How do I reference a hidden input in a specifc form using jQuery? -
I have many forms on that page that all have an hidden input. The form name / id is GPA-Entry-Form-1, I am trying to get the value of hidden fields like this:
$ ('# deleteThisGPAEntry-1'). Click (function () {var recordId = $ ('GPA-Entry-Form-1 # RCORID'). Val (); Alert ('You clicked me ID:' + recordId); Return return; });
Unfortunately, I am doing something wrong I
What am I doing wrong?
Thank you,
< P> You forgot to sign pounds! (Perhaps the most common mistake of jQuery).
Consistent with your form, use GPA-Entry-Form-1 as an ID:
$ ('# GPA-Entry-Form-1 #recordId '). Val ();
Use this if its name is:
$ ('form [name = GPA-entry-form-1] #recordId'). Val ();
You should use this descriptive selector correctly.
Good luck!
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