c++ - Unknown errors during compile -

Using the Windows Audio Core API, coding in Visual Studio 2008, I need access to the devicetopology.h header file. I have these errors after adding it to my header file:

  object 8 error C2011: _DDPIXELFORMAT: sending "struct" c: \ program files \ Microsoft sdks \ windows \ v6.0a \ Include \ Ddraw.h703 Player Hollywood 9 Error C2079: "_DDSURFACEDESC :: ddpfPixelFormat" Unauthorized Strike "_DDPIXELFORMAT" c: \ Program Files \ Microsoft sdks \ windows \ v6.0a \ include \ ddraw.h 2249 Player Error 10 Error C2079 : "_DDSURFACEDESC2 :: ddpfPixelFormat" missing "unknown" string "_DDPIXELFORMAT" c: \ program files \ Microsoft sdks \ windows \ v6.0a \ include \ ddraw.h 2292 Eyr Error 11 error C2011: tagTIMECODE_SAMPLE: Password "struct" c: \ program files \ microsoft sdks \ windows \ v6.0a \ include \ strmif.h 12907 Player Error 13 error C2143: Sincorkss: ""; "Development" C: \ development \ SDK \ DirectX \ 9.0 \ samples \ c ++ \ directshow \ baseclasses \ reftime.h 40 player error 14 error C2059: Indicator: Configure C: \ development \ sdk \ directx \ 9.0 \ samples \ C ++ \ directshow \ baseclasses \ reftime.h40 player  

What could be the problem?

Error C2011 indicates a type redefinition

This indicates that your # included orders are wrong Find a similar problem.


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