Querying Oracle DB from Revolution R using RODBC -
Revolution R 64 on
connected to winxp64 bit oracle using a 64 bit ODBC driver via a DSN
Bit RODBC error library (RODBC) database & lt; - (c_RODBCFetchRows, attr (channel, or 'c'), in the call ("oraclemiso", uid = "epicedf", public construction department = "...") ("count select (*)" db from FTRAuction) Negative length vectors are not allowed
But when I connect to the stuff, I'm also doing a problem to get an error, "handle_ptr"), Max, buffsize, Works
Library (RODBC) channel & lt; - odbcConnect ("OraLSH", & lt; user & gt;, & lt; password & gt;)) odbcQuery , "Choose sysdate from double") sqlGetResults (channel , As.is = FALSE, errors = FALSE, max = 1, buffsize = 1, nullstring = NA, na.strings = "NA", trustNRows = true, December = getOption ("Dec") SYSDATE 1 2010- 01- 24 15:10:02
But if I do not know the rows (max = 1) before hand
thanks, Arun
trust = = FALSE key appears when opening the connection best to use it:
db & Lt; - odbcConnect (DSN = "testdsn", uid = "testuser", Public Works Department = "testpasswd", believeNRows = false)
When unixODBC is tested with isql, then This is the SQLRowCount 4294967295 (even if only one line) on 64 bit linux, while it reports 1 on 32 bit Linux. This is probably an optimization because it enables fast answers, it saves the burden of recovering the complete response data to the database immediately. Just like there will be lots of records while there will be only a few hits ever to be brought.
4294967295 (2 ^ 32) -1 which is the maximum value for an unsigned integer, but as -1 will be tretated with a signed int thus r negative length on a vector Complains with So I think this is an issue about signed Vs signed integer (or between sizes 32 and 64 bit).
believeNRows installation = FALSE If the problem for me is resolved, then I can use the same R code on both systems
Btw:. I am using R 2.10.1, UnixODBC 2.3.0 with RODBC 1.3.2, Linux 64 bit Oracle Be sure to use
Export CFLAGS = "- DBUILD_REAL_64_BIT_MODE -DSIZEOF_LONG = 8 -fshort-wchar"
When doing the Oracle ODBC driver as unixODBC Required REAL_64_BIT_MODE, not LEGACY_64_BIT_MODE
and aware of internationalization issues: R $ uses LANG, while Oracle uses $ NLS_LANG
I have a UTF8 Experiencing problems so I use like.
lang = en_US; NLS_LANG = American_America
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