facebook app redirects forever on authentication -

I have the following code in the appinclude.php file and for some reasons the app is always redirected and Firefox me Gives an error

I'm not sure that I'm missing something, but I have tried to change the redirect_uri on my server to a directory on my server, where the app is hosted but I have to I get an error on https://apps.facebook.com/gamesorbiter/ Also tried, but it did not work: (

I am completely lost, any help is appreciated.

 $ facebook = new Facebook ($ APPKEY, $ APPCAIC); $ user = $ Facebook- & gt; expected_name (); $ facebook- & gt; redirect ('https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/ authorize? client_id=132611566776827 & redirect_uri = Http://apps.facebook.com/gamesorbiter/&scope=publish_stream ');  

First of all, I provided you with Facebook on your PHP SDK page Given the sample code I see Github on age

After that, if you have problems authenticating your app, then look at this article - it gives a brief section of the authentication process and provides a solution to one of the common problems , Code samples to developers:


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