Multi-node concurrency in Java -
I wrote a multi-threaded Java program to solve an embarrassing parallel problem, such as all these free CPU cycles I want to reuse my solution on multi-core CPU so that it can run on multiple nodes, while still I have left the code already written.
I have used the MPI with C in the past days and it has been said that this is the "correct" way of addressing the issue of maximizing the CPU cycles, but I would like to know about other concurrent frameworks in Java I know as RMI and wonder if they are good.
Is there any good way to handle multi-node and multi-core concurrency in Java, where the main goal is to take advantage of the maximum CPU cycle from the cluster?
Edit : I have no easy way of handling this thing. I'm not surprised, but I was hoping. :)
JMS is a good place to start.
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