-Maven plugin I have posted my application and it is in the App list on the web application manager's page. 3) When opening any page of my application I get the following error, displayed in the web browser window: HTTP status 404 - Servlet VoucherManager is not available type status report Message Servlet voucher manager is not available Requested resource (servlet voucher manager is not available) is not available. I'm going to see Apache Tomcat / 5.5.30 and "catalina..log": 2010/08/04 00: 30:10 org.apache .catalina.startup.HostConfig deployWAR information: employing web application archive VoucherManager.war 2010/...

c# - EF save to Context but not to Datasource -

After the EF reference and a completion, I want to work the following test. TestEntity testEntity = New TestEntity () {name = "Hello World"}; Context.TestEntities.AddObject (testEntity); // Missing code assurance. RECAVOAL (1, Reference Test Entity. Counts ("not in the context of the unit!"); I know that it works with SaveChanges (), but I do not want to save the unit on the data source I am test test test = new TestEntity () {name = "Hello World"}; Context.TestEntities.AddObject (testEntity); Var institutions INOSM = references ObjectState Manager GetObjectStateEntries (EntityState.Added | EntityState.Datedleted | EntityState.Modified | EntityState.Unchanged) Where (ent => entity entity is the Testimonial). Select (Ent = & gt; Ent. Entity Testimonial); Assurance REEqual (1, institutions INOSM.Count (), "not in context in the unit!");

javascript - What is the difference if("test") and if(!!"test") -

क्या अंतर है यदि ("test") और if (!! " सवाल एक expressson है, जो प्रकार को बूलियन में कनवर्ट करता है। उदा var x = "test"; X === सच; // झूठी var x == "परीक्षण" का मूल्यांकन करता है; X === सच; // सही के साथ evalutes

java - Loading resourcebundle from non default location in struts2 -

There is a mechanism to load struts2 from the file system? I am coming with a hot deployment mechanism if I update the war file, it will be redistributed. I am able to reload the property file on the fly using LocalizedTextUtil.clearDefaultResourceBundles (); LocalizedTextUtil.addDefaultResourceBundle ("struts / resources"); but it will only appear in the struts2 default location Any solution, hack, workaround is welcomed from the heart. I got a solution first struts.custom.i18n .resources = globalMessages - Then, add your startup circle or code to another location that will execute where the server starts url [] URL; {File file = new file ("/ your path"); Url = file.toURI () ToURL (); Url = new url [] {url}; Classloader cl = new url class loader (url); LocalizedTextUtil.setDelegatedClassLoader (CL); LocalizedTextUtil.addDefaultResourceBundle ("globalMessages"); } Catch (malmarmdureleuxation E) {e.printStackTrace...

python - Generating dictionary keys on the fly -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 4 जवाब गहन नेस्टेड अजगर डाईक्ट्स के साथ कार्य करना , मैं इस तरह की एक ऐसी डेटा संरचना में मूल्यों को असाइन करने में सक्षम होना चाहूंगा: mydict [key] [subkey] [subkey2] = "value" बिना यह तय करने के लिए कि मैदिक्क [कुंजी] आदि वास्तव में एक डिक्ट होना निर्धारित है, जैसे माइंडिक्ट [कुंजी] = {} मक्खी में कुंजी नहीं होने पर का उपयोग करना मानक & lt; टाइप 'dict' & gt; ?

wpf - How to bind toolbar buttons on MVVM Pattern? -

How can I tie a collection of commands in a toolbar in the view view in the view-model? You can use an item control in your view and use it to look like a toolbar. More items can overlay the panel

sql server - Viewing\Editing SQL CE 4 Database -

Does anyone know a way to view and edit an existing SQL CE 4.0 database? I tried to use SQL Server 2008, but it seems that it only supports version 3.5. I read on Scott Guthrie's blog that you can use WebMatrix but I can not understand how the The blog article is located here: and WebMatrix is ​​located here: thanks davy Just open / create an app (just on your desktop there may be a few empty folders), then click on the database tab at the bottom left of the SQL Compact There are all the basics to mess with 4db.

