Macvim and rails.vim on rails 3 rc - Uninitialized constant Bundler (NameError) -
Configure vim and gvim on Windows, as well as vim and macvim on OS X Intention of learning tracks 3, then install Rail 3 RC on both OS OS so far, very good.
When using Macwim, each script is executed by rails.vim, then gives me an "uninilized constant bundler (name-error)" error. Tried: Rudder, Regenerate, .... However, on staying on OSX, when firing the Vim from the terminal window, rail. The wheel is just fine, as well as runs the execution of the rail script directly from the terminal.
So somewhere, somehow my MacVM configuration seems to mess things up, unless it's not wrong, it only uses settings from .vimrc and .gvimrc files. Now, .gvimrc is actually minimal, so I can add it here:
set guifont = Inconsolata: h17 "font family and font size. Set Antilles" MacVim: smooth fonts set Set encoding = UTF-8 "UTF-8 everywhere. Set guioptions- =" hide toolbar "set background = light" background set line = 40 column = 100 "window dimension.
Set guioptions- = r "Do not show correct scrollbar
How to fix this Would be appreciated.
Your $ PATH
can not be set properly in MacVM, or Perhaps something else is missing from your environment? Try to start a shell with MacVim using
: shell
and manually run Ruby commands to run so that you get the same error. You can change the environment variable between the MacVim and Terminal Vim to : new | You can also try to compare using the Read! Env in each
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