what do I need to use XSLT 2.0 with Delphi -

Why do I need to use XSLT 2.0 with Delphi (Win32)? Currently I use MSXML6 for all my XML conversions. But there is no support for MSXML 6 XSLT 2.0.

Solution (by) Using the AltovaXML Library After installation you must import AltovXML typlibrary. After that you can use a source like this:

  Process TfrmMainAltovaXmlDemo.btnTransformClick (Sender: TObject); Var xmlApp: AltovaXMLLib_TLB.Application; Xslt2: altoxaxmllbptlbxslt2; Start XmlApp: = AltovaXMLLib_TLB.CoApplication.Create; Xslt2: = xmlApp.XSLT2; Xslt2.InputXMLFromText: = FInputXml; Xslt2.XSLFromText: = FXslSource; FOutputXML: = xslt2.ExecuteAndGetResultAsString; In the end;  

, which is a free COM based component.


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