java - How can I get H2 to work with Spring? -

मैं एक परीक्षण लिख रहा हूं जो कि स्प्रिंग का सारट्रांसेक्शनल ज्यूनिट 4स्पिंग कॉन्टैक्टस्टेस्ट फैलता है। मेरे आवेदन कोड में मेरे पास एक ऐसी विधि है जिसे मैं निम्नलिखित द्वारा एनोटेट किया गया परीक्षण के अंदर कॉल करता हूं: @ ट्रान्सैक्शनल (केवल पढ़ने के लिए = गलत, प्रचार = प्रचार। REQUIRES_NEW) समस्या अंतर्निहित डेटा स्रोत इन-मेमोरी मोड के रूप में मैं H2 का उपयोग करते समय एक समस्या में चला जाता हूं यह मुझे त्रुटि देता है: द्वारा कारण: org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException : तालिका को लॉक करने की कोशिश करने का समय समाप्त MY_TABLE [50200-131] जब मैं प्रचार को हटाता हूं, यह काम करता है, और जब मैं एक वैकल्पिक डेटाबेस जैसे ओरेकल या MySQL के साथ प्रचार का उपयोग करता हूं। REQUIRES_NEW , सब कुछ ठीक काम करता है। मैं स्प्रिंग 3.0.2-रिलेज और H2 1.2.131 का उपयोग कर रहा हूं। मैं वसंत के साथ काम करने के लिए कैसे H2 प्राप्त कर सकता हूं? मुझे पता नहीं है कि समस्या क्या है, लेकिन ऐंडिंग करने का प्रयास करें; एमवीसीसी = डेटाबेस यूआरएल के लिए सही है।

php - javascript redirecting to main window doesn't take into account http option (&) -

I'm testing to use JavaScript redirects on the main window after I have succeeded in an iframe . This is my code: if ($ _GET ['redirect']! = '') {$ Redirect = $ _ GET ['redirect']; $ Smart-> Allocated ('redirect', $ redirect); } $ Redirect = $ _ GET ['redirect']; $ Redirect echo; If (isset ($ _SESSION ['user']) and $ _ session ['user'] = '') {$ user-> Email = $ _ session ['user']; $ User- & gt; AddCorporate (); $ User- & gt; Sign-in (); $ User- & gt; LoadSession (); Echo ("& lt; script language = \" javascript \ "type = \" text / javascript \ "& gt;"); Echo "document.write ('redirecting ...');"; If ($ redirect! = '') {Echo 'self.parent.location = "'. $ Redirect. '' ';';} Else echo 'self.parent.location =" index.php "'; // resonance Echo resonance; // redirect ($ redirect); echo...

ruby on rails - RoR onchange check condition before calling remote_function? -

I am using the remote_function call onchange remote_function Iam iam using the code written below - Add name- ",: onchange => remote_function (: url => {: controller =>: name,: verb =>: Create_name})%> Here I want to check that (value) == -1 then call remote_function Why do you for example (escape (= value) == -1) {// do something} for example you yoiur r Emote_function can check inside or if (escape (value) == -1) {// do something} else {// do not do anything or anything else} def my_remote_function (var) s = "" if (var == "false") s = "Warning ('java')" End of End " & lt; Option & gt; Br Use & lt; / Option & gt; ",: Onchange => my_remote_function (" true ")

ruby - How to get a Array of Index of occurances of same element in an Array -

इनपुट: [1,2,2,3,4,2] आउटपुट: 2 = [1,2,5] इस तरह से एक विधि: डीईएफ़ इंडेक्सस_ओफ़_काक्रांरेंस (एरी, ऑव) अनुक्रमणिका = [] ary.each_with_index do | आइटम, i | यदि आइटम == ऑग इंडेक्स & lt; & lt; मैं एंड रिटर्न इंडेक्स एंड एंड एक्सपर्ट एंड एक्सपर्ट्स को समाप्त करता हूं आपको निम्न देता है: irb (मुख्य): 048: 0 & gt; Indexes_for_occurrence (ए, 2) = & gt; [1, 2, 5] आईआरबी (मुख्य): 04 9: 0 & gt; इंडेक्स_फोर_सुकूरेंस (ए, 1) = & gt; [0] आईआरबी (मुख्य): 050: 0 & gt; इंडेक्स_फोर_काक्रेंस (ए, 7) = & gt; [] मुझे यकीन है कि यह एक एक लाइनर बनाने का एक रास्ता है (हमेशा लगता है!) लेकिन यह काम करेगा।

