java - How does glassfish use ManagedObjectManagers? -

Does anyone know how to use the Glasfis Manejeted object manager?

  formula exception "thread -14" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org to / glassfish / gmbal / ManagedObjectManager I get the following exception. & Lt; Init & gt; At ( & Lt; Init & gt; At ( & Lt; Init & gt; On ( on ( ( javax.xml on ( on ( 344). ws.Service.getPort on project.CollectionManagementService.getCollectionManagementPort ( (  

When I call the following method:

 < Code> @ Vebandpoint (name = "collection management port") pUBLIC Krenbhojnwyvsthapanport (Sngrhwyvsthapan) {return Suprkgetport (new QN ( "http: // project /", "collection management port"), collection management. square); }  

And I am trying to understand what is happening. I am not actively using the Managed Object Manager in the code written, so I am thinking about how they are used in an attempt to resolve the no-elf defound error. Thanks!

"itemprop =" lesson ">

This is not a gmbal.jar in the glassfish module found. Nokladifund error is removed by adding it to the project's construction path.


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