java - how to convert binary string data into String in android -
Can someone give me some clues on how to convert binary string into string (English) I have tried a lot And did the goggle, but no answer could be found.
Here is my code:
InputStream iStream = getApplicationContext (). GetResources () OpenRawResource; InputStreamReader input; String line = ""; // four character [] = null; // string rays = ""; Input = new inputstream reader (iStream); Buffed reader bf = new buffed reader (input); Log.i ("Helloo I'm on Variables", "Variable"); Try {line = bf.readLine (); } Grip (IOException E) {// TODO Auto-Generated Catch Block e.printStackTrace (); } Log.i ("hello hell", line.stustring ());
Thanks in advance.
Have you tried constructor InputStreamReader (InputStream in, Charset charset)
With Charset.forName ("UTF-8")
as Charset
? However, if you try to represent the data that is in addition to the string, it will not give you anything worse or worse except ...
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