ipad - IOS 3.2 MPMoviePlayerControler Controls do no disapear as advertised -

I was having trouble getting the MPMoviePlayerController controls disappearing. I tried to do this via: ... MPMoviePlayerController * mplayer; [Emplier setcentol style: MPMVE control styling]; ... The problem is that the controls appear for a brief second. I do not want to make my app unprofessional, so that they completely disappear which I want to do for it. There is a suggestion for this problem, but I was not doing this work in my tests. I also tried the old way to solve it, but in this case any effect either mplayer.movieControlMode = MPMovieControlModeHidden; // old var If someone can point me out how to solve this, it would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance! Best regards, zhengtonic if If anyone is interested then you are using the MPMoviePlayerViewController to do this not just use MPMoviePlayerController and do not know why it works ... Pip on #iphonedev Thanks a lot for who gave me the tip. Best regards, zhengtonic.

c# - Update DatagridView Cell Background color based on row data -

Hello I have got a datagrid view and I would like to change the color of the background based on the data in each row. East. | Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 | ---- 100 ---- --- --- 200 ----- | ----- 150 ---- | | ---- 300 ---- --- --- 100 ----- | ------ 50 ---- | In the first line, I have a red background color of "100" and "200" green. Lowest value = red highest = green Now the point is that Im is using a binding list for my data, and its update is being updated with InynifyPropertyChanged. So I need to check each time to update one of the values. Is there a such event in Datagram that will be useful? Subdivision DataGride View and Overlays Onself Formatting (), here you can inspect the cell value and change the color to Can properly set up This event, yes you can do this, but better performance and sub-clasing datagrid view in virtual method captures all the behavior of your grid in one place.

java - How to write one action class and action-validation.xml to validate two forms in a two different jsp pages by struts2 -

I am creating a StraSts 2 application that contains the login page and other user details page, I can only create one action class Because of this, I am unable to run the application by adding field validation to both pages in verb-verification.xml. Because the validation.xml validates validity.xml with login page verification validates the remaining field validations (field validation that is related to the user details page). Therefore, please share your knowledge in struts2 to use an action class with verb-validation.xml for two page (form) validation. You can do this with your single action class and with it: Wildcard Mapping Struts.xml, define such a task: & lt; Action Name = "User- *" class = "Dysfunctional" method = "{1}" & gt; & Lt; Name of the result = "input" & gt; / WEB-INF / {1} .jsp & lt; / Results & gt; & Lt; Name of the result = "success" & gt; / WEB-INF / {1} -success.j...

file upload using WPF client -

I have a WPF client application through which I want to upload a file to my web server How to do this? The way to go in your case is the sample code provided in the MSDN article (for both C # And VB.NET).

python - Saving a temporary file -

I am using xlwt in Python to create an Excel spreadsheet. You can exchange it for almost all things that generate any files; It is important that what I want to do with the file. xlwt import * w = workbook () # ... some ('filename.xls') I want to There are two usage cases for the pass file: I stream it in user's browser or I attach it to an email. In both cases the file only requires the length of the web request that it generates. What I am doing, the reason for starting this thread is saving in a real file on the file system its obstacles (stop overwriting, once the file is cleaned), somewhere I "save it" "Where is it only in memory and only for the duration of the request? (or if it should be unstable)

ANT returning properties from an externally called build -

I am currently trying to refactor some of our ANT scripts and what I have to do is they Kind of use in the shared area. The goal on which I want to work now is the configuration. Both our scripts currently have the same code that loads into external properties and sets our classrooms. What I have tried to do, is to move this target into another build script, which is the configuration. XML is called it and it's and antifile = "configuration.xml" & gt; Every script from is happening What's going on though its goal is running but I can not tell how I can return values ​​to the original parent build script. Can I do this anyway? I thought that another way was to create some kind of "base" script, which could have been obtained from the other two. I do not think this is ideal in the long run but this is an option which I thought I could try. Still, I can not get anything online to tell the ant to say this. depending on which version of the...

