Batch command to create empty txt files with the file names in a folder -

I have a folder of files, for example: 001zzzqqq. * 002bbbcc * 003nnnff. * ...

and want to create an empty text file named after each of those files, for example: 001zzzqqq.txt 002bbbccc.txt 003nnnfff.txt ...

Any quick way to knock it into the batch file? It seems that my mind has become empty on this.


Files in folder:

  For% (*) in% x ...  

Create empty files:

  type NUL & gt; % ~ Nx.txt  

% ~ nx evaluates the filename without the extension of the loop variable % x . Then, combined:

 For  type (*) in the name of NUL & gt; You can also use  copy NUL% ~ nx.txt % ~ Nx.txt  

but it will copy 1 file And if the text file already exists, delete the errors; This is a more silent version (or use copy / y NUL% ~ nx.txt & gt; NUL 2 & gt; & amp; 1 .)

A batch file You need to double in % but you will not need a batch file for this one-liner (except that it is part of a larger program):

 Type (*) for  x% NUL & gt; %% ~ nx.txt  


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