SQL query in OO Base with where and if -

I'm totally blank about SQL, but IO must create SQL queries in the OO Base. The question should be compared when the table is empty in the table. I hope someone will help me

  SELECT "D". "Emmy", "D". "Nazwisco", "D". "Data Talkatoria", "D" "D". "Observer Bernny", "D". "Jadnostka Kieruzka 1", "D". "Dane" AS "D", "Sukuni" AS "S" where "D" "Data" "S" from "Zednostka Kieruzka 2" "Data_ode" and "S" "Data_to" and if "s" "Emmy"! = "" Then "D". "Emi" = "s" "Emmy" "Nazwisco"! = "D" "=" "D". "Nazwiscu" = "S". "Nazwisco" and "S". "Rods Out"! = "" Then "D". = "S" and "S". If "S", "Observer Badny"! = "" Then "D". "Objer Beraney" = "S". "Observer Baineni" and "S". "Jadnostka Kriozaka 1"! = "" THEN "D". "Jednostka Kieruzka 1" = "S". "Zednostka Kieruzka 1" and "S". "Jadnostka Kieruzka 2"! = "" THEN "D". "Jednostka Kiryruzka 2" = "S". "Jednostka kierująca 2" and the end if  

Try: <"data", "D". "Rodoza Ata", "D". "Observer", "D", "D", "D". Badany "," D "." Jadnostka Kierrujka 1 "," D "." "Dane" AS "D", "Sukuni" AS "S", where "D" from "Zednostka Kieruzka 2". " Data Betania "between" S "." Data_aud "and" s "." Data "and (" S "." Emmy "=" "or" D "." Emmy "=" S "." Emmy ") and (" S "." Nazwisco "=" "or" D "." Nazwisco "" = "S", "Nazwisco") and ("s". "Rodzaz ot" = "" or "d". "Rods ot" = "s". "Rodose ot" and ("s". "=" "Or" D "." Observer Bainni "=" S "." Obseran Beneeni ") and (" S "." Jadnostka Kruerjka 1 "=" "or" D "." Jadnostka Kierruzka 1 ") and ( "S". "Jadnostka Kierruzka 2" = "" or "D". "Jadnostka Krejba 2" = "S".


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