Moving entities between contexts in .NET Entity Framework 3.5 -

I have found a scenario in which I want to move a group of object graphs between references. In particular, I am trying to import the content of a database into another. There is a reference related to primary DB [currentcontactx], and the second reference [importcontext] is connected to another DB. I want to copy the copy of the institutions from the ImportsContact to the currentcontact, either entering new records or updating existing records. ImportContext.Organization.MergeOption = MergeOption.No tracking; Foreign Currency (Various Organizations in ImportContext. Talkal ()) {CurrentContext.Attach (org); // or CurrentContext.AddToOrganization (org); } When I try the Attach method, the organization is not saved because the units are unchanged, and I do not understand how to mark it in a new form. In addition, it appears that if the entity is new, then attachments do not work because EntityKey is connected to ImportContext. If I have set EntityKey to clear, I lose associations...

Need help in getting HTML of a website in Java -

I've got some code and I'm pretty much the same code to get html from websites in Java. Except for a particular website that I am unable to work with this code: I am trying to get HTML from this website: But I continue the junk characters However it works well like any other website. And this is the code I am using: public static string print HTML () {URL url = null; Try {url = new URL (""); } Catch (MalmarmdoorLeuxception E1) {// Tudo Auto-Generated Catch Block e1.printStackTrace (); } HttpURL Connection Connection = Faucet; Try {connection = (HttpURL connection) url.openConnection (); } Grip (IOException E) {// TODO Auto-Generated Catch Block e.printStackTrace (); } Connection.setRequestProperty ("User-agent", "Mozilla / 5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; N-US; RV .: Geico / 20100625 Firefox / 3.6.6"); Try {system.out.println (connectio...

Infragistics UltraWebGrid - ASP.Net - Grids position fixed and are not scrolling with page -

I have two grids on one page that always seem to be the situation: Fixed I want to That they scroll to the page when an overflow scrollbar will appear on the body. Grids, however, always stay in one place and do not scroll with the rest of the page content. Is there any way to be an ultra webbrand relative and to scroll the rest of the page's content? It works in IE6, but not in IE8. Not all jQuery / CSS hacks have succeeded. Very similar issues (s) and related reference links For me this has been broken, my head to runat = server has been changed and magical overflow and scrolling are working again. This is not a good practice, but a work-around. The reason for this is that ".... If the page has inline expressions, the control collection of the page is made differently. In a page without inline expression, the control archive The first element is a lexical control that contains all the HTML between the top and first server controls of the page. When ...

file io - open O_CREAT | O_EXCL on NFS in Linux? -

लिनक्स 2.6 कर्नेल में और एनएफएस 3 में खुला ("fname", O_CREAT | O_EXCL) मान्य हो गया? वर्तमान वैधानिक open (2) सिस्टम कॉल दस्तावेज़ीकरण () कहता है सब कुछ ठीक है: - O_EXCL - ... NFS पर, O_EXCL केवल तब समर्थित है जब NFSv3 या बाद में कर्नेल 2.6 या बाद में। एनएफएस परिवेश में जहां O_EXCL का समर्थन नहीं दिया गया है, ऐसे कार्यक्रम जो लॉकिंग कार्यों के लिए उस पर भरोसा करते हैं, वे रेस की स्थिति में होंगे। पोर्टेबल प्रोग्राम जो लॉकफाइल का उपयोग करके परमाणु फ़ाइल लॉकिंग करना चाहते हैं, और O_EXCL के लिए NFS समर्थन पर निर्भरता से बचने की आवश्यकता हो सकती है ... यह पढ़ता है जैसे कि सभी 2.6 कर्नेल ठीक हैं, लेकिन मैन पेज (ca देर कर्नेल 2.6.23) 2.6.0 के बाद वैधता चार साल का संकेत देना शुरू हो गया है, और वेब बोर्ड उपयोगकर्ताओं के साथ इस उपयोग की निंदा करने के लिए है पिछले साल या दो मैं RHEL 5 (2.6.18) सिस्टम पर इस सेटअप का उपयोग करना चाहता हूं, लेकिन जब मैं वास्तव में सुरक्षित बन गया तो मैं पिन नहीं कर सका क्या किसी के पास एक निश्चित जवाब है? जाहिर है, एनएफएस लोग दावा कर...

