c# - width of the dropdown arrow -

Then in the winforms, each dropdown combo box has this small arrow object on the right that tells the user that it is a dropdown Just like this:

Now how can I find out the width in pixels? The reason for this is, I am using ControlDrawToBitmap, it does not properly draw text for the combo box, and I can undo the content again, I want to fix some arrows (which are properly prepared ) The first idea that comes to mind: Check to see if the width of the compose button is to increase the width of the scrollbar width.

With Tracks. Use the GetSystemMetrics () API to get the width of different scrollbar pieces, which can be modified scrollbar width in user preferences. If you change the width of your system scrollbar and it does not affect the normal combo box size, then ignore it.

The second idea: to use the reset formatting of the edit controls to see what the editing controls think about the display area (less combo box).

However, it seems that this is the only solution to a hack for your real problem: If you can control the control properly in bitmap, you will not need this hacker.


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