iPhone SDK - CoreAnimation ViewController Transition, Flip From right EDGE -

I'm in the middle of creating an app that requires a lot of nifty infections;

My [current current model Vij controller estimated: ah]; And, instead of being CrossDissolve, Generic Flip, or CoverVertical, I want to work to force CoreAnimation to flip right from the side. Notice how the normal flip uses Central Axis? Okay, I would like to take it from the center to the right edge, which will have more "Your Face" effect than the Zune HD UI similar flip.

  - (id) initWithNibName: (nssting *) Nominee ornell bundle: (NSBindle *) Negotiate Online {if (Self = [Super Init Vastnibnam: Nibnem Ornell Bundle: Negotiated Online]) {self.wantsFullScreenLayout = Yes; // We want to overlap the status bar // When presented, we want to disrupt ourselves using a cross. Modern transition style = UIModalTransitionStyleCrossDissolve; } Healthy return; }  

How am I currently receiving ViewController's transition set? If possible, then I have to set the Core Animation Right Edge Flip here.

If Microsoft can do this, then it should be possible on the iPhone Anyone can help me?

If I remember correctly, then there is an anchorpoint or anchorpoints. I've read some code inside the open source "openflow" project which used to do something similar. Hope it helps.


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