c - grouping strings in a struct -

I have strings that look like: 'Hello1-FOO', ' Allo 2-Foo ',' Bye-1-Br ',' By 3-BR ',' Hello 22-Fu ',' Bye-4-Bar ',' Welcome-Bar '... All are stored on one of these structures. struct str {char * wire; } ... struct str ** t_str; Size_t; J T_str = Molok (size * t_str * 20); For (j = 0; j; l; 20; j ++) t_str [j] = maulok (size of size * t_str [j]); ... t_str [0] - & gt; String = "hello 1-fu"; T_str [1] - & gt; String = "alo 2-fu"; .... What I have to do is display them (sorted) according to the category, so they look like this: FOO : Hello1-FOO Aello2-FOO Hello-22-FOO Bar: BY-4-Bar Welcome-By BY1-BY BY3-BAR Basically give them '-' What would be a good way to do this? Should I store the string on the second structure after processing it? Any idea will be appreciated Thanks Use the following code to make some assumptions You should be able to change it to suit your needs...

Normalizing line endings in Visual Studio 2010 -

We have many developers working on an application and it seems that whenever a particular person works on a file So anyone who works on someone else will receive it: The following file is not compatible at the end of the line. Do you want to normalize the interval of the line? Is there a choice in Visual Studio that we can change that developer, so do we constantly pop up this very annoying message all the time? If you open the file, Visual Studio does not want to check it, you can You can uncheck ("Always show this dialog") in the box or in the Environment-> Document-> Option in the Tools-> Option "Check for continuous line-end at load" In your project Anyone is probably using an editor who uses the Unix-style or Mac-style line end is.

tfs - MSBuild Fails to remove Binaries directory -

I am creating two solutions with MSBuild: & lt; Itemgroup & gt; & Lt; SolutionToBuild Include = "$ (BuildProjectFolderPath) / HostASPX / Solution ASLN" /> & Lt; Include SolutionToBuild = "$ (BuildProjectFolderPath) /../ Installer / SolutionB.sln" /> & Lt; / ItemGroup & gt; It seems that the build error fails with the message: remove the directory "c: \ TeamBuild \ team Solutions \ Solution \ Binaries" hopeless at. The directory is not empty. It seems that by default MSBuild creates this 'binary' directory and build builds when I rebuild the build with the above message fails. If I Try to build 3. It works again Can anyone tell me how to delete / overwrite his folder every time? Are you sure there is no drama? That is, some explorer is not locking like explorer: P You can rule it out by using \\ \ procmon.exe What is doing to Deir) and the Prosex (to find out who is locki...

android - Host is unresolved: -

I occasionally "host is unresolved" "when I'll try Javamail / gmail store.connect below in the Android development environment using GMailReader. Why can it sometimes fail and why not others? public class GMailReader javax.mail .nothenticator {private String user; personal string password; public GMailReader (string user, string password) {this.user = user; This.password = password;} Public int getUnreadMessageCount () Exceptions thrown {try {properties props = new ;); Store Store = session.getStore ("imaps"); Store.connect (;);); Store = store; session; ("", user, password); folder inbox = store.getFolder ("inbox"); (Folder.READ_ONLY); Int unreadMessageCount = inbox.getUnreadMessageCount (); Count the message without return; } Hold (exception e) {Log.e ("getUnreadMessageCount", e.getMessage (), e); Return -1; Maybe I'm opening several examples of GMailReader, and may not...

ruby on rails - Appropriate way to handle settings in Rails3 Plugin? -

I am working on a plug-in for Rails3. I want to allow users to override some settings At the moment I am doing this in my plugin rails: like the engine class: config.my_setting =: default_value until config.respond_to? : My_setting It looks like a wrong way to handle this. Does a better way or conference use the most plugins in Railway 3? I recommend that people rename a new setting for their settings in their salon: Module MyPlugin class Railtie & lt; Rail :: = activivport :: ordained config.my_plugin.dom_default = trueconfig.mail_plugin. Soma_or_default = false initiator "my_plugin.initialize" do | App | App.config.my_plugin #Settings, the user has finally advanced from the end end After that, users can set the configuration of their plugins or default in their application class override . This uses the tracks in our railway raillet. As Paul said, you can make it even easier by creating a generator that dumps th...

