python - How can I combine the awesomness of SQLAlchemy and EAV DB schemas? -

I have recently been doing something with Pylons and there is enough for SQLAlchemy models for database interaction. My website is a part, although I think it can benefit from the EAV Schema.

Use this as my table example:

  id | User ID Type | Value --- + -------- + -------- | ------------ 1 | 1 | Phone | 111 111 111 --- + -------- + -------- | ------------ 2 | 1 | Age 40  

To remove and update data, I can run the same questions as the following:

  Selection selection of table where userid = 1 more Type = 'phone' update table SET value = 41 where user id = 1 and type = 'age'  

It is easy and works ... but manually preparing queries I do not have a favorite attitude to use SQLAlchemy to make my table model and make it all leg Should the.

If I was using a standard schema, where each type had its own column, I could do the following people:

  Class people (base): __tablename__ = 'people' id = column (integer, primary_key = true) userid = column (integer, foreign key ('')) Phone = column (Unicode (40)) age = column (Integer)  

Then I could drag data using:

  data = session query (people) .filter_b (id = 1) .first () Print Data.ege  

I want to be able to do this for my EAV schema. So basically, I have a need to expand to SQLite and tell me that when I call data.age , then in fact it means, I want to call it from the SELECT value table. WHERE id = 1 and type = 'age' .

Is this possible? Or will I have to compel my code to mess with my manually released questions?

For an example, see. I think it's more or less that is after you. Examples offer a special type of interface rather than attributes as your example (probably better for arbitrarily metadata keys, rather than some specific attributes).

If you map each attribute separately: luggage documents that may be of interest:

  • : You get an arbitrary SQL expression (read-only) How to create a feature for
  • , using esp descriptors and custom comparisons: It provokes your properties to use normal dragon properties, and whatever you get / set + Alternatively determines that other values There is a need to work with (for questions).
  • : Basically provides a simple view on a relationship. For example, in your case, you are using a custom job presence (not only using the user but also "age" typing) Using _age ) and using the uselist = False (because every user only wants to use the value of your key value (or whatever you want to call it) Is an age, you want a single value, not a list). You can then use age = association_proxy ('_ age', 'value') to show only "value" instead of the entire keyview object.

I think I want to go with vertical specialty mapping example or associationproxy /


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