xamarin.ios - How to implement "Load New Posts" like Facebook at top of UITableView? -

I like that there is a "load new post" in Facebook at the top of the Uiittal view. Is this just a "view" in the Uiittal view? And how do they load UITableView so that it is hidden, that is, the UITableView is aligned with the first cell top so that you actually have to scroll down to see the "load new post" area?


Yes you can display a custom view at the top of the UitBable view - View its tableHeaderView property.

To initially "hide", you have to scroll the table in the top row in 1 row:

Scroll tableViewToundPix: [NSINXPath indexPathfire: 0 in particular: 0] Parsecrolling: Animated UIPT ScrollsPoptop: No];


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