java - Moving JSF Managed Beans to Spring beans -

I have just started spring in a JSF web application, and now let me start my JSF Managed Beans in Spring Beans. It is tempting to take these beans in context and specify faces- config.xml in org.springframework.web.jsf.el.SpringBeanFacesELResolver instead of having beans in the config-location XML file (faces- config.xml file). If I grow towards spring beans (to gain the functionality of dependency injection) then I see a lot of benefits so that compared to JSF beans, I do not argue against moving into Spring Beans. I could, but I would like to hear from others what I can do. What is the best practice for this, or this case? Thank you. The only big issue is that you are tight - with JSF coupling with spring and your JSF Ideas / models can not be used again and again without the spring. The only possible option will be upgraded in JSF 2.0 / JavaEe 6 and will be provided dependency injection instead of depending on the 3rd party Direra framework using JavaEE6. On the other h...

java - Proper way to handle async callbacks in Netty with ning client -

Here's my scenario: I have created a custom protocol on HTTP I started NetBI Server, in which the channel There are two custom handlers after: pipelines.addlest ("decoder", new HTTPexecoder (1024, 10240, 32768)); Pipeline.Adlest ("Aggregator", New HTTP Chuck Aggregator (1048576)); Pipeline.Adlest ("Encoder", New HTTP Response Encoder ()); Pipeline.Adlest ("Defaulter", New HTTPS Content Compressor ()); Pipeline.Adlest ("Authenticator", new authentication handler ()); ("handler", new MyProtocolServiceHandler ()); A message of AuthenticationHandler (a SimpleChannelUpstreamHandler) has been received, I check to see if the user has an authentication: Header, and if so, then I call an external authentication service using an asynchronous client (one client), which i pass to callback. When the authentication request comes back, I want to pass the ChannelHandlerContactAct and the o... ajax - Autocompleteextender - HTTP 403.9 - Access Forbidden: Too many users are connected Internet Information Services -

I have two textboxes in one page, which uses each ASP.Net Ajax autocompactuctor control. ASP: ASP: text box id = "TSTL" runat = "server" CssClass = "plaintext" MaxLeang = "50" Ajax: Autocomplete adader = "aceLastName" runat = "server" Targetcontrolid = "TxtLastName" servicepath = "~ / AjaxService / Predictive.svc" servicemethod = "GetLastName" minimumprefixlength = "1" integer = "100" completionsetcount = "8" enabled caching = "incorrect" ASP: Textbox ID = "txtFirstName" runat = "server" CssClass = "plaintext" maxlength = "50" Ajax: Autocomplete ID = "aceFirstName" runat = "server" targetcontrolid = "txtFirstName" servicepath = "~ / AjaxService / Predictive.svc "Servicemethod =" GetFirstName "minimumprefixlength =" 1 "completioninterval =" 100 ...

parallel processing - How HBase partitions table across regionservers? -

Please tell me how is the HBase partition table on regional server. For example, suppose that my line keys are integers 0 to 10 m and I have 10 field rows. Does it mean that the first fielder has all the rows 0 to 10m with the key, second 1m-2m, third 2m-3m, ... tenth 9m-10m? I want my line key to be a timestamp, but most inquiries will be applied to the latest dates, all questions will be processed only one fielder, is this true? Or maybe this data will be spread in a different way? Or maybe I can create an area in some way I have area servers, so (as given in the example) server 1 0 - 0,5 m and 3m - 3,5 m keys, this way mine The data will spread evenly, is it possible? Update I have just found that the option is hbase.hregion.max.filesize , do you think Will my problem be solved? WRT partition, you can read Lars on HBbase architecture or Google's Bigtable paper Hbiz "Clone ". If your line has only one timestamp, yes the field with the biggest ke...