cocoa - Getting a CGImageRef out of a PDFDocument -

I have a PDF document (made up of PDF pages) and I need a CGI image RF to paste in my IKImage view is.

Currently, I get data rendering from PDFPage, it is inserted in NSIMage, then received TIFF representation of NSIA, it is inserted in CGImeasource, and then CGI image is out of source takes away.

It seems that, going through two NSDTa steps ...

However, when I try to insert PDF data directly into CGIMSGS, even if it does work Does it, when I get CGI image, then always tap what should I be doing to do this specific thing?

There is a method in Snow Leopard - [NSImage CGImageForProposedRect: Reference: Hint:] . Or you can drag the page into CGBitmapContext and CGBitmapContextCreateImage .



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